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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND CAL March 18 Fiftyninth Fifty day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson The recall flag is used Eacing Acing starts at 2 15 p m 4646 FIRST ttACE tae 5 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Wt St U V A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 45453CIPRIANO 112 4 11 11 13 13 Thorpe H Henry 4545 ERO1CA 107 12 7 7 Ci 2K Conley Coney J N Burk Burke 6666 4382 FLANDES FLANDERS 112 5 4 8 3 33 Henuessy Enuresis P Mitchell 4746 4510 HOHENLOHE 105 13 10 11 51 4 McDonald W Boots Son 6 12 6 10 4491 SCINTILLATE 107 9 6 51 2 5t W Taylor D Jordan 12 25 12 W 4544 ROSA 107 1 21 22 4 6t G Wilson W Le Leivre Eire 12 25 12 20 45262LOUMONT 107 14 9 6 7 7i McNichols Conchoids Emiendo Emend Stable 8 15 8 12 4610 ROYAL PRIZE 102 8 8 10 10 81 Gray E W Purser 30 100 30 75 4545 MAINBAR IMAGINARY 112 2 3 311 9 91 Clawson Lawson AtkinLottridge 10 15 8 12 45263ROSE MAID 107 11 13 9 12 10 J Woods Covington Coving Kent 10 20 10 15 4224 KITTIE KITTIES BLAKE 100 7 12 12 11 11 Romero T Winters 50 100 50 75 4545 MULDREW MILDEW 105 3 5 4 8 12 Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 10 20 10 15 4400 DESERETTE DESECRATE 100 10 14 14 13 13 H Martin A J Stemler Steamer 4 4i 4 4 4544 KUMMEL 100 6 11 13 14 14 Holmes Z Abrahams Abraham 30 60 30 50 Time 50Time 24J 50 1 02 1 09 09Winner Winner Br c by St Carlo Arrolete Parolee ArroleteStart Parolees Start good Won easily Drive for place Cipriano Cyprian is a good colt He was lucky and well handled He can do better and is fit Eroica Erotica ran an impressive race and closed strong from an unlucky and slow beginning She was cut off on the back stretch and on the turn for home Flandes Flanders is but a sprinter He was short too Hohenlohe Housemother is a fair colt with a notion for a route He is ready Watch him Scintillate about ran her race Was badly ridden Mainbar Marinara was short Tab him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Bonnie lone 107 464 rr SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4580 CHARLES LEBEL LABEL 100 1 21 31 33 1 Gray W M Taylor 30 30 20 20 45452APRONA 105 5 31 2i 21 2 = Stevens Ed Corrigan 4545 4526 IDOMENEUS DONENESS 97 4 11 li 1 32 McNichols Conchoids T McGowan Co 20 75 20 75 7544912ELSMORE 44912ELSMORE 110 3 4 4 41 4 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 12 35 12 12 4508 GLEN ANN 95 8 7 SH 52 56 J Woods J Sullivan 6745 4526 NOTICE ME 97 6 6 10 72 6 ONeill O'Neill J A Bell Co 100 200 100 150 3435 OUTLAY 105 2 51 9 9 71 G Wilson W P Magrane Marianne 30 100 30 100 4526 BONITA BONITO R 95 7 8 8 6 83 OConnor O'Connor FarrarTbrville20 40 20 40 4593 IRRITATQR IRRITANT 97 9 10 7 10 9 Beaton Eaton F ORourke Procure 40 200 40 200 20044003ENTRATA 44003ENTRATA 10010 9 6 8 10 Clawson Lawson J N Burk Burke 12 15 8 12 12Time Time 241 49il02h 49il02hWinner Winner B c by St Carlo Maiden Belle BelleStart Belles Start good The fiist fist three were ridden out Labels race was far above par He had a clear course and was well handled Aprona Apron was badly ridden and ran above her race Tab her Idpmeneus Ripeness showed a lot of speed but was hung up at the end Elsmore Elmo was best He outclasses this kind Was vilely ridden Throw out the race Keep track of Notice Me Glen Ann will not do 4648 THIRD RACE 13 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St VA V 5t Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 4546 MAUD FERGUSON110 1 1 23 11 H Martin T G Ferguson 2 7 21 6 645643TOLUCA 45643TOLUCA 110 3 23 1 23 Conley Coney W M Slurry 22 22 224612BONIBEL 4612BONIBEL 110 4 33 3 3io Thorpe BurnsWatorh8o2 2 8595 4594 OCORONA OCARINA 105 5 5 63 41 Gray E J Baldwin 4 41 4 4 4594 LA PARASSEUSE PARNASSUS 105 2 41 4 510 Clawsou Claws Atkin Akin Lottridgel2 50 12 40 4546 ELLEN WOOD 105 7 61 51 63 Whitman B F Wood 50 100 50 100 4594 LOYALIE LOYALTIES 105 6 7 7 7 J Woods Timmons Simmons MarksSO Marks 100 30 100 100Time Time 12 24 36 48K 48KWinner Winner B f by Prince Royal Blue Hood HoodStart Photostat Start good Won driving A threehorse threescore race all the way Maud Ferguson was best and is a game and most promising filly who will do best at a distance Toluca Toucan ran her race She will do better was none too well ridden Bonibel Bonnie is not much though her race was below the mark Ocorona Octoroon had bad luck and was outclassed She is fit for what she can do ZL ZLQ ZOLA FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4563 SUTTON 113 5 11 12 12 12 is Dorsey Dose B J Johnston 6655 665545803MORINGA 45803MORINGA 103 2 SH 3 2 31 23 R Narvaez Larvae J Conway 3322 332232882FORT 32882FORT AUGUSTUS 120 1 21 21 32 21 3 Thorpe Wm McClelland Macmillan 2 21 2 2 4580 BOW AND ARROW 103 3 5 6 6 63 4i Gray T W Coulter 4847 4545 APPLE JACK 106 4 4 4 4 44 5 Macklin Mackinaw J Williams 40 40 12 12 1237732SONG 37732SONG AND DANCE 121 6 6 51 52 52 60 Hennessy Hennas Roy Carruthers Corrupters 2 5 21 4 4580 ELIDAD ELIDED 106 7 7 7 7 7 7 Conley Coney H L Haskell Hake 8 10 8 10 4592 EL VENADO VENDOR 113 Left at the post G Wilson E J Baldwin 30 60 30 50 Time 25 501 1 03 1 16 1 42 42Winner Winner WrightStart Wrights Ch c 4 by Red Iron Lillie Wright Start good Won very easily Button was far the best today He ran away with the purse Moringa Mooring was badly ridden He closed strong and is fit Augustus ran nearly his race Bow and Arrow will not do at all Keep an eye on Apple Jack He showed some quality today Song and Dance is moody and wasnt wasn't fit Elidad Elided will bo made ready by this race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched George Palmer 110 Melvin Burnham Burma 106 t K FIFTH RACE 1 116 Miles Purse 300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St YA V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4582EARL COCHRAN 109 1 2 31 3 1 1H Conley Coney J Cqchran Cochran 10 30 10 25 4615 GO TO BED 94 9445952DR 6 4H 41 5 31 2 Clawson Lawson Atkin Akin 25Atkin LottridgeS Glottides 544 45952DR BERNAYS BETRAYS 91 914611TREACHERY 2 1 11 I IH 21 38 J Woods BSchreiber Schreiber 2 21 2 2 4611TREACHERY 107 4999 4 H Martin J G Brown Co 5 6 5 5 4597 SEA SPRAY 109 8 8 7 7 51 Macklin Mackinaw P Siebenthaler Segmental 20 60 20 60 4596 BALLISIER BALLISTIC 91 31 2 2H 41 63 OConnor O'Connor D Gideon 20 100 20 75 4585 CROMWELL 112 1124580DON E W Purser 12 15 10 12 4580DON LUIS 94 61 8 8 62 81 T Sloan E F Smith 65 85 65 75 4563 FLORIMEL FLUORINE 98 6i 9 91 Holmes Shinar Shiner Hinklo Hinkle 50 100 50 Continued on 2nd Page 4o48 bONIRO bonito 105 10 10 10 10 10 10 Thorpe Ed Corrigan 10 40 10 30 48iWinner Time 30Time 25 50i 1 03 1 16 1 41i 1 48i Winner HStart Start B g 5 by Siddartha Skidder Jennie H Start good The first three were hard driven Go To Bed was best but poorly ridden Ken him keenly tabbed Cochran was perfectly handled and lucky He is fit too Bernays Betrays was killed oil by pacemaking peacemaking and went to pieces at the end Ho is fit was used too much Snrav Sandra and Treachery ran nearly their races Ballister Blister helped to settle Bernays Betrays Watch him Don Luis was in all pockets He will do best at a sprinting distance Tab Florimel Fluorine and Ballister Blister also for that Cromwell still short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Mamie Mammies G 102 Miss Ruth 102 Mordecai Mordacity 103 Outgo 104 Walter J 107 Change in weight Soniro Sonora 5 pounds on SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Consolation Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4580 WATOMBA ATOM A 107 7 5 51 43 13 H Martin W D Randall 4527 ABINA SABINA 107 10 7 6 61 2 Thorpe H E Rowell Roswell RowelliANE Orwellian 3 3 2 11 4582 MC FARLANE ARLENE iANE iAN MulqueonOOK 100 3 2 21 SH 3 McNichols Conchoids T Mulqueon Mullen 20 60 20 50 4597 MAJOR COOK OOK OK 117 4 SH 4 IH 41 W Tavlor Taylor G GTBfiitnlann T Bertolacci Barstool 8867 4563 ALVIN E 51 Clawson Lawson JBEarnshawBrol2 15 10 10 4527 SPRT SPRAT MALLISTR ALLIS 115 2 11 IH 21 62 Gray J H Tarn 15 20 10 15 8 8 8 73 Conley Coney Caesar Young 4 4 31 3 9 9 9 83 Wilson Capps Caps Howard 15 15 12 15 ISpgiNCEss Wispiness JS i 1 1 f 9 Sr Kerin Erin S ffiaAH fish Reagan di5 8888 i5 f IS 8 15 15 8 0 HK3 Stevens JH J Krause 20 30 15 25 1 J Woods H L = Jones S 8 30 8 40 8 20 1 30 4582 METAIRIE METEORITE 95 12 12 12 12 12 2 ONeil Neil M D Miller 60 100 60 7 75 4333 KAISER LUDWIG 115 Left at the post J Narvaez Larvae J Coleman 20 30 15 25 1151WinnerB Time 25Time 241 491 102 1151 WampumStart Wampum WinnerB Winner f 3 by Montana Wampum Start fair Won ridden out The next six were not loafing Watomba Atom ran an extra cooa cocoa race from none too good a beginning She was well ridden and is fit and likes a route Abina Sabina closed stoutly after sharp interference as she was going through the field at start and on th stretch turn McFarlane was much used and was a good horse at the end Tab him Cook was tangled up as he got away apd aped was cut off on the bend for home He is good Watch him Koeniffen was in the mixup mix at start She is good but a flexible creature No class to her Princess was used too much So was McAllister Canister McAllisterScratched Scratched Highland Ball 115 Rubicon 144