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CHICLE A STAKE WINNER LEADS FROM START TO FINISH IN THE CHAMPAGNE STAKES IN FAST TIME. Wooden Shoes Triumphs Over Amain — Sun God I Scores for the Cassatt Stable and Tinkle Bell for Mr. Butler. New York. S«-|iIi-nihi-r s. — The Thompson-ow ncd youngsters continued their winning streak today, when Chicle took the Champagne Stakes for two ear-olds over Air Man and Whimsy. Chicle was coupled in the betting with Slipshod, lmt the tatter retired after showing. ■ Hash of speed. Midway of the stretch Air Man and Kilmer inelulgefl in a bumping match, which was unavoidable as the colts swerved down the straightaway coarse. Chicle at the time was out in front, lmt Air Man set sail lor him in the final eighth of a mile and. finishing with great sameness, easily outstayed whimsy for second place. Friar Bock was well up for the first three-quarters, but tired badly in the anal drive, his 1 1 :i impost no dotllit baring its effect. The event was worth ,065 to the winnei. The Arverne. a setting handicap, bnoaght out a -oil band of platers and the two sturdy campaigners, Wooden Shoes and Amalti. were the ones to light it out. Wooden Shoes made the- pace, with Amalti far hack, lmt when straightened out for home the latter closed up with his usual rush and was slow h wearing the winner down at the end. Spearhead, well-backed, waa unplaced, hut shewed much sliced in the early running. Sun Cod. from the Cassatt stable, scored over a a fair band of tw u-ye-ar-olds in the second race, when hC led home Sal Vanity and High Horse. Success, the receding choice, was never prominent. I Inkle Bell defeated a big band of platers in the opener. Gloaming would have been a more serious contender, bwt for Sir fting interference in the tinal drive. Napier was ordered scratched out of the first race when Paddock Judge Hall reported that owner Hedriek had failed to report the horse thirty minutes before the race-, as required by the rules of racing. Owen Perry, tin- owner of Harry s*haw. is reported as being quite ill at his home in Kansas City. Warm weather continued today, no a breeze blowing practically all afternoon. The result- were lorinful and wen- viewed by a fair-sized crowd. Work-outs over the Belmont Park training track Were: Addle M. Mile in 1:38. Bobolink Three-quarters in 1:23. 1 inooiunt Tin ec quarters in 1:]J . iron Duke Mil. in 1:40%. Little Hipper Three eighth* in :;.. Onncsilale Three-quarters in 1:2:;. „ Solon |"hree i|uarteis in 1:21. V The Ma-ipierailer Threo-eptartors in 1:21. Vignola -Three-quarters in 1:22. Volant -S-vcn -eighths in 1::::!. Watercress II Half mile in 53%. Yankee Notions Mile in l:5B. Work-outs on the main track, with tin- going : 1 i-t. were: Ahara Hall mile in 51. Bac — Three-eighths in 39. Capra — Three-quarters in 1:15. Iamroseli Three-qnarters in 1:17. Harry Shaw Hall mile in !••.,. Hidden Stai Hal! mile in ."it. Indian Chant Half mile in 55. old Broom— Mile in 1:43%. Curdy .Mile in 1 :44. Remembrance -Three eighth- in 10%. Ruslla— Three-eighths in 35. Sea Beach Half mile in 48%. Spin — Three-quarters in 1:15. ■lop Hat -Mile iii 1 :45%. Trend- Half mile in 18%. Venojoat— Three-eighths in :;s.