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BELMONT PARK PARKFor For Track Conditions See Box on Pae 1 1I I ST RACE 58 MILE 1230 P M 2YearOlds Maidens MaidensProb Prob Prob ProbPP PP Horse Jockey WtMudOdds 14 FLEETTOWN McCreary 116s 21 6 bSTIR UP Gilbert 116 52 9 HOME FLIGHT 116 101 5 FLARY Gilbert 116 61 4 aSUNNIP Eads 116 31 2 aRESEARCH Eads 116 31 12 bDUSTMAN Robertson 116 52 1 STYMIE Garza 116 81 3 JIMMY JOHN 116 151 7 ERAZAL Longden 116 81 8 GREAT RIPPLE Deering 116 101 10 RODNEY STONE Atkinson 116 121 121II II HEMITE Bierman 116 201 13 SEEING EYE Peters 116 151 aCalumet Farm entry bGreentree Sta ¬ ble entry entryFleettown Fleettown turned in a smart effort in debut slight improvement should turn the trick here Stir Up was backed down in first start possibility Home Flight has worked well ND RACE 1 18 MILES 100 P M 4YearOlds and Upward Claiming 2 SON ISLAM J Rienzi 111 41 6 MISS MARY JANE Grohs 108 41 5 CORTEGE Rienzi 106 101 13 BLAZING GLORY Garza 116X101 14 BALLOTANT Mozer 114 X 72 16 bSTUDY PERIOD 109 X 41 8 MISS DISCOVERYLongden112X 81 10 SNOOKS WINTERS 113 61 1 aCHALMAC Rienzi 109X101 3 NORGE II Givens 109 201 4 PRINCE JOCK Vercher 114X201 7 bPRIMA DONNA 109 41 9 DEVILTRY LindbergK 108121 11 QUESTION MAN StevensnllS 201 12 BLAZING HEAT Lindberg 109X121 15 HO DOWN Thompson v 114X121 17 RISE ABOVE IT Longden 113X101 18 HARD CRACKER Thornbg 108X121 19 aBOATS CREW Goggi 107X101 20 MY ECHO Skyrm 107 201 aR Fisher and M Tortora entry bMrs bMrsE E Haughton and B F Whitaker entry entrySon Son Islam gets roeight off last when he was a fast finishing third gets the call Miss Mary Jane may have needed a couple of races Cortege is from a winning barn RD RACE A 2 12 MILES 130 P M 4YearOlds and Upward Steeplechase SteeplechaseHandicap Handicap 2 FREDERIC II 150 21 11 AD LIB 140X101 5 OSSABAW 143 X 41 7 aCORRIGAN 150 31 8 aBANK NOTE 136 31 9 NARUNA 138 X 61 1 CUPID Walker 138 X 81 3 FLAT LANCE 135 81 4 CORKY 130 81 6 PARMA Morlan 138 X 121 10 BLADEN Brooks 146 101 101aC aC K Bassett and W G Jones entry entryFrederic Frederic II a seasoned jumper returned to winning stride the other day Ad Lib has come out fit main threat Ossabaw is trying hard to hit the win column TH RACE 34 MILE 200 P M M3YearOlds 3YearOlds Claiming ClaimingI I 8 BIT OF NERVE Thornbrg 114 72 9 WATER PEARL Steffen 122 X 31 2 FLAK Young 116 51 11 STICKY KITTY Givens 109 81 7 JOE BURGER Thompson 122 61 4 TWEEDY Gilbert 116 51 1 MENEITHER McCreary 116 101 3 ROCK KNIGHT Gilbert 122 X 121 5 CANTO GALLO Mehrtens 119 121 6 BUZALONG Young 113 151 10 CLICKETY CLACK Bush 114 101 101Bit Bit of Nerve was off badly in last off races previous merits the call Water Pearl will offer plenty contention Flak has early speed rates a slice TH RACE 34 MILE 230 P M M3YearOIds 3YearOIds and Upward Handicap 6 WITH REGARDS Longden 124 X 21 2 aDOUBLRAB Thompson 124 X 52 5 MARKELL Eads 114 41 1 SOME CHANCE Renick 105X121 10 WAIT A BIT Lindberg 104 X 81 7 aKINGFISHER Thompson 108 X 52 4 SLIDE RULE McCreary 110 X 61 3 METTLESOME Atkinson 108101 8 SALTO Mehrtens 104X121 9 OMISSION McCreary 106X101 aMrs T Christopher entry entryWith With Regards is razorsharp figures to break on top and lead from wire to wire Doublrab will force the pace may get up in time to take it all MarKell can prove the upsetter TH RACE 1 18 MILES 300 PM 3YearOlds Handicap 6 aSLIDE RULE McCreary 120 X 85 5 VINCENTIVE Woolf 12 31 8 EYE FOR EYE Mehrtens 106X101 4 FAMOUS VICTORY Wright 114 X 61 2 aTWOSES Bush 108 X 85 3 BANKRUPT Robertson 114 X 81 9 PRINCEQUILLO Grohs 106 X 81 1 STRATEGIC Hearn 100X101 7 SUPERMONT Atkinson 106 151 151aW aW E Boeing entry entrySlide 1 Slide Rule after chasing Count Fleet in inlate late races finally finds a spot to crash the thewinners winners circle Vincentive rates nextbest nextbestusually usually close Eye for Eye may save the theminor minor award TH RACE 1 MILE 330 P M 3YearOIds and Upward Handicap 3 STEFANITA McCreary 114 52 7 ANTHEMION Gilbert 114 X 31 10 aYARROWMAID Robtson117X 41 8 a BONNET ANN Grohs 122 X 41 4 WAYGAL Young 114 X 61 5 WHAT NOT Thornburg 108 61 2 JANE BLENHEIM Mann 106 X 81 1 BATTLE LARK Mehrtens 102201 6 MOON MAIDEN Rienzi 120X101 9 BEST RISK 109 101 11 MISS SUGAR 105 121 aBrookmeade Stable entry Stefanita has been carefully prepped preppedlast last two starts put her on vdge for a win ¬ ning gallop Anthemion won last under wraps Yarrow Maid can prove troublesome TH RACE 1 12 MILES 400 P M 3 Year Olds and Upward Handicap 5 SALFORD H Eccard 122 21 1 HAILE Atkinson 112 X 85 4 BELLE DAMOUR 114 X 61 3 SPOON BREAD 111X 41 2 IS I IS 105 81 6 EQUINOX Bierman 115X101 Salford II won over same distance in ineasy easy fashion right back for another Halle smartly trained is strictly the one to beat Belle d Amour may be the dark one