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ST LOUIS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast rirat arrant Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling 733 Groganotto Groan 90 634 Yankee Heiress 90 733 Holy Terror 92 783 Mary Barnes 97 634 Mazy 97 738Oella 97 97Ruey Ruey Rue Glen 97 697 Devoir 97 9942 Jane Andrews 97 634 Polka Dot 97 8405 Ta go 99 352 Salmos Salmons 99 9942 John Corbin Coring 99 5445 Hazel Green 99 8592 Achieve 102 102Second Second Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Selling 732 Heidorn Heidi 100 732 King Zelda 100 636 Ismene Immense 100 8073Sir Jos Jose Lister103 807 Domsie Dossier 113 7323Farondelle 108 1087322Loonag 7322Loonag 110 110Tnlra Tnlra Tundra Kace Ace 5 12 FTirJonea Tirana FTirJonea2yearolds 2yearolds Belling 734 KatieRthorfrdlOl 732Barbpe 101 591 WhirmantilinolOl 9731 SantaRosa Sanitaria U 101 591 Banrica Arnica 101 6952ilarietta II 101 695 Tewanda Teamed 101 433 Guide Rock 101 1015912Del 5912Del Hart 101 695 White Leaf 101 695 MelvinBurnhml04 771 King Oscar 104 1046S22Siva 6S22Siva 104 773 Ups Downs 104 104734Barrisso 734Barrisso 104 104Fourth Fourth Race1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Wet Ind Indo Horses W fc fc774Basquil 774Basquil 3 91 772 3ilver Set 3 91 694 Aryan 3 96 805 The Ghost 5 106 1066973Donation 6973Donation 4 109 109Fiftn Fiftn Fifth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 696 Necklace 3 85 634 Foreigner 3 90 589 Zarina Czarina 3 90 733 Frank Daily3 90 493 Stella B 3 90 5662Can I SeeEm394 770 Parole dOr doer 3 94 774 lospirer floppier 3 95 59 C S Bush 3 95 9481 JacltB Jacob B 3 96 7 Inflammator3 99 693 Cutaway 4 101 101770Nicolini 526 Frontier 4 103 770Nicolini 105 395 HHGardner4105 Sixtn Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Astoret Astor 3 90 907i3ReeH3 569 Polly Hatton3 90 7i3ReeH3 90 493 J M B 3 92 771 Gladys 113 95 489 Rex Regent 5 99 7702Braw Scot 8 99 786 R Rowett Rowe 3100 693 Soundmore Sound 9 102 73 HillBilly3102 697 DickBehan5102 696 Hush 6 104 635 Joe Hart 4 104 104May 203 Apperson Aspersion 5 109 May Star 3 107 569 Bob White 3107