untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1921-08-04


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ALL MISSOURIAHS DOUBTERSSKEPTICS LOSERS ! ! ! Write Today for Complete Prospectus of mmmmmim WONDERFULLY 1 NOT A fi EE? THE MIRACLE SYSTEM 6"H WONDERFUL 1 li" ! v -f v INVESTMENT mmmmmmmmmmmtmmmJ FULLY COPYRIGHTED AND PROTECTED sUbmmmbhbsmbmsi OUR CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL, containing 28 pages of valuable turf data, vitally important racing pointers, testimonials, sworn results and statistics, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS MAXIMS, and a review of the best known "systems" published, will be sent you absolutely without charge or obligation. Postals aro ignored. YOU CAX MAKE I2VERY DAY lA. WIXJilXG DAY with the same assurance as you would negotiate a certified check! The System is not a list of horses to follow, no "double up," or first, second or third choice BUBBLE. Hundreds of prosperous, satisfied clients, located from coast to coast, have testified to the unvarying consistency of this Percentage Winner Supreme. We over stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in original form, with the envelope attached showing post-mark and canceled stamp. This indisputable evidence la a hundred fold more convincing than our full-page ad. We are waiting for you to check us up. If you appreciate the true meaning of the word N-O-W, you will soon spell it the other way around, W-O-N! Liberal terms, contingent upon resultant earnings. If the System docs not win consistently and fulfill every claim, you owe us nothing. cVaa- M. P. WALTER and CO., CANADA THE TIFFANY OF SYSTEM CONCERNS AUSTRALIA S. E. ARTHUR, PnMic Relations Mgr. PRIVATE LOCK BOX 4 OF ----- TOWSON, MD. GUARANTEED vJJLi J SPECIAL jOBS Friday, August o, at Devonshire. Returning from Windsor just a few days ago, I know that this horse is ready for the question Friday. Having been an owner and a trainer myself, I KNOW when things are right. So please do not confound my "information" with so-called "tips." Handling information is with me a business. I pay tops. Euuf sed. jVIv GUARANTEE is this: If this horse does not WIN at odds better than J to 1 I will give you FKEE my next .5.00 Special, which goes at Fort Erie Wednesday, August 10. Can this be fairer? As stated above, the price of this special is .". It goes Friday, August 5. All angles taken care of. Xo propositions accepted. IUJSH your subscription NOW. I pay all the telegraph tolls. GEO. L. STRANG Suite 1920 CITY HALL SQUARE BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM keeps showing the same results, which are moderate, but positive. An investment, not speculation. If you expect fabulous results dont inquire. Our Guarantee: Must win its cost in 3 days or money refunded. Play at or away from the track, one race or the entire card. Our one best is a wonder for regular results. Write for data and investment sheets, which show that it won on every traek in the United States and Canada the past year. Terms if desired. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 West Franklin Street Baltimore, Maryland ! - , National 0. K. Racing Letter JUDGE ELLSWORTH ,50-1 WON was yesterdays "BEST BET." This makes FIVE WINNERS out of the last 7 on our "BEST BETS." Remomber, wo absolutely only give TWO A DAY. How can you afford to be without tho 0. K. when all it costs is 60c DAILY ON ALL NEWSSTANDS 60c Mailed Direct 1 Week, .00; 2 Weeks, .00. NATIONAL O. K. PUBLISHING COMPANY ROOM 411, BALTIMORE BLDG., CHICAGO, ILL. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form FORT ERIE MEETING m HIS meeting, which gives promise ot I some excellent racing, begins Mon-1 day, August 8, continuing until August 15. P.ecausc of numerous requests we have decided to issue a DAILY one horse wire AT CUT RATES. HERE IS OUR OFFER: OFF Lit the ENTIRE meeting at Fort WB Eric, one horse daily, INCLUDING any and all specials at this track during the tenure of your subscription, for 0. Please do not get confused. We mean one horse each day. and the entire meeting costs hut ."510. .lust one of our methods of advertising. All selections filed with this publication. As anticipated, our 00 SPECIAL Guaranteed Special advertised for Saturday WON. Our 0 opening day special at Saratoga lost. It was Whiskaway. We suggest our friends REMEMBER it. We do not intent! using it again, even though we believe it POSITIVELY will win. Rush your subscription to Fort Erie NOW. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE Turf Dept. Suite 1002. 109 N. Dearborn St. Chicago, III. MARTHA FALLON 1.50 W0N AND A LOSER were last Saturdays .00 XX Specials. Dont fail to get next Saturdays TWO LIVE ONES. Remember, if one of the two docs not win you get the following Saturdays FREE. If you want to get next to the LIVE ONES get NEW BOOK ON SALE NOW. 35c at all newsstands. Todays Form Special: April-Banana -144-21-42-56. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, Baltimore Building Chicago, 111. CHIEF OBSERVER 35c Per Copy. TODAYS FREE CODES: Hamilton: Vermont-16-11-10. Saratoga: Wyoming-15-5-13. Devonshire: Michigan-26-8-9. VOLUME I. of ANNUAL RACING- FORM YOR 1921 IS NOW ON SALE DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. ill PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO It I., 157-169 East SBnd STREET, NEW YORK. N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET ;; BUFFALO, N. Y,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921080401/drf1921080401_8_1
Local Identifier: drf1921080401_8_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800