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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOTJIS OTIS MO July 31 Fiftyninth Fifty day St Louis Fair Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin Kacing Acing starts at 2 30 p m QAA AA FIRST hACB hackbut 34 Mile Purse100 3yearolds and upward Maidens ZJsS Jess Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M K fcHrFin chorine Jockeys Owners O H L C 710 LIVADIA LIVONIA 1003 I 12 J2 3 JilcDonaldJ Griffin Co 3 5 3 41 7241 K LONGFELLOW 1021 7 6 51 62 2 Combs Rhodes Payne 4836 6993 GALL A LTLY LATELY 103 r 4 4VIGIiS 42 31 33 i Tobin G T Landon London 30 50 20 20 VIGIiS Vigils VANCE 100 10 F Fl 2 21 42 Lines J R Ross 10 15 10 10 6 183GOUSIN L7ZZIE 9511 7 62 41 51 Kelly C C Maffitt Afflict 10 10 4 6 6139 LITTLE SALLE3 95 1 2 21 41 52 62 Slovens Slovenes M Shields 5 10 5 8 6792 JOAN O 7 AFC AC II 100 2 11 10 8 7 Frost D Hoover 6 15 6 10 7190 ALMA tUbSELLi tube 100 9 10 11 9 8 J Harris J D DearingBro Debarring 20 60 20 40 1971 CHRISTABEL CHRISTIE 95 2 9 9 JO 9 G Clay Innes Inanes Tierney Etienne 10 40 10 30 7331 EOOSIIR LILY 100 15 15 15 13 10 Vancamp Vance G Jones 20 30 20 30 69u3 PICARONA PICAROON 100 13 13 13 12 11 Lendrum Lender H Reiche Riche 20 20 21 3 14 14 15 12 Southard Southward V Heard 15 30 15 25 103 BLANC IE 95 4 4HATTIE 31 71 71 13 Rebo Reebok W Mulkey Mule 12 30 12 20 HATTIE ASHLEY 97 8 12 12 11 It Guitiers Guiltier JR Smith 50 20050 150 7173 ANNTEBLACKBRNIOO 20CORA 6 6CORA 8 8 14 15 Gilmire Gilmre Gilmore ACBellew Abele 12 20 12 20 CORA PARK 95 16 16 16 15 16 Kane Frank Park 50 100 50 50 Time 50Time 24 49 103 116 RichardsPost Richards Winner 116Winner Ch f 3 by Wawekns Wakens Leonora Richards Post 8 minutes Start fair Won easily second and third hard at it Livadia Livonia got ihrough through luckily on the rail up the back stretch and always held her field safe Picarona Picaroon pulled up sore LittieSallip Laities speedOverwoights speedier had Koruo Oreo speed Overwoights Overweighs Livadia Livonia 5 pounds Katie Longfellow 2i Calla Lily 3 Hattio Hattie Ashley 2 73O1 SECOND KA03 58 flliu folium Purse 400 2yearolds Maidens Allowances ina Gina worses worsens Wt at i y K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Ownera Owner 70182JESS1E JARROE JARRED 103 2 21 2i H 11 G Clay W L Hazelip Harelip 12 12 4 6 11107l322UNi3LE 71443EVSLYN BYRD 103 4 51 51 43 22 Cady Caddy M Deatheridge Featheredged 65 65 1 1110 7l322UNi3LE BILL 10 5 0 8 85 6 35 Lines H T Batchelor Bachelor 21 3 21 3 7216 HAVEL HAVE 105 7 31 31 21 42 Rutter Ruttier B Schreibar Schreiber 20 50 20 50 7216 S1DTILLA 1C3 6 41 42 32 C Snell Smell TJMcHale 10 25 10 20 710 BLENHEIM BLENCHING 1G3 13 11 32 8 61 JMcDonaldW McDonald H Cutler 8 15 8 12 7240 GEORdEDUNNETTlOG 3 61 7 7 7 Harrington V Heard 10 20 10 15 7172 FALONET FALCONET 103 5 7 61 o 8 Hothersall Others G C Bennett 40 50 40 50 6680 EL GHOR HORI 11311 12 U 11 9 Hall G W Curtis 12 30 12 30 7144 100CROUPIER BARON ST PIERR2103 8 9 9 9 10 Kane E Cooke 60 10060 100 CROUPIER 11312 13 13 13 11 W Dean Wm Bradley Co50 10050 75 7276 KOENIG KONG 11010 10 10 12 12 Kelly Caesar Young 25 10025 75 52983PROTECT 40PAULINE 103 1 11 1 10 13 Gormley Grimly Ed Leigh 15 50 15 40 PAULINE J 11014 H U 14 14 Halfliog Halloing EC Brown 50 10050 100 Time 13 251 50 103 Winner 103Winner B f by Eothon Eaton Ida Glenu Glen GlenuPost Cleanups handledWhen handled Post 14 minutes Start good Won cleverly second handily Evelyn Byrd was badly handled When clear she came fast but it was too late Jesse Jarboe Arbores was well ridden Havel Have had speed Uncle Bill closed strong Scratched strongScratched Condock Condo 106 106Overweights Overweights Overweighs Havel Have 2 pounds THIRD RACF GRAF 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M aj U StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 72182BASQUIL 10245 21 22 23 IH 11 Snell Smell TJMcHale 6856 68567193ED 7193ED FARRELL 94 3 12 12 n 23 22 Frost W L Simmons 13 12 13 720 7195 GO TO BED 87 1 42 3 3 32 31 Kelly J F Focrg Forge 8 10 6 8 72i8JUDGESTEADMAN99 6 6 6 6 51 42 Lines R E Maddox 15 20 15 15 7218 CONFESSION 95 4 51 51 51 6 51 Hothersall Others W Dickson Dicks 60 10060 100 7191 LEASEMAN LEADSMAN 99 2 3 x 41 41 41 6 Guitiers Guiltier S J Charles 200 300 200 200 Time 200Time 25 50 1 16 1 4H 1 46 KeilyPost Kelps Winner 46Winner B c 4 by Wood Moss Lady Keily Kelly Post 3 minutes Start good Won clover y second easily Ed Farrell wants stronger hand ¬ ling than he pot today He must have the suiks sulks driven out of him Frost rode him hard all the way Basquil Basque got a pei pie feet ride Judge Stoadman Stamen slow to begin closed strong Overweights Overweighs strongOverweights Basquil Basque 21 pounds FOURTH RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 400 2yearolds Handicap orses gorses Wt St 1A Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 719J3LEO PLANTER 121 1 1 12 13 114 JMcDonaldW McDonald W Darden Arden 8 12 6 6 7144CBANCERY 114 3 2 22 22 25 Combs J C Cahn Can 2 2i 95115 71442QOOD 9511571442QOOD HOPE 106 5 5 41032 3 Rutter Ruttier B Schroibor Schreiber 3 5 3 41 7195 BE TRUE 106 2 3 31 48 410 Snell Smell TJMcHale 3534 6626 ROSA CLAY 108 4 45 5 5 5 Booker C B Campbell 5857 7195 OCONNOR O'CONNOR 88 Lost rider Kelly Caesar Young 10 15 5 7 7Time Time 121 25 501 1 03J 1 10 Winner 10Winner B c by Leonatus Lents Plantress Planters PlantressPost Pantries Post 13 minutes Start good Won handily second galloping Rosa Clay was crowded on 1 the fence at the half mile ground Be True was shut off on the stable turn Leo Planter off running escaped all the bumping Good Hope ran a good race Chancery was not bothered and had no excuses Kelly on OConnor O'Connor was caught in the webbing and pulled off at the start 3O4 FIFTH RACE l Furlongs Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St V4 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 71763SORROW 96 2 21 21 2 11 Hothersall Others J C Cahn Can 7220 SILVER SET 109 5 32 31 35 21 Hall G W Curtis 6846 7245 XALI3SA 92 8 82 41 4 3 Lines J Huffman 4846 7220 WIGGINS 96 1 11 12 INK 47 Smithard Sitar FostorBrmfield 6 10 6 8 7280 TRAVIS 108 11 10 61 51 52 W Dean I R Peaker Speaker 60 80 60 80 6242 GARNET RIPPLE 103 7 63 SNK SANK 62 62 R Smith C P Kennedy 100 250 100 200 7241 SfliyiDBEARER 103 9 7 7 7 7 J Webor Weber E J Smith 30 60 30 60 7148 DAVEZAG DAVE 105 6 9 10 9 8 Gilmore J A Abernathy 100 150 ICO CO 100 7173 ADOWA DOA 101 3 5 8 8 9 T WilliamsD Williams J Honan Hunan 100 150 100 100 169 NETTIE NETTLE BELL 941 10 1071733CORRESPOND 11 1111 11 10 10 Franklin J C Booker 100 200 100 150 15071733CORRESPOND 71733CORRESPOND 103 4 41 9 11 11 Lendrum Lender R Morrison Orison 40 100 40 100 Time 100Time 231 49 1 15 1 22 22Winner Winner B f 3 by Faustus Faust Belle Broeck Brock BroeckPost Brock Post 5 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Sorrow always held her field safe She waited until Wiggins had run himself to pieces in front and then galloped in Silver Set was anchored by the weight Xalissa Oxalises closed a lot of ground Travis ran a good race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher El Alma 101 Albert C 89 Prompto Prompt 99 Empress Josephine 92 Overweights Overweighs 92Overweights Nettie Nettle Bell 21 pounds SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Yt X Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners 7065 MADDALO ADDABLE 101 7 31 32 33 12 Gilmore MarionM Marion 7245 FINGAL FINAL 97 12 11 10 8 51 23 Casteel Caste L E Meiste Mister 7242 MORALIST 98 10 10 8 72 41 31 Lines J A Aberna Sabena Abernathy 5 10 4 7 7192 ALMA GLYN LYN 93 8 51 4 5 6 61 4 Booker I B Campl Camp Campbell 6 10 5 8 7145 PERCITA PEORIA 95 2 21 32 22 11 li 52 C Ulay Lay II Frauklii Frauklin Franklin 15 20 10 12 7214 HEL EL H GARDNER 95 3 11 11 IH 22 61 Frost W A Kirwt Skirt Kirwan Iran 12 20 12 15 6358 PRINCE OF INDIA 93 1 41 51 61 8 7 Souihard Southward T Hums 4645 6968 MINERVA 95 9 12 12 12 10 8 J Harris G G Aloshu Moshier Galosh Mushier CoBO Cobol 10060 75 7221 Smith72U ANGER 936 61 61 9 9 9 H Wilsju Wilson Wills E F Smith 40 50 40 50 72U MITCHELL 101 01 11 8 71 42 7 10 Snell Smell A Hobusch Hobs 8 12 7 8 7221 UNCLE ABB ABBY 100 LOO LOLO 4 9 9 10 11 11 JMcDonaldE McDonald G Brown 3 4 21 31 7244 Maddc719J G S BUSH 98 5 7 11 11 12 12 Brosseau Roseau R E Maddc Maddox Madcap 100 150 100 10 719J GOMEZ 98 9813 13 13 13 13 13 13 Hotharsall Hothersall Others W M M filari filarial Clark 100 203 100 15 Time 25 50 116 142 147 PearlPost Pearliest Winner Ch c 4 by Prince Fonso Fonts Glen Pearl Post 10 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving Maddalo Addable was probably the best He was lucky to avoid crowding at the finish Uucle Uncle Abb Abby was cut off at the eighth pole when he had a winning chance Fingal Final off badly closed fast under the whip He pulled up lame lameScratched Scratched Stella B 93 93Overweights Overweights Overweighs Madda1 3 pounds Fingal Final 2