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ST LOUIS JBNTRIfiS Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 34 Mile MileAll Illegally All ages Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wet 7598 Truxillo Trujillo 4 110 7392KingGold 6 110 75983 Helen H Gardner 5 105 75933Coirespond 5 105 7419 Aunt Mary 4 105 76712Mound City 3 103 7610Uhler 2 84 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Elmer S gr c by Julien Julie KittieH Kitties 103 Slow Go 103 6846 Palarm Alarm 103 7473 Joe Doughty 103 7673 Mountain Dew 100 7612Leostratus 100 7708 Rose Ash 100 7562 Jesse Jarboe Arbores 100 7257 Tulane 98 7317 Bert Davis 98 7707 La Josephine 95 6847 Miss Gerard 95 7631 Alta May 95 7628 Pansy H 95 7733 Rainmaker 95 Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdci Dc 7675 Gibraltar 3 112 7E 7710 Nick Carter 4 105 72 76752 BelJe Belie of Memphis 3 103 74 7313 White Leaf 3 103 K K75373Ferris 75373Ferris Hartmau Hartman 5 102 6E 6955 Tommy Rutter Ruttier 6 102 6 = Fourth Race 1 110 Miles 3yearolds and upward Owners Handicap Handicap74512The 74512The Elector 4 92 75 7577103Elkin 77103Elkin 4 91 7C 7613 Belle Bramble 4 82 71 717674Forbush 7674Forbush 3 63 73 73Fifth Fifth Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Allowances76732Mona 76732Mona B 105 65 7562 Good Hope 105 69 6958203Hittick 58203Hittick 103 68 6875623Dandy 75623Dandy H 103 70 761 Be True 103 69 6976733Sir 76733Sir Gatian Gating 103 64 7174 Iris 100 66 667628Georgie 7628Georgie 100 65 65Sixth Sixth Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 7629 Rowland Duete Duet 4 104 63 7735 Maddalo Addable 4 104 67 7735 Judge Steadman Seaman 6 103 66 7505 King Elkwood Elmwood 5 103 64 7221 Amber Glints 5 101 64 7710 MrsBradshaw Misbrands 7 101 63 6377092Confession 77092Confession 4 99 69 697712Siva 7712Siva 3 98 70