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NEWPORT ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Uace34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling7123NannieD 7123NannieD 4 100 98362Elsie D 4 100 7390 Rampart 5 102 582 Simple Jack 4102 644 Cyclone II 8 102 497 Loyalty 4 102 9302 LittleWalter6102 5S6 Nat P 4 105 460 Valmont J31C5 712 Roosevelt 5 105 712 Major Tom 10105 10105Second Second Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances 8375 We Know It 100 Valesca Vales 102 102S331 S331 Wat Walt Hardinl02 499 Scott Farrisl02 7974 Wheelbarrow 105 Astrologer 222 Walderseo Alders 1C5 4992 Joe Mussel 110 752 Dr ColemanllO Coleman 537 Barton 110 110Third Third Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 497 San Juan 3 97 642 Elkin Welkin 3 100 584 Prosecutor 3 100 7843Fresco 4 102 784 Parson 4 102 7143PeteKitchen4102 784 ABC 4 105 105fourth fourth Kace Ace 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt 8079 Pelides Elides 99 713 Sauber Saber 99 99EBSack EBSack Bismarck 99 8802 Waddy Waded 102 585 Elidad Elided 102 McAllister Canister 102 445 DesDressenl02 678 Legerdemain 102 74S2GeoKrats 109 9722 African Ill Illfifth Billfish fifth Race 34 Mne Mme 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling75Q2HappyHours3 75Q2HappyHours3 98 May B 3 98 711 Pouting3 98 9554Carlotta C3 93 9704 Jolly Son3 100 251 Ethelinda4 105 105749AnnieM5 749AnnieM5 105 7972Czarowitz3105 7972Czarowitz31057522QidLaw3106 7522QidLaw3106 604 Robinson 4 109