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FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles Champlain Handicap 3yearolds and upward OUrSl 151 3 120 COCK 0 THE WALK ch c 3 114 By Peep oDay Ellangowan F Johnson Johnson1U 10129 Saratoga 1 14 206 fast 75 107 5 2 2 1U l J Glass G Lahore Rol Stone CHolloway 9530 Bclmont 1 116 l41fast 5 114 1 6 4 2i Butwell 7 Meridian Lahore Nightstick NightstickI2 9162 Bclmont 1 116 145 fast 65 111 222 I2 1 Butwell 4 G M Miller Mission G Fisher FisherG 9295 Belmont 1 14 200 fast 8 111 5 6 G G G13 Lounsby G W Broom II Lahore Meridian Meridian6i 9119 Bclmont 78 l25good 910 115 476 476Sim 6i 64J Lounsby 8 Meridian LOMLifc FlyFalry Sim Belmont 78 125 fast 2 110 4 2 2 SpBoardder 1J FlyFalry1J I4 Butwell 9 Sandhill SamJackson SpBoard 8651 Belmont 1 l39fast 3 118 3 Threw rider der J Glass 4 RockView PEugene YNotlons YNotlonsli 8176 Plmlico 34 l13fast 286 104 4 31 l li i 2 2h Ford Ford5Jfl07gfast 8 Horron Prlscillian Lahore 5703 Laurel 5Jfl07gfast 2i 113 4 52 2 2l 1 Byrne 8 Scallywag Frederick L BPath 4S59 HdeGrace 61 51 f 106 fast 3 115 4 4 4LAHORE 3 3 2J Schutge 6 Frederick L Palanquin ELlght ELlghtBy LAHORE ch g 5 116 By Delhi N Nora Creina J 0 Talbott Talbott2i 10227 Saratoga 1 l39 fast G 112 S 9 9 2i lii Rorel 10 LOMJlfo GFislier Sbottlc 10129 Saratoga 1 14 206 fast 85 110 1 4 3 399S3 3 CHolay2i 21 Butwell G CotheWalk RStone CHolay 99S3 Belmont 1 18 l52fast 2J 118 2 2 2 2i 2i Butwell 4 DMacdld GMMlller G Fisher Fisher2l 9833 Belmont 1 18 l5U fast 1310 115 133 2l 1 Butwell t Donald Macdonald Meridian MeridianG 9530 Belmont 1 116 l44fast 21 114 4 G 5 G 34 J Wilson 7 Meridian CotheWalk Nightsk 9293 Belmont 1 14 200 fast 10 112 3 5 3 21 2i Butwell 0 W Broom II Meridian Nstick Nstick5s 9151 Belmont 1 14 203fast 6 113 5 7 7 5s 5i Musgrve 7 WBomlL GMMiller SJson 9018 Bclmont 1 116 145 fast 31 115 9 7 8 8817G 5 445 Troxler 9 Sandhill G Fisher CoIHolloway 817G Pimlico 34 l13fast 18 118 7 8 6iJ CoIHolloway6iJ 43J J Wilson 8 Horron C o the Walk Prlsclln Prlsclln2J 647 Jamesfn 1 116 148 J hvy 116 119 2 6 6 2J 24 Ambrose 8 HMajcsty Sebago White Wool WoolG2 6593 Jamestown 1 l39g fast 165 121 4 8 9 9G5SO G2 422 Butwell 9 Grover Hughes Tartar Sebago Sebagoli G5SO Jamestown 1 1392 fast 41 119 375 li li Butwell 7 Carlton G GuyFisher Amalfl 6442 Plmlico 78 1271 slop 96 118 6 5 5 5PRINCE 4 42J Butwell 9 Fly Yankee Acton Spg Board BoardBy PRINCE EUGENE b C 3 110 By Hamburg Eugenia Burch J Livingston 1004 Saratoga 1 14 206fast 8 120 4 4 4 4 4s 23 Notter 5 R View Barnegat Hawthorn 97G7 Bclmont 1 l3Sfast 12 113 4 4 3 3 31 3J Troxler 4 Roybourn Sickle Jawbone 9639 Belmont 1 1 116 l46fast 2i 112 5 5 5 4 21 2J Troxler G F Fairy G M Miller Reybourn 9530 Belmont 1 116 l44fast 21 112 7 7 6 6 4l 5 5 Troxler 7 Meridian CotheWalk Lahore 9320 Belmont 1 116 146 fast 14 116 3 2 2 2 In 21 Troxler 3 Mission Starbottle 8935 Bqlmont 1 18 218 fast 3 109 3 3 4 3 3SS10 21 11 Troxler 4 RockView FlyFairy Barnegat SS10 Belmont 1 11 207fast 920 101 2 2 1 2 2 2i Wolfe 2 Rock View 8651 Belmont 1 l39fast 5 118 4 3 3 3 3 2ll Troxler 4 RView YNotions CotheWalk ANY PORT b h 5 92 By Star Shoot Amy Davenport E E McCargo 10283 Saratoga 1 l3Sfast 15 93 9 S 6 9 61 718JMcCahey 9 Benanet Cliff Edge Airey 9404 Latonia 1 L AireyL 31G l56fast 8710 100 7 7 7 G 3l 21 J McCabe 7 MlltonB FloraFina CousinPtiss CousinPtissm70y 9232 Latonia m70y 143 fast 15 100 3 5 5 5 5 59i W W Tlor r S R Meyer Morristown Cream 9143 Latonia 1 18 151 fast 8 102 4 4 4 4 4 3T J McCabe 4 S R Meyer Gowell Impression 8937 Latonia 1 1 116 l41 l41fast fast 10 103 8 8 8 8 8 G9 Estep 8 Flora Fina Benanet SRMeyer 8874 Latonia 1 1S l50fast 3310 101 4 4444 4 4 4 4 3 J J McCabe 4 HighPrivate ImpresnFndatipn 8796 Douglas 1 11G 145 fast 12 100 5 5 5 4 3 i 3li J McCabe 6 GreatBritain Foundation Cream 8638 Douglas 1 1S l51fast 3 102 5 5 5 4 4 3J J McCabe 5 Melton Street Hamilton CPuss 8462 Douglas 1 14 205fast 21 100 11 10 9 7 4l 321 J McCabe 11 Rudolfo Ten Point Gowell 8367 Churchill 1 18 l51fast 16 100 8 8 7 6 51 5 J J McCabe 8 Rudolfo Yankee Notions Gowell 8302 Church 1 1 116 IMSVfchvy 7710 102 4 4 4 4 31 3 Kederis 4 Buckhorn Flora Fina Froglegs 8230 Churchl 1 116 l46fast 12 103 4 G 5 5 5 B7J Kederis 5 P Callaway Strenuous M Mack 8034 Lexgton 1 14 205fast 3710 108 566 5665 5 4 i 4 1 C Peak 6 Flora Fina Mgr Mack Gowell SAM JACKSON r b g 5 109 By Garry Herrmann Ravello II V M McGinnis 9151 Belmont 1 14 203fast 7 108 G 5 5 G 41 3J J Hanover 7 WBomll GMMiller GFher 90S 9084 Belmont 1 l39fast 2 111 5 2 4 3 I1 I1 J Hanover G G Fisher DrDuenner Starhottle 8933 Belmont 78 78125 123 fast G 103 7 5 4 6 42 35i J Hanover 9 C o the Walk Sandhill SBoard 8706 Belmont 1 l3Sfast 10 103 645 4 4 23 J Hanover G BofHope LOMLlfe YNotlons 8C19 Bclmont 34 112 fast 10 104 12 12 12 Pulled upSchutger 12 Iron Mask Besom Spring Board G300 Laurel 1 116 1451 fast 10 107 1 3 4 2 1 I1 J Glass G Mission Shackleton S Jasmine 6247 Laurel 1 139J good 15 108 434 3 32 32 Byrne 5 Shackleton Penobscot Sticker 5890 Laurel 1 l39i fast 15 111 222 2 I1 I1 W Knapp 8 A Tenks HoCTman Gold Castle GUY FISHER b h 7 107 By Sain Appollonia E F Cooney 102S4 Saratoga 1 139 fast 93 113 544 4 4 23 2J Butwell 5 Impression StarGaze Reybonrn 10227 Sa Saratoga atoga 1 l334ifast 8 106 7 8 S 863 33i Butwell 10 Lahore LOMLife Starbottle 9983 Be mont 1 1S l52fast 5 106 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 Wolfe 4 DMacdond Lahore GMMiller 9330 Be mont 1 116 l44fast 10 109 5 4 7 77 7 6s Musgrve 7 Meridian CothcWnlk Lahore 9462 Be mont 1 116 145 fast 135 113 4 4 4 444 412JMusgrve 4 CotheWalk GMMiller Mission 9363 Be mont 1 l38fast 95 118 3 G 5 4 54 2 Butwell G Hedge Reybourn Jawbone 9151 Be mont 1 14 203fast 12 108 122 2 2 3l 432 Butwell 7 WBomlL GMMiller SJson HAWTHORN b s 3 110 Busohemeyer2l By Hasting White Thorn C F Busohemeyer 1004 Saratoga 1 14 206fast 3J 115 3 1 1 2l BarnegatI1 44i Borel 5 R View P Eugene Barnegat 10183 Saratoga 34 l13sfast 710 123 2 2 I1 1J Loftus 5 Genesta Star Gaze Hobnob 9264 Hamilton 34 112 fast 710 112 3 3 3s Hobnob3s 3J Gross 4 Horron Calgary Sherwood 9216 Hamilton 34 l12fast 3 941 4 1 17SSS lji Sherwoodlji I3 Montour S Leochares Calgary Plate Glass 7SSS Lexington 1 l44hvy 14 112 3 1 1 1G477 Is GlassIs I2 Loftus 4 Weyanokc Strenuous U Steppa G477 Latonia 34 114J slow 710 115 1 1 11 1 C Peak 8 C Hill C on Delivery N Cash 6291 Latonia 34112 fast 920127 2 1 1TSS2 12 I2 Loftus 5 Fndation TWMoon Rosturm TSS2 Churchill 58 592 fast 1720 101 6 6 41 2J C Turner G GHughes TbreeLInkS Kootehiy 5696 Churchill 51 f 1062 fast 720 124 1 1 1 1 11 ToftllS 5 r Snlai Solar Star foi Flying flTlnrr T Tom Nobby M Kl 5508 Douglas Pk 34 112J fast 46 125 3 1 11 1 Loftus 0 T W Moon Rostnrtiura S Star 5151 DouglasPk 51 f 1071 good 710 117 1 1 1 1 Loftus 6 FPark S of Danube Rosturtlum NIGHTSTICK ch g 3 99 99lo lo 9 Saratoga 1 l37fast 5 105 333 33393SS 93SS Belmont 34 l13good 4 105 2 6 G 9530 Belmont 1 11G l44fast 2 97 6 3 3 9319 Belmont 1 l10fast 16 100 2 2 1 I4 1 Wolfe U Bally Cliff 9295 Belmont 1 11 200 fast 25 95 4 1 1 31 48J Ambrose G W Broom II Lahore Meridian COLONELvHOLLOWAY br c 4 93 StableST By Ethelbert Sweet Hawthorne Beverwyck Stable 10452 Saratoga 1 1S l52fast 15 93 1 S 7 ST 34 W Ward 9 Buskin Siar Gaze Jawbone 10403 Saratoga 1 l3Sfast 10 93 5 S 8 Barnegat5s 7 l 7iK Martin 8 LOMLife PCally Barnegat 10283 Saratoga 1 l38fast 15 99 7 9 9 5s 510JKarrick 9 Benanet Cliff Edge Airey 10129 Saratoga 1 14 206 fast 10 92 2 3 4 491S7 42 413 McCahey G CotheWalk Lahore RolStone 91S7 Belmont 1 38 220 fast 6 97 2 2 2 23 21 Ford 4 Sandhill Mission Amain 9151 Belmont 1 14 203fast 12 93 234 G4 AmainG4 SJsonSntt fi9 McCahey 7 WBomlL GMMiller SJson 9018 Belmont 1 116 145 fast 8 95 G G 3 Sntt 3 i Ford 9 Sandhill Guy Fisher Lahore S19G Pimliuo 1 116 l17fast 21 102 9 9 7 7JWi G1 LahoreG1 710 Robbins 10 Sandhill Flabbergast DDuenner JWi Pimlico 78 l27fast 278 102 102101212 10 12 12 11 ll3 3 ll RobbIns 12 L O M Life Kleburne Lochiel 6179 Latonia 2 14 358 slow 125 108 3 322 2 2 3 2 22 2 C Turner G Rudolfo Cousin Puss S Charter 6390 Latonia 1 12 232 fast 1310 106 312 2 22 Goose G Rudolfo HPrivate CdeMenthe 6324 Latonia 1 316 204i hvy 32 103 2 3 3 3G20G 1 1 C Turner 5 Helcne Mud Sill Mockler G20G Latonia 1 1S l52g good 195 100 4 B 5 56K7 41 41 Vandsen 5 HlchPrivate Joe Morris Colston 6K7 I itonia Im70y l43g fast 26 102 3 5 4 43 31 Buxton 6 Bell Horse Joe Morris Colston