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BRIGHTON BEACH ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 1 Mua Ma 3yearolds and upward Selling 737 Ameer Ammeter 6 114 330Yan Doodle4105 545 Patchogue Pathogen 3 108 763 Albert S 4 106 7423Marshall 71U6 510 Sandowne Sundowner 7 106 547 Louise N 4 101 573 Passover 3 98 632 Flames 4 98 705 Jefferson 4 93 93Mewssngtn3 Mewssngtn3 93 741 Timour Timor 3 93 761 K Ludwig 3 91 91Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Selling 549 Park Slope Ill 759 Domestic 109 72 Fulano Fulani 109 596 Logistic 109 759 Regie Reggie May 105 759 Louise Degnanl03 596 Daisy Cutter 103 596 Gray Belle 103 544 Pink Chambray 103 820 Peggy R 98 Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Handicap 7082Storm King 119 7fl32Dr Sheppard 114 761 Tripping Ill 550 Ein Erin 105 1058242ThonnsCatl03 8242ThonnsCatl03 758 Bastion 96 96Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Handicap 9695 Previous 122 628Cherry Picker 114 02 Nuto Nut 112 7G92Mont dOr doer 110 1105132Fleeting 5132Fleeting Gold 100 762 Demagogue 109 7822 Fonsovannah Donovan 107 Cock Robin 90 762 Ortolan Portland 88 388 Strathmac Stratum 87 87Sensation Sensation Stable entry entryFilth interfaith Filth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 510 Discount 6 113 300YanDoodle4lll 710 Refugee 4 110 761 ZanonB Anon 4 110 665 Billali Billable 3 98 98Sixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearplds 3yearplds and upward Selling Sellingind Selling ind bind Hors s Wgt Wt Ind Indo Horses Wgt Wt Wgt824BenEder 824BenEder 4 116 599 Tinge 5 1U 1U7633DoubleQuick4lU7 7633DoubleQuick4lU7 632 Rifle 31 100 100I I 1423Marshall7112