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A BIG THING FOR RACEGOERS RACEHORSE SEVENTEENTH YEAR THE ANNUAL OF OFQOODWINS QOODWINS WOODWINDS QOODWINSOFFICIAL OFFICIAL TURF GUIDE L Veritable Form at a Glance A book of about 1800 pages replete with withmatter Whitewater matter indispensable to alii alibi PRICES PRICESIn Prices 400In In Cloth bstantially statically bound 400 600In In HalfADBrpcco library form 600 In EnglWHHalf Calf 800 If 800If sent UlPinail Vulpine or express 20 cts Acts extra extraPublished extrapolated Published by GOODWIN GODWIN BROS BRO 1440 Broad way New York Circulars sent on application TEE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES AND ANDNEW ANDREW NEW YORK SPORTSMiM Sportsman SPORTSMiMCONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATED CONSOLIDATEDThe Consolidated The Recognized Turf Authority of America AmericaAlways Americana Always up to Date in Every Department 10 CENTS PER COPY COPYALL COPAL ALL NEWS DEALERS ADOBES B Bioo Boo 4 ioo Rio ro Omos Homos oT SPIRIT of the TIMES n Fruakiort Frankfort St ° ° 3 Box 938 NEW YORK