Hinting Easterners Have Cold Feet: Suggestion That Few Derby Candidates Will Come West from There., Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-23


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HINTING EASTERNERS HAVE COLD FEET Suggestion that Few Derby Candidates Will Come West from There NEAAr YORK N Y April 22 It may be that the Kentucky Derby will not have as much con ¬ tention from here for its honors as has generally been believed Reports are that not a horse from the local tracks may be there in fact the only horse practically guaranteed is Billy Kelly from the east though James Rowe may send a repre ¬ sentative from the II P AVhitney collection at Brookdale AVilliam Ilogan has practically decided to wait for the Preakness with Dunboyne but he will probably send two fillies Merry Princess and Polka Dot to Kentucky to race in some of the filly stakes AA H Karrick who has two prom ¬ ising threeyearolds in Sweep On and Terentia will move a string of four to Pimlico about May 1 the other two l eing Over There and Athlon Sweep On will go after the Preakness and Terentia will be one of the favorites for the Oaks OaksSam Sam Ilildrcths stable is somewhat of a mystery to the early morning reporters His horses look good and when they are expected to work they do little Ilildrcths neighbors seem to think he will not move until the season opens at Jamaica on May 1 his present operations being of the slow healthful order with all his candidates as though he intended to wait for the local opening openingUp Up to finite recently it was expected that Dun ¬ boyne would try conclusions with Billy Kelly Eternal and others in the Kentucky Derby and that Hil dreth might also send cither Purchase or Cirrus but all these anticipations are now in doubt doubtFrom From present observations the Preakness may be supplied with more contention than the Kentucky Derby this year for while few of the eastern brigade may go to Kentucky there is every prob ¬ ability that some of those which will race in the Derby will ship direct to Pimlico to swell the Preakness field fieldAll All who have seen AAr R Coes filly Terentia are profuse in their favorable criticism regarding her future Such experts as Thomas Hcaley A J Toyner Thomas AVelch and other trainers of their prominence declare she is a masterly filly on looks and some even go so far as ti predict she will be the champion of her age noteven excluding the colts Sweep On too has improved so much over his two yearold form that it vyill not be surprising to see him a deciding factor in the threeyearold stakes to be run this year on the local tracks Karrick has a strong hand is the opinion of all who have seen his stable of horses

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919042301/drf1919042301_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1919042301_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800