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OAKLAND ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Raqe Rae 1 Mile 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt 4593 Dr Mizrier Vizier 94 4646 Rose Maid 95 4610 Barracan Barrack 95 4526 Approbatio Approbation n 97 4646 Flandes Flanders 100 4646 Mainbar Marinara 100 4585 Texarkana Tearaway 100 4593 Bonnie lone 102 40152Dr Marks 104 4647 Outlay 107 4562 Prince Blazes 10T 4629Good Friend 108 4593OddsOn 110 4630 Duke of York II 113 4631 Twinkler Winkler 113 Second Race 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 4490 Judge Stouffer 4 99 45972Chappie 4 99 4653 Mamie Mammies G 5 100 6 64593Lost 4593Lost Girl 4 100 6 45973Amelia Fonso Fonts 5 100 6 Arthur 6Arthur H 4 102 3527 Zarro Arrow 4 102 61 4585 Meadow Lark 6 102 61 4531 Caliente Alienate 5 105 6 4615 OFleta Flea 6 105 6 46493Fort 646493Fort Augustus 4 105 61 4547 Benamola Enamel 5 105 61 4593 Donation 5 106 6 4592Mistral 64592Mistral II 4 108 4585 Howard 7 105 6 6Third Third Race 13 Mile MileFlying Minifying Flying Stakes 1000 Guaranteed 2yearolds 4022 Sevens 100 6 4292 Reina Regina del Cuba 100 6 646482Toluca 46482Toluca 105 6 44022tWinifred 644022tWinifred 110 6 45812Banewor 110 6 44543Humidity 110 6 4402 Magdalenes Magdalene 110 7 46122Buena 746122Buena Ventura 110 C Burns Watorhouse Warehouse entry fFormerly formerly entryfFormerly venturesomely Penella Pamela PenellaFourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPacific Pacific Union Stakes 1500 Guaranteed All ages 4630 Linstock Flintlock 3 88 7 44572Vont 744572Vont Dance 5 99 6 3701 Buckwa Buck 7 101 4565 Traveiser Ravisher 3 106 7 4631 Senator Bland 5 114 t 4133 Fleurde Flexure Lis Lisa 4 115 i 4079 Buck Massie Massive 6 119 1 1Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile MileFree Miller Free Handicap 3yearolds and upward upward45962Rosormonde 45962Rosormonde 3 85 45122Tea Rose III 4 108 4475Eddie Jones 3 110 4615McLight 7 110 C 4512 Libertine 7 110 4151 May W 4 115 Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 4567 Sly 4 97 40443Harry Thoburn Hour 4 99 46142Mamie Scott 6 100 46153Refugee 5 102 4225 Myth 4 102 45292Montallade 5 102 46303Masoero 5 102 4584 Bellicoso Bellicose 6 105 4597 Peixotto Eliot 5 105 4548Ace 6 108 3701 Bnckwa Neckwear 7 Ill 4512 Libertine 7 111