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NEW ORLEANS POOLING LOUISVILLE KY March 18 Tonights Tonight pool ¬ ing King on Saturdays New Orleans fields is isFirst misfires First Race Percy 20 Quaver 15 Adowa Dow 10 Kalitan Kalian 10 Hauo Hugo Belli Elli iH Pert 7 Hill Billy 6 field 6 Second Race Fervor 25 Elkin Welkin 20 What Next 12 Albert S10 Glenmoyne10 Octave 8 field 6 6Third Third Race Henrica Hernia 20 First Ward 17 Glenmoyne Lennon 12 Minnie Weldon 8 Mount Washington 8 Rouble Trouble 7 Uncas Uncaps 7 Jolly Son 6 Liew Lie Anna 5 Alamo 5 field 5 5Fourth Fourth Race Templemore Temple and Repeater 25 Partner 15 Proverb 10 Shanty Kelly 5 The Sculptor 5 5Fifth Fifth Race Isabey Isabel 25 Pdrcy Percy F18 Bertha Nell 15 Tole Stole Simmons 12 Dousterswivel Dusters 10 Domsie Dossier 8 Benvidere Envier 5 field 5 5Sixth Sixth Race Elyria 15 Bizarre 10 Galgo Gallo 8 Mellie6 Dawn 5 Sandoval Anodal 5 field 5