Belmont Park Entries And Past Performances For Thursday, June 8, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-08


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BELMONT PARK ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR THURSDAY JUNE 8 8WEATHER WEATHER CLEAU TUACK FAST Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 115 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair intid ruuncr H Mildeus Appreutic allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst StraightPurse First Eaco 4 lS Furlongs Straight Purse 1000 2yearolds Claiming Track record May 19 100S 51 2 112 112Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Vt Rec AWtHan AWtHan6S007 6S007 Prince of TJmbria 115 725 61395 tCork Elm M 103 720 72061M3 61M3 Vcncie 115 715 715G3S63 112X715CISCO G3S63 Duster 112X715 CISCO Rork 111X715 5235 bJolly Sailor M 103 53 4m 103 715 62205 The Girl M 115 53 105 740 62269 Recommendation RecommendationM M 115 53 103 710 7106H73 6H73 Adventuress 110 703 703622S5 622S5 Chief Flyna M109 54m 103 705 622S5 II Warren M 110 55Hi 103 700 700John John MeGuirk 103 JJltie China 103 103Nevada Nevada Stock Farm Stable entry entrySecond Second Race About 2 lS Kfles KflesSeventh Seventh Running Eeadowbraok Steeplechase SteeplechaseHandicap Handicap SOOD Added 1yearolds and upward i 62069 bPcccant 5 154X700 154X700fG2SS2 fG2SS2 Il3lIavill 4 135 C95 C95217S 217S bBullecyc 5 140 690 61734 Visilaato 0 133XC90 133XC90616S1 616S1 Karloiker 6 130X690 130X690C20C9 C20C9 Lyllc 8 140X690 62223 Phoenix 4135X685 4135X685C2001 C2001 liobert OliTer 11 146X6S5 62178 Kingdom II II 7 135 680 680Third Third Eaco 3i Kila Main Conrss ConrssBeldame Beldame Handicap 1200 added 3yearoids and upward upwardFillies Fillies axd Mares MaresTrack Track record Sept 1 1010 110 4 130 62100 bPen lioso 123 111 6 124x750 62236 Bantry Pass 103 l14m 3 105X745 105X745G212C G212C Careful 300331 4326X745 4326X7455S532 5S532 bLady Baltimore 310X740 310X740CD071 CD071 Polly Ann 111112 4115X740 57325 bMy Reverie 3 115X740 115X740C21C5 C21C5 Arrow of Gold 108 111 4 98X740 98X740C2071 C2071 Last Straw 120 111 4 114X735 62236 bMary Patricia 101 l15ftm S 100 735 735Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Hiles Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Soiling SoilingTrack Track record June 10 1921 149 6 94 li 62261 bK night of the theHeather Heather 4 101X725 62033 bFInality 3 102 720 62070 Episode 4 310715 310715Fifth Fifth Raco 4 12 Furlongs Straight StraightPurse Purse 51000 2yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 10 1908 51 2 112 62181 EEC 109 51 112 723 62269 The Kiss 115 32 319 720 62233 Sallys Alley M 115 715 62181 Evelyn Sawyer M105 JS3 105 710 C2295 Monardella M 100 544 105 710 62295 Poor Puss M 315 55m 103 700 700Sun Sun Fey 105 105Thcssaly Thcssaly 103 Sixth Race 1 Hile Puree 1000 3yearolds and upward Maidens MaidensSpecial Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record June 1 1921 135 5 118 61935 LETTBRMAN 8 112 725 62182 Double Crosa 10S IrflHfc 8 112 715 61967 Domingo 107 142 4 315 735 735G1C48 G1C48 bRoundsman 8 312 715 7156S0272 6S0272 bBravo 8 112 710 710G2266 G2266 Irish Confetti 100138 8 107 710 710G2182 G2182 bMacdnff 312 143 8 312 710 58057 bVenizelos 8132X705 66886 bOvertake 3 312 705 62303 Nat S 3 112 705 62204 Yankecdom 8 112 700 61813 bNcw Orleans 8 112 700 700663G3 663G3 bWylie 8 112 700

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Local Identifier: drf1922060801_6_1
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