untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1919-12-19


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BARNEY SCHREIBER ESTATE SALE The undersigned, widow and personal representative of the estate of Barney Scnreiber, will sell the following1 horses privately: DUKE OF LATONA, hay colt, four years old, hy Duke of Ormonde Latona. Sound and trained. LEO L., chestnut gelding:, four years old, by Duke of Ormonde Signorina. This mare is the dam of Howdy Howdy; sound in every particular and is in training. RUSH TOWER, bay gelding, four years old, by Otis or Nealon Semolina, by Sain, A good looking horse. TICACEY, black gelding, three -years old, by Ban-nockburn Hand Bell, by Hanover. This horse is a half-brother to Harry Shaw and a full brother to L. H. Adams. A beautiful colt and sound. In training. VERB 0 TEN, t-ay colt, three-years old, by Bannock -burn Signorina. Sound and in training. HORINE, bay colt, two years old, bv Jack Atkin Hannadaga, by Bannockburn, Mother of four winners, including Page White. Beautiful colt, slightly trained. Write or wire offer for particulars to the undersigned at the Phoenix Hotel, or Matt S. Walton, attorney, C04 Fayette Bank Building, Lexington, Ky. ELIZABETH M. SCHREIBER, Lexington, Ky. Thirty Days Racing AT ASCOT PARK Los Angeles : California BEGINNING JANUARY 4, 1920 All Owners, Trainers and Jockeys Invited. The Racing Will Be Conducted Under the Rules of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club. ASCOT SPEEDWAY ASSOCIATION CHIEF OBSERVER Specials given by the Chief in last weeks book: Deckmate 4-1 WON Nepe 8-5 WON Golden Chance 2-1 WON Pierrot , 6-1 WON Breeze 9-5 WON Saints Bridge 11-10 WON and others. New Issue Out TODAY BIG FREE SPECIAL: Havana-Michigan-20-10-22. Go to your newsdealer and get your CHIEF OBSERVER for todays Free Special. Address CHIEF OBSERVER PUBLISHING CO. 25 "West 42nd St., Room 515. New York City, THE Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognixed tracks in North America during the month of NOVEMRER, is now on sale. PRICE .00 8lngle copies by mall will ROSITIVEIiY only b sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. III. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y. ROOM 804, 1482 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. THE STANDARD gives you a line on LIVE ONES at nil tracks. Also code to Free Specials that ap-paar daily in this paper: 35c at all news-stands, or get it direct, 5 copies ..r0, 10 copies , Yesterdays Free Special Won. Todays Special: October-rcach-83-16-5G-83. Standard Turf Guide, Chicago.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919121901/drf1919121901_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1919121901_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800