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Workout Index to Jamaica Entries Below will bo found the index to the previous workouts of the horses entered in the various races al Jamaica Wednesday. FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mil*. 430 Spontaneous 100 LEclalr 102 Sword 429 Belcroas 100 Monday Morning 103 Penstroke 427 Ege 95 Barleycorn 98 RaJoe 98 Carman Pantagea 103 Anticipation 359 Stone Jug 103 Babbling 103 Alnttriin 103 Cydoni* 8EC0ND RACE — 6 1-2 Furlong*. 103 TJpaal 103 Finn Lag 103 Clarice C. II. 315 White Ash 86 Sayit Modi tat or 109 Honor 98 Prime Minister Radiant Light 96 Jer.boam 97 Candida 100 Wild Aster 100 Ontcroaa 430 Borxi] Omar 10S Kerry Girl 102 Desperate Desmond f 4*1 Sua Alto* THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 417 Fki 100 Hands Up 33 Buck Pond 1C0 Pathan 10 The Poet 103 Delmor f 8 Fredericktown Moatmartre 103 Thunderbolt 102 Friday 13th FOURTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 103 Stony Point 93 Tester 93 Ed Lowe 94 Miss Carina, 93 Ormasvale 103 MUs Star 100 The Vintner FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yaxda. 93 Normal 103 Irene Sweeney 102 Diversity 100 Water Girl 52 Royal Charlie 103 David Harum 97 Soa Cove 91 Dan Boiling 103 Mom 103 Bonfire 103 Spuga G4 Juno SIXTH RACE— 6-8 Mile. Lyrea Pencraft Elf Glister Beatrice Dacree Imagination Bobbed Bandit Nodada J