Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-04


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA., MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1921.- Fair Grenada. Second d:iy Business Mens Rac-ing Association. Winter M.-eting of 83 day-. Weather cloudy: temperature 75". Steward-. B. C, Smith. M. Maefarlan and A. C. Mehle. Judge-. .1. P.. Campbell and .1. McLennan. starter. A. p.. Dade. Raring Secretary, Jeeepta McLeaaaa. Bteeiag starts ai 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. 111. 1. Indicates apprentice allowance. RTO-| Qr7 FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 7, 1916— 35 V5— 2— 115. Daisy Purse. Purse ,000 *-9+dJL%J 4 2-year-olds. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt M M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C.P S MY RBVERIE a 11" - J : li King 1: .1 Brawn 4-5 8-6 1-2 1-1 oat GRACR i: w US 1 2 f 2" F Cltil-ttiS A Clopton -I S 7 4-,". 1-4 EVELYN WHITF v. 11 . :. :: 4; 3k M Boxten J Dundee 4 10 10 2* 4-1 KITT1E WARMER w 11a :: 4 :;!• 4" I. McAtee C Vanacorlck t 10 I - i .". wail RELIEF « ii"» 7 S 1 WBllamaJ 11 Loochetan II 20 1:. ;, 2 LOTTA c. w 11". I •• 1 1 Rodg-esHall Pros 20 25 2.". 7 :: BABY EVELYN w 11." 8 7 7 7 S Wid 1 Y Doyle 10 20 12 4 7 .". Time. 1245. 251/5. 37. Track heavy. Winner P.. f. by Cltiaan* Reflex, bj sir Dixon trained by i». McDaaiel; bred by Me— 1- White and Cayce. Went to peat at 2:17. At po-t 2 minute-. Slut good and -low. Won ea-ily: second and third driving. MY REVERIE, running well in the going and as it milch the best, raced into a good lead at once and won as her rider pleased. GRACE K.. away well ami saving much ground on the turns, followed the , Winner closely, but waa tiring at the end and ju-t lasted for -ccond place. KVPI.YN WHITE 1 in out on the stretch turn and. hni-hing fast, was probably aecond beat. KITTIE WARMER was running gamely at the end. The others ran green. erO-g QQ SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1: 11 5— ft— 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. OAIJO Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPStU M fc Strain Jockeys Owners O LI C P S 52155 1»AY LILLY w 182] 1 1 21 2 li l1 .1 Roberti P St John •: s s :; 7-5 51333CORILLA w 107 s r. :: ;;■ :;- 2* K Smith U Roaenthal :: 4 jj 1 -.". . 5 5 1422 = LUCY KATE w Mfli 2 I l"!- 1" 2] 3* H .1 Purl:. I; Goose 4 8 4" 7-.", 7-lfi i r-1484:GILT FRINGE w 180 " 6 4" I* 4 ; I. Morn- c H Smith 1, 8 5 2 1 52*74 ALCATRAZ w no I 1 8 7-1 5" : M Buxton C Baxter H li K « :: .■•2t7H CXDINi: WB 104 ! 8 s l» f* I .1 Mivvi! N-oi-t.-ter 2. 4 V. 7 1 518313 BLARNEY STONE w in i, s 7 81 7- 7 A RlchcrkL Harth t," 10 10 4 2 ." lOfifiRrJLlTTA.NT Wl hi 7 7 :M 4- 8* 8* :. McDottA P ior.lon 20 :,M 30 12 •! ,"13! 5 RUNMIC w Ml 4 2 H I •» I G Stack M Howcnstein 10 is 1". I Time. 25, 50y5, 1:17. Track heavy. Winner— ST. f. hy Oteaahala — Orange Lilly, hj WiUlam tie- lhird trained by .1. Tigue; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilsoni. W nt to post at 2:10. At prist 2 minutes, star! good arid srriw. Won handily; second and third driving. DAT LILLY, at hem.- in the going, raced f. rw.irdly from the start and. taking the had in the , ktretch, outstayed GORILLA in the nnhl drive. CORILLA raced . prominently fran the atart, but lost gronad aj eaaaing wide int.. tin- stretch. LUCY KATE ael a n 1 pace and tired in tin last aixteeath. I lilNi: dropped back at thi -tan and rieaed a g |. ia the laat qaarter. GILT FRINGE had no minliapa. Bcratched- 52070*Petrarch, 100; 52155*Brewa heck. II".; 52070 Alberta s. 101; 51045Toaa Pp, 108; 52133 Philanderer, loo. 51801 Tart, 100; 40233 Tenunie C. 108. Uvcrwelghta- Pay Lillv. 1 i.ounrls. I.uiy Kate. -J _. . Abatraz. 2; Piinmic, 3. | ; ] SC* "1 QQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Teb. 9. 1918—1:11—6—116. Purso SI. 000. 3-yeax-olds OXtftl and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses ~ A wTFPSt ■ ; Vi % Btr Fin Jockeyg "llffnera O H C P S 5215o3*BACK BAY WB 13 111 7 :. 2* l1 1- 1- T Jarvs Knyder A andraea 0-5 3-e 8-5 1-8 1-4 5136»*LOYS w ." 10:t 2 " 3* ;;■ 2* 2- L McDottK G Denny 20 20 12 5 2J 52085 3 HOPE PRINCESS vv3 97 4 4 4 4 4" 3nk F Cltiletti.I A Coburn 1 4 :t 1 1-2 "2027 TORTHF. MR,K W 5 113 M 2 t.» 5| ~ l 4s :1 ThurberF: T Zollicoffer S 12 12 j Q 52134*!.. LONGFELW W 8 103 I I M Hl B| ."/. I .1 Mney Marshall Pros. :. 7 8 2 4-5 51784 MIDIAN wn 4 113 r, i; j» 71 81 ; .1 Rod /P Bcherrer I : 12 •; R1728*PKWAUKEE w 1 hi v T I ; 7 P WUstckl. Sperllnl 8 M :: 12 •; 520*4 t;KU BRUML II wa 1 111 I W : M 1C VI T Murray A I. Klrb a 13 .■2114 MADAM BYNG wn 5 110 : • N -"r 9 i Bus .0 .1 Jordan M IS IS , 520dSIVANMlST w S 111 1 1 l»| 2*J 3* 10 P. Smith l R PTeeaaan 1" 12 II 1 Time. 24;,. 00%, 1:17. Track heavy. Winner p.. g, by Rabi -Geaaa, !• Bahrowaa trailed by n. Woaaeldorn*; bred by Mi . Bertha Laaigan 1. Weal t.. post at 3:00. At poet 3 minute*. Btarl good Mid alow. Won ea-ily: aecond and third driving. R K BAT, awaj rorwardly, diapaaed ■•: IVANMB4T ia the Drat three-eighth* and. taking a good lead, WOB eaaiag up. LOTS ran a good race and made a game liui-h. HOPE PKINCKSS lini-heil gamely afti r 1 lowing a gap. TOR THE MARK had no mi-hap-. I.ADV LONGPEIXOW Bniabed with a ru-h after n.alung a -low beginning. 1VAXMT8T quit ladiy after -citing the early pace. Bcratched 50B18*8andy II.. 108; 521."..! By Heck. 113; 51880 Count***, 88; .".21.".:: Kir.-ih. 108; 52115 Repeater, 111: .".200s Circulate, 113: ."213". Galiot, 88. Overweights- Hope Princeaa, 1 pound: Midian, 2: Madam Byag, 2. KQOtfhJi. FOURTH RACE— 1 1-1G Mile.. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 :444;,— 3—104. Cotton Town Purse. Oaal/U ,500 Added. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000; second, 30; third, 70: fourth. 0. Index" Horses A_WjPP8tj4 % % StTFln Jockey* Owners O H C P 8 58 138 DANCING SPRAY w 5 80 5 3 rir r P l« T .larvis Treacy 4 Walkerl 8 8 s-." i-2 531S7*CHIEF w 108 1 2 3* ::■■ 2»* 2| -- L McAtee M .1 Murphy 4-5 9-M7-101-4 out 52150*HADRIAN wn .". 10-; 4 1 2". 21 ::- ::- : W Wrijrht .1 C Perriaa G 8 .". 6-5 2-5 ri»50-.AI.V li; CAUSE w ,;■. 3 .". .". S S ". ! A Rich rk J Arthur :. I 7 8-0*3-8 62137 *BARRY SHANNNwB 7 104 2 I 4* 4:: l: 4. .1 Roberta C Drumhillr 8 12 12 3 1 Time. 24«r,. 49. 1:15. 1:41%. l:4t%. Track heavy. Winner — P.r. m. by Rapid Water Alberta II.. bj llan 1-pring trained by J. II. linker: bred by Mr. Get rge W, J. Blsaell. Went t.i jiost at 8:31. At poat 1 minute. Start good ami BlnW. Won ea-ily: -econd and third driving DANCING BPRAT, faiered by the going and her light weight, raced into a good lead at one* and wen all the way as her rider pleased. CHIEF bad no mi-haps and linishcd reaolntely. HADRIAN ran well. Out tireil after rounding into the stretch. GAIN M CAISK wa- far back in the early running, but Bniabed well. BARRT SHANNON wa- far bark all the way. Scratched — 52108Snadial IP. 104, Overweight* Hadrian. 2 pounds. PT 0* _eh~| FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 12, 1916— 1:42V5— 4— 113. Industrial Race. O Jd£ij -B. Purse .CC0. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; sec- ond, 00: third, 00. _ Index Horse* "" " A Wt iPSt % Vz 44 Str Fin Jockeys Owaera O H O P 8 " 51755 -DAY OF PEACE WB I ins 111 | 11- |» H King J M Goode 4 5 12-54-5 2-4 52170 THE FOREIGNERwa .1 SI 2 41 V H V V I. McDottSunnyland Sta 8 II I :: 1-5 5204S* WALK IP wn 3 80 7 :. . 7* • i* B Joaiah W Eppertey I 10 1 :: 7-:. 51823*AMAZE wn 4 10S i 4 2 !» :;- 2* I . .1 MneyF P LettelUer 8-5 3 ll-.d 2-5 52175 MASTER JACK wn 3 88 4 . :: :. 2» 41 .".- F "ltil.-tti.! E Nash I I :: fi-a i-2 58135 U.1 FAITHFUL w 3 1021 2 7 7s 8* ; | -s Whla P Dunne 20 2." m :. 2] 51925 MANDALAY wt: 1 10!* S 8 5" » ." I" 7 • .1 HeupH B Arlington IS 28 88 8 4 52134 ALEXANDER «f 7 HI 3 8 8 8888 E .Martin 1 Vltltoe I 20 IS J 1 Time. 25. 49, 1:18%, 1:4430. 1:4915. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. c, tiy Jim Cifliiey — Stella Moberly, by Weolathorpe trained hv II. Cavanatigh: bred bv Mr. I.. S. Plad. Weal to K-t at 3:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and *laW. Won driving: aecond and third the same. DAY OK PEACE, -bowing the most speed in addition 1 saving mack ground aa the turns, stood a drive gamely in the Ktretch and jut lasted to win. THE FOREIGNER, probably tiest. lost gronad hy racing wide and tired slightly right al the end. WALK IP rieaed a gap and linishcd gamely. AMA/.H tired in the stretch. MASTER JACK qail badly. Bcratched 51843*Tlpford, 106. Overweights — Old Faithful. 1.. pounds. 99ll9"SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— 1 :44 i— 3—1040 ,000 Added. 4-year-UtilV olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 21: third, 14. "Index Horses AWtPPSt "A 2 % Str Fin Jockey Owners 6 H~C P " ~S~ 52044* LORD HERBERT wn R 107 1 4 41 4* 4* i 1 .1 Roberta V. Arlington « a s :! 6-5 51728RUFUa RILBT wn 0 MO 3 2 2" I* :.- 31 fa T Murray H C Fi.sher 1-6 8-517 107-101-3 521 IK WAR CUP w .". 112 2 1 U Ill" l1 8» C Ponce C X Freeman 5 7 7 2 4-4 51388»ST. GERMAIN w 4 102 I 3 3* S 9 l» 1- L Aron I- Farrar 1 t 3 1 1-2 52138GOLDEN DAWX wa l MS 5 5 1 7 8* 5* 6* II King G :: Cochran 3 4 3] 8-4 1-2 5 1152 LADY BMMELINEw 4 105 7 7 V :, S| V 8* F CltilettiCrown Stable li 81 20 I 4 88835 PROSPECTOR W* 7 109 8 8 8* •. 7 7 7 G Stack ,f Hoffering M ¥ 31 12 I Time, 2535. 50, 1:16, 1:4343. IM%. Track heavy. Winner— B. g. by Fitz Herbert Maaaaalta, by Meddler trained by J. Johnston; bred ia France by Me— is. Mackay 2 Carroll 1. Went to pest at 4:21. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LORD HERBERT wraa well up from the start and. showing quickly improved arm came fast through the stretch and took a long lead In the la-t aixteeath. KIFIS RILEY wa- hard ridden from the atart and nattered from Interference when bumped by LORD HERBERT and when ST. GERMAIN" impeded him, but finished fast and gamely. WAR ci.il: aet a good pace ta the stretch and tired. ST. GERMAIN ran well, but awerved when tiring. GOLDEN DAWN came fast in the stretch when of no avail. Scratched — 52U8Dark Hill, 111; 52180*Ground-Rwell, K 7; 5211s Klmnaioag, 111; 52155 Smart Guy, 112; 52130 Jo k Sod. 108; 52173 TroUna. 108; 51488 ChalleageT, 110. fT4 » iO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915 — 1:4445 — 3 — 104. Purse ,000. 4-year-0al aBt"O olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPFSt 4 ~Vi % Str Fin Jockeyg Owners O H C P 8 52007 * D ILIHVSS S w~7 105 1 . 3* 2 2 2i I1 H Gregory K L Loubat :" 7 U 2 1 52098 SERBIAN w 5 M8 •" 1 1" I ll 1" 3» A Collins 11 Neunteter 8-5 2J 2f I 2-5 50980* QUEEN BLONDE wa 6 107 •; 7 7-il 4* 31 8 t W Obert C W Gmaner 3| 4 3 44 1-2 P2181*BOND v. I 7 1." :■ 8 31 :i- :;- P 4" B Pollard Cain .t Sanford 8883 S-5 52099*LORENA .Moss wa S M . 1 ■" S*l 9* 8 5* E .losi.ih J Conniffe 4 E 3] H-3 1-2 C2072*BETT8T s i i 4 s •; 4- A- r - ■- Cs C Ponce E Loh 1 I 8 2 S-5 517S8*RIB a I SC 2 ." i1 7- 7-" 7" 7 L McD*ottWTdrGtWHlckey 20 31 25 10 5 52184 JOHX OVERTONwa 4 Ml 7snSsss.] Henpdi J H McDonald 28 30 25 M 5 Time, 2525. 50/5. 1:1625. 1:44%, 1:51. Track heavy. Winner — It. a, by Sir iluon — Victoria B., by Bah Miles; bred by T. F. Beranaaa; bred by Mr. George J. Long. Went to post at 4:48. At l osf 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. IiOCGLASS s.. helped by the going, wore HERRI AW down In the la-t sixteenth and won going away, but had to do his best nt the end. SERBIAN set a good pace to the last eighth and made a game Baiah. QUEEN BLONDE closed a gap and might have won but for raring wide on all the turns. BOND tired. LORENA Moss waa given a weak tide, but ran poorly. BETST ipiir badly. Scratched — 51908*Jaekatraw. 87; 521. ".;» -Coioin 1 Lit. 90; ."2l5 t Mab, 102: ."i2181 Lottery, 181; 52115 Tea 1!.. 184; 52154 Breokland, b7: .".2072 Lucius, 88; 44281 Mandarin- Coat. 108; 40019*Graadee, lot;. iverweight-— Larena Mo—. :; pound-: Betaf, ".; Rib. 1.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010401/drf1921010401_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921010401_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800