untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-07-22


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AN ably written treatise cn Horse Raring or the Art of Making Money at the Race Track will bo maied mailed free to readers of DAILY RACING FOEM OEM on application to the publishers A F vithe lithe Co 720 Consolidated Exchange Building Chicago It is illustrated with fifteen art halftones of Ed Eodoys Dodos celebrated racing studies It is the most comuact compact bit of horge Jorge lore jye ye have over seen and gives in a nutshell the ist Kist of a lifes lifers experience among tLe tale thor pughbreds purebreds Every racegoer racketeer will find it highly instructive and very enjoyable reading BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE MADISON AND CLARK STREETS LDXDRIANT DEXEDRINE IN FITTINGS FITTINGSCDISINE FITTINGS CDISINE DISINTER UNEXCELLED EVERYTHING SERVICE THE BEST IN SEASON A High Class Modern Restanrair Restorer MODERATE B r WELTY WETLY PRICES COMMISSIONS ON FOREIGN RACES THE UNDERSIGNED WILL FOKWAED FLOWED TO RESPON RESPOND ¬ SIBLE SABLE BOOKMAKERS AT THE RACE TRACKS IN NEY NE YORK MONTREAL AND ST LODIS LOIS LODISANY LODI ANY SUM OF MONEY NOT LESS THAN 50 THAT MAY BE LEFT WITH US ONE HOUR PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF THE BACEd ACEd BUDD BUD WHITE CO 107 Dearborn St Room 3O1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898072201/drf1898072201_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1898072201_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800