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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTBRIGHTON CHARTERING BRIGHTON BEACH N Y July 21 Fourteenth day Brighton Beach Raping Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 2 30 pm O FIRST RACE 34 Mile 5600 added 3yearolds and upward belling 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 72223JUNO 114 2 52 22 22 li Doggett Doge G Winslow 75856575 7081 RUBY LIPS 101 4 3 52 3 21 Maher Jere Ere Dunn 6 6 41 41 7168 MARITO MARION 101 5 4 3 42 33 James P J Miles 4 4 2i 3 371133DECIDE 71133DECIDE 114 1 21 li 12 4f Hamilton W Lakeland 5 756 7154 TINKLER TINKER 103 3 1 42 53 5 OConnor O'Connor W O Daly Dally 25 60 25 30 7168 PCE PC AUCKLAND 101 6 6i 6 6 620 McCue McClure J Corbett Corvette 6 10 6 6 7170 IDA J D 112 7 7777 OLeary O'Leary T W Shreve Shrove 30 100 30 40 40Time Time 121 24 36 481 1 02 1 141 141Winner Winner Ch m 5 by Salvator Salvatore Bessie June JuneStart Jumpstart Start good Won handily Juno best handled and lucky throughout finished gamely at the end Ruby Lips is much improved and should win at an early date She took the long route after getting away on the inside Marito Marion on the inside was somewhat bothered for a while but came so fast in the stretch that her jockey nearly fell off Decide likes a shorter route but had all his speed with him today Tinkler Tinker ran well for him So did Prince Auckland but both are very common Ida J D was practically left and is of no earthly good anyway Scratched anywayScratched Taranto Arrant 117 Swamp Angel 116 Sculptor 103 7295 s SECOND RACE 58 Mile 600 added 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L 6978MATANZA 109 5 31 21 li 12 James T P Hayes 5 5 3 31 6155 NINETY CENTS 106 3 IH H 2t 2 Coylie Collie B Fe ney NE 10 30 10 20 7054 ST GLAIR LAIR 115 4 6a 32 32 33 Doggett Doge T F Barrett Barrette Co 5 544 54472262MARK 72262MARK MILES 117 2 21 42 42 42 Taral Aral J C Fitzsimmons 6 10 5 6 672503SUBJECT 72503SUBJECT 109 7 55 5 53 5 Songer Sponger W C Daly Dally 4535 70242 RINCE RICE OF WALES 109 6 41 61 82 6 Maher Gideon Daly Dally 652 6585 7167 MOUNT CLEMENS 110 1 7 7 7 73 Joney Joey Taylor Bradley 10 10010 75 6854 KOSTELETZKRI 106 9 8888 Pickering W Midgley Midge 20 100 20 75 5451 BELGRAVIA BULGARIA 104 8 9999 McCue McClure J Corbett Corvette 20 60 20 60 60Tjme Tjme Time 12 24 36 1 02 02Winner Winner Ch f by Hanover The Niece NieceStart Nieces Start fair Won easily Matanza Mata was the best She is quite a filly and a game stayer slayer Ninety Cents ran surprisingly well and showed phenomenal pace the first half St Glair Lair is a grand looker and ran well with the top weight Mark Miles is small and lightly put up and was overweighted overweighed in consequence Is very fast but requires light burdens Subject is acrobatic Wales stopped badly after running a fast first quarter The others were out of the race from the start startScratched statecraft Scratched Tut Tutu Tut Tutu 107 7296 THIRD RACE 1 116 Miles 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 72272FREE LANCE 112 2 IH H 11 111 11 Doggett Doge W J Roche Broche 1 1 45 45 7222 2285272482MERLIN BANQUO BANQUET II 106 1 21 221 2 23 21 James P J Miles 22852 72482MERLIN 98 3 3 3 3 3 3 OConnor O'Connor W G Daly Dally 21 4 2 31 31Time Time 26 511 1 161 1 43 1 491 491Winner Winner B c 4 by Cavalier Lady Alice AliceStart Leicester Start good Won galloping Free Lance is at his best It was an easy race for him but he had all tlxe tale advantages of good handling in his favor Banquo Banquet II requires a strong hustling ride which he failea faille to get today He is good Merlin ran his race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Gun Metal 91 TOOT FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 2ynarolds Fillies Allowance tj I The Distaff Stakes 750 added StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 67332ANAGRAM 99 1 11 12112 12 Songer Sponger J W Colt 5533 7223 3072232LA HELEN THOMAS 99 3 61 41 21 21 Thompson J E Madden 30 40 30 30 72232LA 8527150TENDER CHEVIOT 111 8 7 52 61 SB Murphy Bromley Brome Co f85 2 852 7150TENDER 109 5 2 21 SH 4n Maher W A Chanler Chandler 5656 67313AVOCA 565667313AVOCA 39 10 86 51 51 Dupee Dupe W Jennings 8 15 8 12 70003TENDRESSE 109 2 31 31 7 61 Simms Sims J Rowe Co 5 15 5 15 71672LADY EXILE 99 7 5 7 41 7 OLeary O'Leary C D McCoy Co 6 10 6 8 6877 ROCK DOVE 99 11 9888 Pickering Louis Stuart 20 50 20 40 70803 LOITER 99 6 41 9 9 9 E Jones Sensation Stable 8 258 20 7080 INEENNAMARA 9913 10 10 10 10 Coylie Collie F C OReilly Gorily 30 60 30 50 7223 LEPIDA LAPIDARY 109 4 11 11 11 11 Bergen W C Daly Dally 15 30 15 25 257080LINDULA 7080LINDULA 9912 12 12 12 12 James J Galway 15 30 15 25 6877 852Added ONNDGAS HONDAS PRIDE119 9 13 13 13 13 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co t85 2 852 Added starter fCoupled Coupled in betting bettingTime betting Time 121 243611021 243611021Winner Winner Ch f by Ben Stroma Stoma Favor Ban BanStart Banta Start good Won easily Anagram lucky and well handled is a good filly at that and looks it Helen Thomas ran well and is a good looker too La Cheviot with the worst of the weight and handicapped with a bad jockey was best She closed a big gap taking the long route from a bad beginning Tender ran her race Avoca Avocado showed surprising form Tendresse Tennessee is faint hearted but will improve Lady Exile ran well Rock Dove had no chance with such a jockey Loiter is a cheap one Ineennamara had no chance with the ride or start Lopida Lipid is out of form Onondagas overweightedScratched overweighed Pride wants mud Is a very bad actor and was overweighted overweighed Scratched Caoutchouc Coauthor H4 Sky Scraper 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs La Cheviot 2 pounds TOOQ TOO FIFTH RAGK RAG 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward 6 J O The Santiago Handicap 2000 added Ind Indo Horses Wt St S StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 7127 BRIAR SWEET 102 4 2H 21 IH IH is INK Maher W B JenningsCo8 5 2 8595 72253DR GATLETT GALE 112 1 31 4 33 33 22 211 T Murphy Turney Tourney Bros Brows 3433 343372733OUR 72733OUR JOHNNY 100 5 41 31 410 410 410 SH Songer Sponger W Gheritan Georgian 15 30 15 20 207225PEEP 7225PEEP ODAY DAY 115 3 12 11 221 21 32 410 Simms Sims J H McCormick 21 2 21 21 6972 SEMPER SIMPER EGO 112 2 5 4544Time 5 5 5 5 5 Taral Aral Bromley Brome Co 4544 Time 24 48 1 l i 1 39i 1 46 1 53 53Winner Winner Ch f 3 by Sir Modred Molded Sweetbriar SweetbriarStart Sweetbriar Start fair Won driving Briar Sweet is easily the best filly of the year or of recent years Her race was extraordinary from every point of view After fifty minutes delay at the post she got away none too well and was poorly handled Dr Catlett Cattle with the best of the weights was off in front after being well saved at the post He got a ppor poor ride but is very good and will do soon Our Johnny aided by his light weight and the tiresome delay at the post ran finely Peep oDay today was killed off by Briar Sweet and was ridden with bad judgment though he came again in the last sixteenth after appearing to be beaten and should have been third Semper Simper Ego is stale and acts worse than ever at the post Scratched postScratched PostScript Ogden 121 7299 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile 600 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 72222GLONOINE 100 4 51 32 2U 13 1 Maher J Hynes Haynes Co 7130 TARANTO TORONTO 110 1 21 2 33 35 23 Bergen M Bergen 8 15 8 12 7170 LEO LAKE 107 3 11 U 11 23 36 Dopgett Doge W A Oliver 8 15 8 12 7222 ELLA DALY DAY 97 5 4 6 62 61 4 OConn O'Connor OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 20 10 15 7108 TAN1S 107 7 8 8 51 51 51 McDer Cider McDermottH McDermott Patterson 10 30 10 25 7166 GOV GO BUDD BUD 107 6 7 5 42 43 6 OLeary O'Leary W L Oliver 30 40 30 30 7199 FROHMAN FROGMAN 9 8 8 7H Bailey MJDaly Midway 4 4J 4 21 21 5151 TO TOttSTENSON Outspends STENSON STERNSON 98 2 31 i 7 7 8 Songer Sponger J A McLaughlin 8 25 8 25 7037 HURL 107 10 10 10 10 9 9 Cowman A Decker 40 100 40 60 7171 TENT PIN 88 9 61 7 9 10 10 McCue McClure J F Knealo Neal 20 50 20 40 40Time Time 2550 1151142 1151142Winner Winner B c 3 by Sheen Homeopathy Start fair Won pulled up Glonoine Leonine off none too well galloped throughout He outclassed his field badly and is a good colt in fair company Taranto Arrant would have had a chance with a more capable jockey He is good He came again after appearing to be beaten Leo Lake thowed towed a flue burst of speed and will do to watcli watch from now on Ella Daly Dally is of little account Tanis Anis ran well after getting away badly Governor Budd Buddy is at his best Watch for him over hurdles Torstenson Tortes is but half fit He ran very well for a half Scratched Jefferson 102 Hardy C 99 Ruby Lips 93