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ST LOUIS FORM GHART HART GHARTBI GARB BI iO01S MO August 19 Eightythird Eighty day St Louis Fair Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chirm Charm 8O2 FIRST RACK Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 6932ADDIE BUCHANAN107 1 4 21 12 Stevens W H McLomoro Clamor 4 5 3 4 564 BR1GGS 92 9 96352MINNHJ 9 81 82 2 C Murphy J V Faut Faust 30 50 25 30 6352MINNHJ W 107 3 21 21 3 32 Greene C Thurman Human 32 75111065 569 WILD WEST 100 5 1 12 12 42 Furr Furor J Huffman 10 15 8 10 569 AQUARELLA AQUARELLE 102 8 6 68 81 5 Nixon T A Gay Co 15 16 26 15 15 CS6 JU DGE GE DE BOUSE BLOUSE 114 7 la 15la 72 61 61 Booker J J Barry 20 25 20 25 564 CHARLES P 99 10 10 10 71 73 Gilmore C G MoFall Modally 15 26 15 15 589 CANDY 100 12 12 12 12 3 Hall PTomlinson Poplins CoJ5 25 15 15 569 HRRTLESS HURTLES 105 6 SH 15SH 51 9 9 Peterman Letterman Waddell Bros Brows 12 16 12 12 81 NBDLIE NOBLE H III 97 4 8 9 10 10 Phillips J H Gray 12 15 10 10 523 ACHIOLES ACHILLES D 102 11 11 11 11 11 Calvert Culvert W M McClinton Acclimation 60 10050 100 234 TALEOJMH TELECOM 118 2 43 3 4 12 Hinkey Hinkle P Porter 20 30 20 30 804S4 9945 NASHVILLE 101 13 13 13 13 13 J Stewart W Montgomery 60 80 50 80 4S4 LOTTIE GLOTTIDES GOODWIN GODWIN 107 14 14 14 14 14 Alley N Lankford Sanford 40 60 40 40 Time 40Time 241 50 1 161 Winner 161Winner Ch m5 by Buchanan Addie Caddie Warren WarrenPost Warren Post 5 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second handily Minnie W had no excuse Wild West raced her into the ground and killed herself doing it Briggs dropped from the clouds at the end Buchanan was the best although she swerved at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Tommy Ruttor Ruttier 109 Overweights Overweighs Aquarella Aquarelle 2 pounds NL SECOND RACE fi8 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances ind bind Horses Wt St Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 635 KINGS PON PONT 95 2 3t 2 1H12 C Murphy T B Watts 6 12 6 10 693 HIGH BORN LADY UK 1 2 6 3 21 Gilmoro Gilmore W W Darden Arden 4645 693 BOND ISSUE 108 5 4 31 51 31 Lynch J E Rodogap Radiograph 4 10 4 8 9983 BLANCHE 95 11 61 4 23 4 Hall W Mulkey Mule 454 4J 411 B OF ST LOUIS 95 12 11 10 8 51 Peterman Letterman EF Me Donald 10 30 lu 2i 591 CHIQUITA CIRCUITAL II 100 10 10 11 10 62 Fnrr Farr B McCall Mecca 4 4 3 lj 392 GAGE 101 9 9997 Slaughter B Schreiber 15 30 15 25 732 LOUGH PLOUGH MASK 103 7 S 25S 7 6 8 Calvert Culvert T J Mcllale Callable 23 100 25 75 636 IALARIA ALAI 107 3 1 IH 4 9 Hinkey Hinkle FosterBrumfiold6 S 4 7 408 SMART ALECK 95 13 12 13 12 10 Phillips HpksRthrfordBO 150 6J 100 411 ESTHER HAWES AWES 95 6 7 8 11 11 Clifton C Piopor Poor 60 80 60 75 732 PRINCE BISMRCKIOO BISMARCK 8 13 12 13 12 Stevens LazarusHanley Lazarus 15 20 15 20 870 SIR WAYMAN ARYAN 93 4 5 6 7 13 Roidy Aroid C C Mafiitt Affinity 6857 895 DES MOINES 100 14 14 14 14 14 Ellis J Luzador Luanda 40 KO ICO 40 75 75Time Time 2i5i 104 Winner 104Winner B g by Pontiac Onaotta Sonata OnaottaPost Sonata Post 7 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second driving hard Bon 1 Issue ran out on the stretch turn and was beaten over the bead for a furlong for straightening purposes He should have won Blanche is fast but fainthearted The Docharts Dogcarts seem to race that way Kings Pon Pont had clear sailing and was lucky High Born Lady ran to the mark Scratched markScratched Mollie McGuire 95 95Overweights Overweights Overweighs Gago Gag 3 pounds lalaria malaria 21 Sir Wayman Cayman 3 Des Moinos Moines 5 8O41 THIRD RACK 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Indo Horses WtSt Watt M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 735 NICK CARTER 103 3 31 2 21 I Jurr Juror J Hatchett Hatchet 2 5 4 4i 735 BRIDGET 101 1 48 43 31 21 Peterman Letterman B F Ward 5847 58477963MARJORIE 7963MARJORIE 38367353MONTGOMERY 105 4 5 5 5 3 Garner F Phillips 3836 7353MONTGOMERY 103 5 11 1 IH 42 C Combs W P Magrane Marianne 1 65451 696MISS 65451696MISS VERNE 102 2 2 31 43 5 Hall R E Maddox 5 15 5 12 Time 12Time 241 491 102 115 Winner Ch c 3 by Keone Keene Occasion OccasionPost Occasion Post 7 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second driving and coming fast Nick Carters price was out of line He raced Montgomery into submission the first five furlongs He was stopping at the end himself Bridget would have won if she could have got through Mout Mount gomery geometry is an arrant coward Marjorie closed strong Mi88 Verne was outclassed O T FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 310 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1 6852MADEL1NE 110 3 5 53 2 22 12 Freeman M P Mattingly Matting 1 85 1 75 735 JANE 101 6 SH 41 SB 4 21 Garner G C Bennett 10 10 5 7 735 CAVALRY 93 4 43 jja jab IH i r 33 Stevens A Covington Coving 5634 5 6 3 41 C93 MAY THOMPSON 104 2 11 1 43 31 41 Webster J S OBrien O'Brien 10 20 10 15 491JARDATH 105 56665 515 Gilmore F Lewis 4746 683 THE GHOST 106 1 21 SH 5 6 6 Hall McKeivyJohnsn6 645 645Time Time 25 51 116142 Winner Cb m 5 by Keono Ken Colusa Coleus ColusaPost Coleus Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily second and third doing their best Madeline was the best She went to the front when ready Jane off poorly and cut off on the stable turn finished strong Cavalry raced May Thompson into the ground The Ghost ran a weird looking race Ardath Marathi closed strong Watch the latter She is in smooth hands Scratched Squire G 101 806 FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H 1 774 JUDGE STEADMN STEAD 107 3 2 31 63 3 1 Hall R E Maddox 4 10 4 10 7362NAN LS SISTER 97 5 610 12 is 23 C Combs BonsnArthrCo5 846 6833ASTRADA 51 5 SH 3u Garner E A Meyers Meyer Co 451 45 45 733EARL COCHRAN 104 2 4 63 4 62 43 Greene J Cochran 12 30 10 20 772JRANSOM 106 7 31 2 3 41 515 Stevens C F Sanders Co 4 434 738 DR HUGER 107 6 54 42 21 2 61 J Lynch P Ahearn Hear 20 30 20 25 694 JACK BRADLEY 106 1 7 7 7 7 7 Parram Para FosterBrumfield20 100 20 75 295 EOLEM ELEMI 106 8 8 8 8 8 8 Calvert Culvert J S Boall Ball 50 100 50 80 Timo Timor 80Timo 25 51 1 16i 1 44 1 51 WinnerB Winner g 4 by Heretog Hereto Leila B BPost Post Post 3 minutes Start good Won ridden out second driving to the limit Lack of pace at the start killed Astradas Amstrads chances He was first around the turn but was tiptoed when the real racing commenced Nannie Nannies Ls Sister nearly threw Jack Bradley over the fence the first turn The hard track was against Ransom and benefited Judge Steadman Seaman 80 n SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St X A A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L V 174 BILL JACKMAN JACK 10715 IB it 11 IB Hinkey Hinkle O G Parko Park 4848 48485672MISS 5672MISS ADELE 100 4 42 45 21 23 C Combs A Cahn Can 24 3 698 SIR JOS JOSE LISTER LITER 98 6 31 33 7 3 Harris A C Bernays Betrays 15 25 10 20 734 VALID 103 2 7 7 65 41 Fnrr Farr J Huffman 6645 66451742DOMSIE 1742DOMSIE 108 1 21 2 3 53 D HennessyW Hennas M Clark 4433 734 KINGS GUARD 103 7 8 6 SB t Pierce C B Campbell 10 30 10 25 69S2CLARA C II 104 10 8997 Hall MnhoneBremerS 10 6 8 565 BALANCE ALL 10013 10 10 41 8 R Jones C M Barry 15 25 15 20 9760 SEVEN SLIPPERS 105 8 11 11 10 9 J Harris Deering Deferring Bros Brows 30 50 30 40 406363MYRTIE 6363MYRTIE 100 3 51 SB 8 10 Poterman Protegra W T Cannon 6867 56f 686756f GEORGE T TODD 10312 12 13 12 11 T Heunessy Heresy Stnbbs Snobs Bros Brows 20 30 kO 25 587 PERSPECTIVE 105 11 13 12 13 12 Gilmore Low Marion 30 50 30 40 ALBERT 40ALBERT C 108 14 14 14 14 13 A Johnson N Lankford Sanford 10 15 10 12 8275 FALLEN PRINCSSlOO Princess 9 9 8 H 14 Stevens J Cochran 20 30 2J 25 Timp Imp 25Timp 25 371 5C4 1 U3 Winner Br g by Barnes Robena Robe RobenaPost Browbeats Post 4 minutes Start straggling Won ridden out second and third driving hard Domsie Dossier beat the gate He is bad and had no excuses Bill Jackmau Jack was the best The ring was out of line on his price Miss Adele ran her race Sister Josephine was interfered with on the stretch turn Scratched Red Dress 105 Overweights Overweighs Bill Jackman Packman 2 pounds Domsie Dossier 5 Clara C 4