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Woodbine Summary Friday May 28 1943 1943UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FINISHTRACK TRACK GOOD FIRST RACE 34 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Matab 115 Holborn 2340 1190 355 355Sweeping Sweeping Flame 120 Barber 820 3V40 3V40Grand Grand Duke 110 Whouse 250 250Time Time 115 Off at 232 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Trey Lorraine S Easy Stephen Miss Livery SECOND RACE 34 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Rompford 115 Remillard 980 455 350 Sunny Plume 115 Rogers 370 285 285Traffic Traffic Light 120 Smith 420 420Time Time 117 Off at 304 Eastern Daylight Time Also ran Ripplet Cave Mark Clear Chimes King Kirkland Ted Shore ShoreDaily Daily Double on the First and Second Races RacesPaid Paid 21960 THIRD RACE 34 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingLoteer Loteer 106 Greever 1980 715 415 415Cattari Cattari 112 Foden 360 270 270Paraboloid Paraboloid 115 Aimers 340 340Time Time 115 Off at 337J Eastn Daylight Time Also ran Cease Fire Budron Fighting Finn Vino Tinlo FOURTH RACE 34 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingBusy Busy Fingers 110 Whouse 655 405 280 280Memphis Memphis Lad 110 Plcsa 515 330 330MajorMinor MajorMinor 115 Convey 265 265Time Time 114 Off at 408J Eastn Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Grccnock Flame Hayfield Katie Bud BudFIFTH FIFTH RACE 34 MILE MILE3yearblds 3yearblds and upward Handicap Loango106 Woodhouse 820 320 250 Bon Jour 116 Convey 455 305 305Jacless Jacless 111 Aimers 400 400Time Time 114 Off at 439J Eastn Daylight Time Also ran Ten to Ace aPri King Heel Up SIXTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS YARDS3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Eagle Town 106 Birley 450 275 out Yarnith 111 Remillard 285 out outWho Who Reigh 117 Convey out outTime Time 146 Off at 507J Eastn Daylight Time Also ran Stoney Brush SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS 3yearolds and upward Claiming Cabin Gal 111 Remillard 640 365 280 Gallant Glance 115 Fodcn 725 415 415Watercure Watercure 120 Convey 275 275Time Time 148 Off at 637J Eastn Daylight Time Also ran Point Lace Acquin Count Ebony Ann Hanover