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NOTES OF THE TURF An auction sale of racehorses the property of Marcus Daly Dally was held at the Butte track re ¬ cently gently William Fitch Itch officiated as auctioneer The following were sold Afghan to Mile Fin len 1250 Inverary Cinerary II to Frank VanNess Vainness 450 Shellac to J J Moran 150 White Fern to W A Stotesbury Totes 125 Carmenita Armenia to F T Maley Male 85 Tallac Alack to J Klafiki Kafka Co 100 Inola Minolta to HKBennett 55 Juva Java to D G Tully 90 Lime Water to Frank Van Ness 700 Silver Dream to F D Bandall Banally 150 Monda Monday to J A Tallman Tallyman 75 St Aloysins Aloysius to Miles Finlen Finale 750 Ivy Bloom to E T Smith 155 Pallucas Plucks to F R Ellis 425 Ballista Ballistic to H L Frank 900 Ben Lodi to G W Wentworth 35 Wilkie Willie to L Sullivan 75 Sam McKeever McKee to T G Fergu Ferguson ¬ son 500 Impudence to J S Dougherty Doughier 50 50Dawn Dawn of Day dam of Cash Day died a few days ago at McGrathiana Maceration Stud from age and general debility She had been barren for sev se ¬ eral feral years and this spring was artificially im ¬ pregnated parented from Hanover Dr Robert Bryan the wellknown welkin veterinary made a post mortem examination and found a healthy welldevel Bellevue ¬ oped coped male feotus foetus Dawn of Day was a brown mare foaled in 1880 and was by Ozark Sunny South dam of Harry OFallon Fallen by Birdcatcher Breather first dam Lottie Loftier Moore by Australian second dam Edeny Eden by Lexington The Thoioughbred Thoroughbred Record RecordThe Record The yearlings bred at Mr S Sanford Sons Hurricane Stud Farm will be sold by Mr Wm Easton in the Sheepshead Shepherd Bay sales paddock Tuesday August 23 The youngsters are by Potomac the best son of St Blaise Blains and the imported sire Laureate They are reported to be tn extremely finely developed and good look ¬ ing King band as they should be when such famous dams as Lavinia Livonia Belle Kittie Kitties Clark Marvel Elvira Elmira Zamora and Marguerite are among those represented by produce to be sold soldMr solder Mr J N Canden Camden Jr has purchased from R R Early 200 acres of land adjoining Hart land The Hartland Stud tract now embraces about 2000 acres of tho thou best land in the Blue grass region in Kentucky and is probably the handsomest farm in Kentucky KentuckySteele Kentucky Steele Bros Brows who purchased the sister to Tra Terra verser verse at the recent sale in Chicago have cour court ¬ teously tousle allowed Mr C B Hawkins her breeder who was disappointed with the price realized to have her back backJames backaches James D Carter of Chicago Gus Straus of Lexington and Browning Boardman Barman of St Louis have applied for stall room at New ¬ port portThe pother The racehorse Metairie Meteorite by George Kinney Ella B diod diode nt