untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-07-22


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THE WASHINGTON PARK CLUB TWENTYFIVE TWENTY DAYS RACING RACINGJUNE RACING JUNE 35 TO JULY 23 INCLUSIVE INCLUSIVERaces Inclusive Races Commence at 230 P M Sharp Rain or Shine ShineAdmission Sinead Admission Including Seat in Grand Stand 100 TRAIN ALLEY L REGULAR THAINS THINS ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROADEXPRESS RAILROAD AND LOCAL TRAINS TRAINSConnecting Connecting with all Elevated Roads via the loop every four minutes Will leave Randolph Street as follows 12 45 tl 00 Jl 05 1 10 fl 20 1 25 1 30 fl 40 U 45 1 5Qj 12 00 Z 05 t2 20 2 25 f2 40 40CABLE CABLE AND ELECTRIC LINES Indicates through express no stops south of Van Buren Burn Street t Express with loop connec connect connecState connectable tion ion transfersat transfers 60th Street stopping at Van Buren Burn Street Hyde Park and South Park only cable lines with all South lines connect Side State Street and Cottage Grove Avenue crosstown Street Parlor Local stopping at all stations with loop connection transfers at 60th cars on onthrough outthought direct to gates Calumet Electric Street Railway to South Park Avenue and 63d Street Fare for round 25 cents through Express tram Seat rate 25 cents trip SUMMER MEETING BEGINS JULY 25 25FIVE FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILYRAIN DAILY OR SHINE BEGINNING AT 230 PM PMADMISSION MANUMISSION HARLEM ADMISSION 75 CENTS LADIES 50 CENTS GRAND CONCERT BY BANKS CREGIERS CAREGIVERS ORCHESTRA30 PIECESDAILY SPEEDILY AT 130 PM WEDNESDAY JDLY JODY 27 JUNIOR STAKES FOR TWO YEAROLDS EARLS 34 MILE 1000 ADDED ADDEDSATURDAY SATURDAY JULY 30 OAK PARK STAKES FOR THREEYEAROLDS 1 MILE 1000 ADDED ADDEDWEDNESDAY4 WEDNESDAY4 AUGUST 3 ASPIRAST ASPIRATE STAKES FOR TWOYEAROLDS TOEHOLDS 5 12 FURLONGS 750 ADDED ADDEDSATURDAY SATURDAY AUGUST 6 GARDEN CITY HANDICAP FOR THREEYEAROLDS AND UPWARD 34 MILE 1000 ADDED HARLEM RACE TRACK at 1240 120 and 145 pm Round Trip 25 Cents CentsSPECIAL SPECIAL TRAINS on Lake Street L connect with Electric cars at 52d Street SPECIAL ELECTRIC CARS via 1 2th Street leave Van Buren Burn and State Streets every 1 0 minutes direct to track M NA T HANSON Secretary Room 1 130 Adams Street Goodwins Godwin 1RTH 1RTHOFFICIAL Leighs Sleighs Portable Stalls StallsCheap Stalls I O I Pi PiTurf Picture OFFICIAL Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable Turf Guide YEAR YEARMORE ENAMORED CLOHESEY CLOCHES CO COPOOL COOL MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER OWNERS AND A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE MADEA MADE TRAINERS BOOKMAKERS POOL ROOM and Whan Wham yon ship your horses to A Form Table to Each Event Eventwhich Seventh oar Express with Company Leighs Sleighs Patent to stall Portabl Portable to SUPPLIES iht ht Stall adjustable to any car 1 TICKETS securing absolute safety to you PHONE which shows exact position of every horse horaer hoarer while ia transit trithoi triton SHEETS which was either 1st 2d 3d or 4th at each additional cost to the shipper i SLATES quarter pole also positions at start Im express companys company furnish th portan Portland t notes added when required Events free of coat to you They ion lAN 3 CASH BOXES reported from all parts of the country and deface the car when ndjtute adjusted Canad Canada a Issued the 1st and 15th of every and caube cube sat up in thirty miimtt minim 2134 J BLACK month monthPRICE monotypic for any number of horses to 24 u BOARDS ETC double door baggage car Exprar Extra PRICE 60 CTS CRTS EACH EACHFor Anchor companins companions can procnn proc stall t applying to toTHOS troths 48 = 50 Wabash Ave For sale at all principal hotels newsstands THOS ETHOS IWcFADDBN Mgr CHICAGO racetracks and publishers office officeGOODWIN office 628630632 East Front Street StreetOINOlNNflTi OINOlNNflTi O GOODWIN GODWIN BROS BRO 1440 Broadway near 4Oth Street

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898072201/drf1898072201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1898072201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800