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SARATOGA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 815 Nabob 117 6023wango 1 117 1177262fReveiSalt6117 7262fReveiSalt6117 607 Firearm 117 9844 Kitefoot Bitterroot 114 930i Laverock Laver 114 1146082Geisha 6082Geisha Ill 373Briar Swoet Sweet 114 114Grand Grand Sachem 110 396f3an Yenado Renaldo 110 1107772Babieca 7772Babieca 117 117Marcus Marcus Daly Dally entry fBaldwin Baldwin entry entrys entry s eacinct actinic ftace face 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances9843First 9843First Ego41149576Cavalero Mato4121 689 Semper Simper Ego4114 9576Cavalero 3 Ill 4i9E8tsca 3 116 648 Bernardillo Bernardino 3 113 421 Set Fast 3 106 3l3Challengerl3104 442dalvado 3JH4 Bromley Brome entry Third Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Selling Selling508Glorian 508Glorian 110 7252La Goleta Goblet in7 649 Henchman 102 757Aurum 102 1027i7 7i7 Torii Torridity 1U2 815Croeket 99 997253Mary 7253Mary Galvin Alvin 99 725Allie Belle 99 721 Marito Marion 99 99J J C Cahn Can entry entryfourth henceforth fourth Race 1 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling6482BingBinger 6482BingBinger 4 108 8182JasMunroe 4103 4103tU8Beruardtllo tU8Beruardtllo 3 102 6082Banqno II 3 100 1007762Kingstone 7762Kingstone 4 91 776 Carib4 91 91Fifth Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 315 Eondo Condo 4 116 V 2Bheinstronx3ll 776 Dalgretti Algarve 6 113 776Toots S Ill 448 Salv8do 3 107 758 La Fontera Frontier 3 9T