New Orleans Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-03-19


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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wet H 4604 Annie Cook 4 94 4074 Quaver 4 94 4604 Adowa Dow 4 94 4604 Hano Hanoi Belle 5 95 4291 George B 4 96 4609 Pert 5 97 4561 Doc Tuberville Tubercle 4 99 4626 Kalitan Kalian 4 101 4607 HillBilly 4 104 2710 Gomor Gomorra 7 104 44532Percy 8 108 Second Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap46403Robinson 46403Robinson 5 92 4627 Miss Young 6 92 4643 Pete Kitchen 5 95 46433Elkin 4 99 4577 Octave 3 100 4607 Alberts Alerts 5 100 4577 WhatNext Whatnot 4 106 44682Glenmoyne 7 106 4625Fervor 4 108 Third Race 34 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling46243Jolly 46243Jolly Son 4 401 4326LTCaton 4101 4578 Hibernia Queen 7 102 4601Minnie Weldon 5 102 4627 Rouble Trouble 6 104 4623SDave S 4 105 4415 Rover 4 107 4578Henrica 4 107 4576 Liew Lie Anna 4 107 4624 First Ward 8 107 4624 Uncas Uncaps 5 108 44682Glenmoyne 7 108 46422Alamo 4 112 4590 Mount Washington 4 117 Fourth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPalmetto Palmetto Handicap 1000 Guaranteed GuaranteedOver Guaranteed Over 4 hurdles 4307 Shanty Kelly 4 128 45892Partner 6 130 4609 The Sculptor 8 131 4589 Proverb 7 136 4589Templemore 10 129 40902Repeater 6 141 J Brenock Redneck entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds Allowances 4622 TessieL Tassel 92 Lady Ellerslie Wellesley 95 46053Dousterswivel 97 45213Tewanda 97 4605Bertha Nell 97 46052Tole Simmons 99 2639Isabey 100 4557 Domsie Dossier 100 4579 Benvidere Envier 100 1419 My Lizzie Tizzies 102 Delsarte Descartes 104 4622Percy F 107 Sixth Race 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling 4591 Dawn 4 92 4590 Galgo Gallo 4 92 4626 Gladioli 5 94 4574 Topper 4 95 4591 Sandoval Anodal 6 99 4591 Mellie Nellie 4 100 4626Elyria 4 102 4609 Lorrania Loran 5 104 4626 Bizarre 5 109

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Local Identifier: drf1898031901_2_5
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