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DETROIT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling Marcus Mayer 93 716 Pcess Cess Ninette Nanette 93 530 Talliwanda Italian 103 670 Louisa K 103 9239 Coyne Cone 101 7453Early Bird 103 765 Herman Kahn 101 716 Guinan Guinean 101 716 Willmeter Willamette 101 745 Sifter 108 501 Pope Leo 106 808 Mirth 103 9650 Bed Gidd Giddy 108 7692 Prince Hal 98 988082French 8082French Gray 115 769 Laura May 103 716 Gypsy Prince 98 98Second Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling7192Vlscount 7192Vlscount 3 99 744 Hardenburg4 107 92 Dovault Oval 4 110 719 B F Fly Jr 6 106 719 Pinchback4104 768 Leoncie Leonie 3 103 533 Miss Frances4105 813 HartfrdBoy5105 7182Stray Step 3 99 99Third Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances765B 765B Bramble 3 103 813 Wild Arab6ll2 743 Logan9 115 6133 Jennie June6 110 8792 Sea Robber 31108 673 Gew Grew Gaw Gawk 3 105 669 NannieDunn3103 7682The Elector 3 108 108Fourth Fourth Raco Race 78 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 808 Komurasaki Kimura 105 764Malvolio 113 1137452Mordecai 7452Mordecai 103 7452Plantain 100 10065Q2Philip 65Q2Philip Byrnes Byres 113 812 Surmount 113 745 Rathmore Authored 113 113Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 767 Gioja Goad 3 110 768 Abe Fnrst Frost 3 110 743 Cogmoosoy Comoros 3 102 6792Rookwood 4 110 767 The Planet 3 110 110Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 60 Braxoy Borax 3 100 6732Wordsworth3 95 765 Tonto Onto 3 95 556 Bill Ellison5102 Ellison5102743GvSsnthTr3102 743GvSsnthTr3102 747 Lastfellow Playfellow 3 102 810 Sweet Avon 3 93 810 Whiff 5 105 3115 Sister Adele3100 810 Sedan 3 95