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ELKTON ELTON FORM CHART CHARTELKTON CHARLESTON ELKTON ELTON MD March 18 Fourth day Elkton Elton Racing Association Spring Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge W H May Starter Andy Burns Racing starts at 230 p m 4652 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances ind bind Horses Wt St M H M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 4537 FLASH V 107 2 11 U 11 H A Dorsey Dose H KuhE Kuhn 8 12 8 12 4603 LADY FRANCES 107 1 51 51 SH 2 C Hueston Houston A Sayre Ayres 3635 f553 3635f553 AUNT SALLIE 109 6 4 3 2 3 Mclntyre McIntyre Clover Stable 6 5 65 35 710 4499 BLE LE AUSTRALIAN 107 7 7 6 5 41 Nelson P Yotter Otter 6 12 6 10 4460 CLAUDE HILL 110 4 21 21 41 52 Ellis Blue Ridge Stable 6 8 6 7 4229 BIRD OF FREEDOM107 3 31 4 6 6i J Dorsey Dose Pleasant ValStbl Vastly 8 15 8 15 4555 PRAIRIE FLOWER 108 5 61 7 7 7 E Flynn LincolnStable Licensable 6 25 6 20 4442 FRANK B 112 8 8888 Rigby Rugby Phoenix Stable 6 20 6 20 Time 20Time 251 52 1 19i 19iWinner Winner B c 4 by Plevna Pena Coraline Coralline CoralineStart Coralline Start fair Won driving second and third driving also Aunt Sallie weakened in the run home Belle Australian looked dangerous at the head of the stretch but tired when pinched Lady Frances finished strong strongScratched Scratched Matt White 110 Tar Belle 108 Overweights Overweighs 108Overweights Aunt Sallie 4 pounds Bird of Freedom 2 Frank B 5 I A PC Q SECOND RACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward rtvJeJO Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St V 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 45983MEADOWS 113 1 11 1 12 12 CunnghamR Chung Mann 2 2 451 4483 BARYTONE BARTON II 116 2 2 2 22 23 Asburn Auburn Pleasant Val Stbl Stable 2 4 2 3 4571 NANTUCKET 113 5 4 51 31 32 Thomas Jersey Stable 2827 4535 JACKENE JACKIE 113 6 51 41 41 41 Manlove Mangrove J M Wallace 6 10 6 7 4139 WILLIAM PENN 113 3 61 61 6 52 Neary Nary F Shafer 6666 4569 GOLD DOLLAR 113 4 32 3 5 61 Neel Kneel Wm Brown 6 15 6 15 3281 GRANGE CAMP 116 7 7777 Smith G W Haman Harman 10 100 10 100 4598 THE MANTAUN MANTUA 117 8 8888 Brooks J McCauley 6 40 6 40 404550BESSIE 4550BESSIE ABBOTT 111 Left at the post Madison Manilla Manila Stable 6 40 6 40 Time 40Time 25 501 1 00l 00lWinner Winner FullerPost Fuller Ch g 8 by The Jacobite Aconite Susie Fuller Post 24 minutes Start poor Won in a gallop Meadows was a good horse today Manlove Mangrove was careful not to be third with Jackene Jackie The Mantaun Mantua was lame and unfit to race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Nevada Boy 115 115Overweights Overweights Overweighs The Mantaun Mantua 5 pounds A A PC A THIRD RACE4 13 Furlongs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward tt J tJ rdb db Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 45982HARRY BENNETT 113 2 246372PROMPT li IH li i Johnson J J Johnson 21 3 2 21 46372PROMPT 112 5 54571A 31 21 23 21 Nelson T Fagin Fain 6867 68675K 4571A B DADE 113 6 5K 51 5 SH Patton Ordway Norway Stable 3 3 2 21 4598 MEDIC A 111 3 34443SISTER 41 4 SH 41 Asburn Auburn Pleasant Val Sibl Sibyl 65 75 65 75 4443SISTER MYRA MYRNA Ill 1 2 K SNK SANK 41 52 Donnelly Donnelley G G Main 15 40 15 30 45733IRVANNA 30CHESTER 104 4 61 61 61 61 Champ Ashton Aston Stable 15 30 15 30 CHESTER 109 7 7 7777 7 7 7 E Flynn Home Stable 40 100 10040 40 100 4603 CONGO DICK 111 8 8888 Madison C Thomas 40 60 40 50 Time 50Time 25 51 57 Winner 57Winner HardyStart Hardy B g 5 by Hickory Jim dam by Jack Hardy Start fair Won driving Donnelly Donnelley rode a rough race on Sister Myra Myrna He shut Harry Ben ¬ nett net off in the first sixteenth and A B Dade in the stretch Nelson claimed foul against Harry Bennett It was not allowed Medica Medical had no speed Prompt ran a good race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Mascot 109 Minco Mince Maid 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Congo Dick 2 pounds 4655 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Allowances ind bind Horses Wt St Vs M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4637 GOV GO GRIGGS BRIGGS 119 1 In li H 13 Rigby Rugby Jersey Stable 1 75 1 65 4616 BESSIE BRWNING107 4 44600TRIBUTE 41 4i 21 21 Mclntyre McIntyre T Nichols 5 5 2 21 4600TRIBUTE 119 2 24618BARBETTA 21 2 31 32 Burckhder Bircher Potomac Stable 6867 4618BARBETTA 111 3 7 51 41 41 Madison B McCoy 15 15 15 15 4601 GALLATIN GALLANTING 109 6 G Qn 5 51 A Dorsey Dose G Blake 5756 4572 SALVOR SAVOR 109 9 51 8 7 62 Patton J M Triplett Triplet 20 30 20 30 4618 TOM TOMOKA TONKA OK A 109 7 746003NINIS 32 33 6 7 E Flynn T Welch 20 60 20 50 5046003NINIS 46003NINIS 118 8 846002WALTER 9988 Griffin P M Simpson 30 50 30 40 4046002WALTER 46002WALTER O 113 5 8799 Johnson R Campbell 30 30 30 30 30Time Time 26 52 1 20 1 47 Winner 47Winner B c 4 by Tristan Dristan Silver Blue BluePost Bleeps Post 20 minutes Start good Won easily The winner outclassed his field Barbetta Barbette ran a good race Gallatin Gallanting stumbled Tomoka Tonka stopped badly in the stretch Ninis Minis can do better betterScratched butterscotch Scratched Caroyen Carolyn 112 Overweights Overweighs Tribute 3 pounds Barbetta Barbette 4 Ninis Minis 4 Walter O 4 L ± KC ± FIFTH RACE Scant 58 Mile Purse 100 4yearolds and upward rdb db J O VI Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4598 BON NEVILLE 113 3 IH 12 11 11 Madison J S Jones 8 20 8 f 45173 WAR SONG 113 5 51 41 41 2H c Hueston Houston Metropole Metropolis Stable 6867 4573 REPUBLIC II 113 2 21 31 SSK SASK SH Champ Camden Stable 6 15 6 15 15SH 4598 TOM TONGUE 113 4 445502JACK SH 21 2 x 41 Rigby Rugby J Costees Cotes 10 20 10 15 154H 45502JACK LOVELL LOWELL 116 1 4H 5n 5 51 Donnelly Donnelley Wm Lovell Lowell 85 85 45 1 4532 SILVER BROOK 109 8 7 61 6 61 J Moore T Butler 6 6 5 5 4515 IMPRESS 113 7 8887 Ellis M Morris 4 8 4 a a4554GRAMPIAN 4554GRAMPIAN 113 6 6 7 7 8 Nostrand Unstrained G Coleman 2 Si 2 3 4636 VICK VIC 113 9 9999 Thomas J Baker 10 10 6 7 7Time Time 25i 52 1 02 02Winner Winner Ch g 10 by Sun Dance Norma NormaStart Normans Start poor Won handily Jack Lovell Lowell was shut off on the first turn and Donnelly Donnelley had tc pull up War Seng Eng finished with a rush Tom Tongue weakened at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Belvina Belinda 111 111Oiweights Oiweights Downright Jack Lovell Lowell 3 pounds Vick Vicki 2 4657 SIXTH Allowances RACE G 13 Furlongs Purse 100 4yearolds and upward Ind Indo Horses Wt St M 1A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4532COZETTE E 115 1 145542MARIE 12 13 13 is Neel Kneel W Brown 65 6 6OVELL 6 5 35 710 45542MARIE LOVELL LOWELL OVELL NOVELL 118 3 23 22 2i 2 Houlahan Goulash Wm Lovell Lowell 2 2828 4616 MISS OKDWAY OKUDA DWAY WAY 118 9 9 6 5i 3 Johnson Winter Stable 6 I 12 6 10 4621 JUNK 117 2 77 61 4i J Moore W P Burch 4 I 10 4 10 4616 ARIAN 120 4 3i 51 Nostrand Unstrained B Brown 4533 NEW YORK 120 8 8 4 41 6K Neary Nary Metropolis Stable 10 30 10 30 4621 BUCCANEER 120 6 5 8 8 7 J Dorsey Dose Suffolk Stable 10 20 10 15 4619 MOHAWK 120 7 61 9 9 8 Patton Blue Ridge Stable 5 655 4 4011 6ll DUTCH BLUSTER 120 5 41 4t 51 5i 7 9 Griffin T Butler 10 40 10 30 SO SOTime Softie Time 25 52i 1 21 1 26i 26iWinner BandyStart Bandmaster Winner B m 5 by Onondaga Bandy Start fair Won easily It was a drive for the place Cozette Coquette got a running start Junk cot away Troll but dropped back early He could have been second Miss Ordway Norway made up a lot of ground and ran a cracking good race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Charley McDonald 120