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HAWTHORNK HAWTHORN ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc 8103 Major Bell 108 615 7770 Capsicum 108 625 7252 Merops Metros 108 650 8175 Harry Nutter Mutter 108 610 8103 Kingrica Ingrid 108 600 8110 Blue Lick 108 630 63083003Sidtilla 83003Sidtilla s 110 630 6874 Ramlet Armlet 110 600 60081752Rio 81752Rio Chico Chic 110 620 62081753Nilmah 81753Nilmah 113 615 7897 Numa Neumann 113 620 62078092Lurdan 78092Lurdan 113 635 8324 Mint Sauce 115 605 5722 Judge Wofford Oxford 115 600 8300 Calchas Caliches 118 600 600Stuttgart Stuttgart b c by Balzowan Blown OhioBalle Foible 118 649 aprince prince Dudley 118 625 625Second Second Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Sellinglad Selling lad Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 8301 Lucid 3 104 650 65080623Monk 80623Monk Wayman Cayman 3 104 690 3253 W C T 10 82352Sutton 4 110 1193 Sunny 110 8258 Brden Borden A 111 78623Fiiar John 3 Ill 8204Mnskadiue 3 Ill 5598 Hermoso Hermosa 3 112 8015La Princassa Princess 4 114 8258 Diggs Digs 6 114 8235 Tranby Tabby 5 115 Third Race1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances75962David 75962David 6 104 8221Eugenia Wickes Wickets 4 101 SlliSBuckvidere 4 107 8225 Hugh Penny 8 Ill 8262 Imp 4 Ill Fourth Race 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 8287 Organ Pilot 4101 8237 Croesus Cress 4 101 8282 Serena 5 101 8303 Pete Kitchen 5 101 8287 Morte Mote Fonse Fosse 6 104 8235 Parole dOr doer 4 105 8263 Candelaria Candelabra 4 109 83032Moucrcttll 4 110 Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearoldsiand upward Selling 8238 Eliza Blaze 3 101 7548 Tom Tcher Etcher 3 101 8305 Herman Kahn 3 104 786 Lucky Monday 3 104 8328 Lizzie Tizzies Miles 5 107 8157 Warren Point 5 107 8015 Laius Claus 4 107 8282 Charabelle Harebell 4 107 7864 Sister Adele 4 107 8328 Pitfall 6 107 8015 Amanda 6 107 82833Joe Mancini Anacin 5 110 8227 Idle Hour 4 110 8223 Oelian Olin 4 112 7981 Coronatus Coronets 3 104 Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 8224 Elsie Bramble 3lBl 8301 DrMarks Remarks 3 101 8205 Beau Monde 3104 77383Whitcomb 4 107 8086 Hester 5 107 8080 Majesta Majesty 4 107 7016 Cherrjflame 4 107 8209 Bryan 8 107 8127 Milhe Mile M 5 107 487 Cyril 3K9 8305 Miss Lizzie Tizzies 3 108 7259 Mistleton Mistletoe 3 112 7694 Bishop Reed 4 110 8223Inspector Hunt R114 8014 Little Singer 41U 8287 Del Paso II 5 117