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SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Main Course 3ycarolds and upward Maidens Special Weights 57U17 1 1 147 ISIROSE hr f 4 103 103SSW5 By Isidor Rock Rose Hurricana Stable SSW5 Belmont 34 l12fast S M 1 1 1SG13 2 3 McCahey Sprite Hester Prynne Bingliti SG13 Belinont 31 112 fast 12 107 S S 7 7FIFTY 7 10 10 II Badtkc 12 Iron Mask Besom Spring Joani JoaniBy FIFTY FIVE br c 3 108 108SS3 By Electioneer Mainsail W Lakeland SS3 PiiiRock 1 11 208 fast 3 117 I 2 1 1SS12 1 in 2S T Glass I Star Gaze Virile Astute SS12 Eclinont 1 l40fast 3 10S 7 7 S S7KJ2 AstuteS S S1 G5i Schufgcr 12 BallyClilTBniinBclleriidWals r 7KJ2 HdcGrace 34 114 fast 2J 10S S 4 47KS4 444 2 = Butwcll 8 H Pryune Beiray Miss Brush 7KS4 HdeGracc 5J f l07slow 20 103 3 2 2 21 3J Bobbins 11 Discovery Peteltts B Dayligbt 7792 HdeGrace 5J f l07good fiO 101 8 7 7BUNCH 7 S SniR Hoffman S Frederick L H Prynne F Fairy BUNCH OF KEYS h c 3 103 103SS12 By FairyBy Cunard Princess Titania J W Messervv SS12 Belmont 1 l40fast 10 10S 233 233So22 345 41 Wolfe 12 BCliff BruinBellc JndgeWalser So22 Belmont 34 l13fast 10 107 10 10 0 a 9l 910JNeander 11 Klla Bryson Lysder Iertbsbiro 5701 Laurel 5S 1014 fast 4 IDS 1 5 555S2 3 41 3i J Glass 13 Ihew Sand Hog Kockrest 55S2 Laurel 51 f 107M fast 15 114 3 D G 4l 5 i Diggins 11 Ten Point Ambroses Afterglow 5157 Laurel 5i f 108 fast CO 105 G C C rJ 6 Diggins 7 Hobnob Federal Palanquin 5055 HdeGrace 34 114 fast S6 107 1 5 54S19 6 7l 5i Diggins 12 Crisco Virile Ambrose 4S19 HdcGrace CJ f 107 fast 135 110 1 2 245SS 22 21 Diggins 8 Obsession Plaiiiinarion Amlirose 45SS HdeGrace 58 1012 fast 3 107 5 5 5BRUIN 21 22 Diggins 14 Progressive Crisco The Turkess BRUIN BELLE ch f 3 103 103WM StableU By Ort Wells Raffia Conowago Stable WM Belmont 7S 125 fast 20 in 0 7 8 8SSI2 U H VfS yc5air V V ° the Walk S HI S Json SSI2 Belmont 1 l10fast 15 10 542 542SG13 2 2i 2 McNair 12 B Cliir JWalser B ot Kiva SG13 Belmont 34 112 fast 15 05 G 9 U 9 9l U115 McNair 12 Iron Mask Besom Spring BoarLtA 8322 Piinlico ImlOy 145 pood 66 304 734 734Sill 4 6 = Gi W McNair 7 Don Maedonald HI Oro PonGunM Sill Pimlico 34 l14tast 67 105 2 2 2 23 2s T Davies 14 Malinbah LAiglon Kebound 6320 Pimlico 34 1152 fast S 112 S 7 7REBOUND 4 5l 9 T Davies I Goldy Syossct Kewessa KewessaBy REBOUND ch f 3 103 103SHS7 By Ogrden Caoutchouc Broadhollow Stable SHS7 Belmont 1 l42fast 7 98 Fell FellSS12 Karriek StableKarriek TudgeAValsef ICainei V Bellu SS12 Belmoiit 1 l40fast 20 107 1 1 4 4S64S 5 Oh S Karrick 12 BCliff BruinBelle JndgeWalser S64S Belmont 1 l3Dfast 12 fi 5 fi 7 S1 711 Karrick Altamaha UaptSwaiison WLad 8293 Pimlico 31 l16hvy S 103 2 3 3Sill 4 4J Si Snider 11 Petclus Always First Battery Sill Pimlico 34 l14i fast 21 107 3 4 5 52 4 J Fracli 14 Malinbah Bruin Belle IAicloii 2310 Pimlico 4J f 542 fast 30 109 7 C 5 4i 4 1 C Turner 7 Tarts Sand Vale Hot Water 2034 Pimlico 41 f 541 fast 20 107 7 7M6 5 fi1 fi5i Bntwell 12 Lace Spring Maid Genesfi M6 Jamestown 12 49J slop 95 109 7 713S9 4 4 4i Estep 7 CaptEHiott M Scribe FredLcvy 13S9 Jamestown 4J I D5J fast 7 110 4 4JACK 3 2 21 Butwell 9 Hthelbnrg II FLuvy Grosvenor JACK WALL h h 5 108 By Chuctanunda Oriska R F Carman S937 Belmont BelmontSS12 4 G tiiUhtmire 9 JudgoWalser JCatVrey WItelle SS12 Bcimont 1 l40fast 13 112101011 11 12 12l9ililitinire 12 BCliff BruinBellc JuilgeWalser 99023 Iatonia 34 1144 fast 32 106 7 77 I G7 11 Hoffman 9 IrishKid GoldenEgg Kntilvl 9S003 Louisville 31 lllg fast 111 106 7 6 6 41 2 U HofTmanll W Widow UnionJack ThBelle 91233 Saratoga 34 1152 hvy 16 114 8 66 G S33Butwell 12 Textile Zeus Hectagon DIXON br h 5 5S937 By Sir Ducon Dingle Mrs G E Perria S937 Belmont BelmontSS12 1 l42fast 30 Hti 8 7 G G 4 4U 5 T Davies ludsiWalser TCalTrev WBelie SS12 Belmont 1 l40fast 20 112 9 11 10 u 10 10 103 10 1 Hanover 12 BCliir BniinBelio Judgewliiser 2329 Pimlico 1 143 slow 30 115 R 5 G 5 4S GJ Bruce 7 llarI iss FYankee Dissenter 2292 Pimlico Pimlico21S1 1 1432 slow 30 111 5 5 f21S1 f Dissenterfi 10 91 llJBruce 11 L Wells Corinth IrencGunimcU 21S1 Pimlico 1 l44M hvy C 110 S 6 C fi G fi Alex 9 Ktof Uncas AVIIoni Hlmatlnii 2122 Pimlicn 1 143H fast 30 11G 5 8 6 6ROCK 5 4 3 Alex 9 GCastle Castlcwood CBeachey ROCK FISH br g 3 105 By CBeacheyBy Ellisdale Anccdoto Oak Ridgrc Stable SS12 Belmont 1 l40fast 15 105 11 S G GS35P 7 7 71 U Hoirmaiil2 BCliff BruinBelle JudgcWaiser S35P Pimlico ImlOy l4Gfast 26 Ul 12 7 11 1 11 St JSnydcr Mollie S Star Gin Mileage S24G Pimlico 1 l42ffast 3310 S3 2 5 fi fiS102 S a1 783 D HofCmanl2 FGniotber GTreasure MIIcae S102 Pimlico Im40y l45fast fld 101 073 3 1 li I K lloffmanll Tjictics Mollie S Arran S07G Pimlieo 1 l42 fcfast fi 300 3 3 S S7S50 4 42 3C Skirvin 12 Kd Graney StelclifT Dorothy T 7S50 IIdeGrace 34115 fast 10 10S 12 11 1 11 10J S Wolfe 12 Agnier Star Gift Baytliorn G1SG Latonia 1 l47 lwy G6 302 S 7 G fi 5J Gi Nathan S Ilorron Sam Hirseli Pericles 6281 Latonia 1 l41fast fld 103 776 6 3 H 41 Molcswh 11 Silk Day Carpathia Toy ToyBy MOHAWK GIRL br f 3 103 103GK7 By Mohawk II Ravcna Parkvalo Stable GK7 Jamestown 51 f 1OS fast W 111 2 2G375 799 U17 1 McCtliylO Clothes Brush Cogs Batfcrv G375 Pimlico 5S 1012 fast S 103 5 4 5 7J 7J K Martin 12 Panklmrst Wda Piter OBnisli 6214 Laurel 5i f lOSi good 12 112 1 160SS r 2 3l 1s D McCTthy 9 PAiitnette MAnnK LaSrclla 60SS Laurel 5i f 1104 slow 7 109 2 2MONMOUTH 3 fi Gi 67 I McCthy 12 F Fairy PAntoinettc AmbroSb AmbroSbBy MONMOUTH br K 3 105 105S914 By Hcno Mamena T Monahan S914 Belmont 34 113 fast 50 KIS 7 10 K 10 10 10 = USweeney 10 Sleuth Scallywag Montresor 6111 Pimlico 34 1141 slop 100 97 S 888 S18 Ford S Buskin Tarts Abdou First start for the following SYLVAN ch f 3 By Disguise Sylvabolle H P Whitney ELEGANZA b f 3 By Gold Heels Jane Oaker