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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART CHARTCHICAGO CATCHING CHICAGO IH August 9 Second day Chicago Racing Association Snmmor Unmoor Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge Capt Caput J H Rees Starter William Bruen Braun Racing starts at 230 p m No recall flag used T Q T FIRST RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Selling t i O 8 Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Vt St Vz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7601 147J60PRINOE ESPIONAGE 109 14 1 I H 14 T Burns L Kzell Kelly 4 5 91045 4 617fSJ2APRILS 7J60PRINOE HARRY 103 61 3 3K K 54 2K 2 Thorpe P Dunne 3 34 3 34 7fSJ2APRILS LADY 104 4 8 63 44 32i Everett BrcknrpeVileyo 656 7651 TEE DRAGOON 103 7 4 324 34 4H Sheppard W A McCounell McConnell 30 30 30 30 75 a OSTRA ROSTRA 106 2 2NK 21 2 RS KHK KHAKIS 52 Hurt Middletn Middle MiddletnJgbhSO Middling fcJgbh20 25 20 25 6 NANCY SEITZ SEIZE 105 54 7 7N 4 75 6U 6H N Turner Stanton Tucker 20 30 20 30 612 30Ti iliZZOUHA 107 8 5 7 6U 6H 75 Gonloy Only C L Applegate Appellate 30 30 30 30 Ti y FHANK HANK IRELAND 107 3 64 8 8 8 Ellis E Corrigair Corrigan 15 20 15 20 20Time Time 124 254 33 491 1 OUt 1 154 Wiai WWII MaidPost Midmost B f by Inspector B Hun Maid Post minutes Start good Won hand ridden second third and fourth were driving to the Hurt Espionage was the best but had about all she could do to win This filly is not as good a = r ho was early in the season Prince Harry is a game colt He was under a drive the last three furlongs It was a hard drive too Aprils Lady was closing strong She was sharply sLut off and obliged to pull up shortly after the start Ostra Rostra had som soma t speed whatever chance stio stoic had thonrh thorn was killed off by the early pace The final eighth of the first half was run in 111 seconds Frank Ireland dropped steadily back and ran a bad race Overweights Overweighs raceOverweights Mizzoura Missourian 2 pounds Espionage poundsEspionage pondering place 3 to 10 show 2 to 11 Prince Harry place 4 to 5 show 1 to 2 Aprils Lady show 7 to 10 SECOND RACE 34 Mile 4yoar lds lads and upward Allowances Purte Pure 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third r Horses Wt Bt Vt 5i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H I 76873 ABU SB 114 3 K 13 14 13J12 T Burus Burs Fostsr Foists Bros Brows 25251325 7 7S ABE FCRST CRT 107 54 44 2 23 2 Everett J B Respass Trespass 34 1853 165 725ft WblTCOMB 104 4 510 58 3K 3 t Jenkins H E Rowell Roswell 60 100 60 100 100SHK 723i JOE ULLMAN PULLMAN 104 I 1 3 SHK SHAKER 411 414 j2i 424 45 Ellis E Corrigan 50 60 50 60 7689 SANGAMON SEAGRAM 114 314 24 2 3 56 5 v Martin T C McDowell 12 20 12 20 760 CH CHARABELLE HAREBELL ARABELLE BARBELL 102 7 65 615 612 612 Rose R Bradley 200200100100 6i 6ii75 2002001001006ii75 75 MICHAEL G 107 64 7777 McNickle Canticle W Landsberg Lindbergh 200 200 200 200 200Time Time 12J 244 49 1 0l4 1 14 AJrakruPost Markups Winner 14Winner B h 5 by Pevna Pena AJrakru Karakul Post 4 minutes Start fair Won easily second under punishment third and fourth driving hard Abuse outclassed his field on a speed basis He galloped those behind him to pieces the first five furlongs and just cantered himself the last eighth Abe Furst Furs ran an improved race He is in winning form now Whitcomb Witco and Joe Ullman Pullman had a battle royal for third place Whit combs race was an improvement Watch him in cheaper company Sangamon Seagram ran a bad race Ho evidently weightScratched weights dislikes weight Scratched Timemaker Tidemark 120 Panour Amour 104 Abe 104Abe Furst Furs place 9 to 20 Whitcomb Witco show 24 to 1 THIRD AllowancesPurse Allowances RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds Allowances Purse 00 value to winner 400 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St Vi fc StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 76862 JOHN BRIGHT 115 24 22 2 21 22 1H Everett Talbot Bros Brows 44 5 4 44 51120357525EDDIE 768SFOUND 44768SFOUND 100 IKK VIKKI is 12 m i 28 T Burns John Huffman 35 8 5112035 7525EDDIE JONES 115 3 3 3 3 3 3 Thorpe BurnsWaterhse Breakwaters 3 17 53 165 404Winner Time 165Time 25 494 1 02 1 15i 1 404 Winner LightPost Lightest B c by Sir Dixon Bright Light Post 2 minutes Start good Won cleverly second driving and out to the last once third eased at the end It was a rank form reversal on John Brights Rights part The last time he met Found he could not get within striking distance of the filly Today with twentythree twenty pounds more ou him and ten more on Found 1m made the latter look like a cheap selling plater platter Ho is a good colt but rumor has it ho was short Saturday The price was short also Found cannot apparently cany canny more than ninety pounds and run a good race Eddie Jones looked dangerous on the far turn but tired badjy baldy when the pinch came John cameJohn cameo Bright place 4 to 5 H 17 A f FOURTH PACE 1 18 Miles 3year olds and upward Selling 4 0 rxJ rex Purse 400 value to winner S300 75 to second 25 to third thirdInd third Ind Indo Horses Wt S St K H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L G G7634MONCREITH 7634MONCREITH 108 2 4 4 4 4 If 14 T Burns J E Murphy 75751 65 76542FORTE 6576542FORTE 96 4 2 2 314 314 3 2 J Woods P Dunne 2 1352 11 5 75273PAUL KAUVAR KAVA 108 In 3 33 2 2K 2 314 N Turner Stanton Tucker 6 6 5 54 7654 FRIAR JOHN 96 3 1 114 H 114 4 4 McNickle Canticle E R Bradley 44 54 44 5 Time 134 26 384 51 1 C4 1 17 1 424 1 54i Winner BagpipesPost Bagpipes 54iWinner Br c 4 by Jim Gore Bagpipes Post 30 seconds Start good Won handily The other three were driving to the limit MoDcreith Medicare was the best and perfectly ridden The ride was certainly a pretty piece of work Burns waited long and patiently and nover mover made a move until the stretch was reached Then when the1 natural spread came he got through and sftertbat aftertaste toyed with his field Forte is a game JJfurse Jujus Woods was at work on him the last half mile Paul Kauvar Kava seemed to be winning on the far turn He tired though when the final pinch came and bore in under punishment through the stretch Friar John was pumped out the firsi firs part of it He runs best from behind and McNickle Canticle mada madam a mistake riding him as he did didMoncreith Moncreith Noncredit placo place 2 to 5 Forte place 3 to 5 7r7 A t FIETH FET RACK 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Allowances 6 tt JL Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses Wt St yt 6 X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L G 7rX7 SATSUiSA Satsuma 115 7 61 41 32 31 1 Thorpe H E Rowell Roswell 3 3 9595 7690 STORM KING 109 34 2 2 224 2 23 Ellis W Landsberg Lindbergh 4544 7547 OSMON COSMO 109 5 42 5 414 42 32 Ponley Only RM Fisher 50 75 50 75 76882 BRA W LAD 115 2 34 1 INK INK 41 H Shields E Wishard Wished 5959 7687 EUGENIA WICKES WICKS 104 61 5 6 6 54 51 Hart MdletnJgblth24 16524 145 7689 W GT 106 1 IK 34 SSK SASK 6 68 Everett W Hoffman 6868 6809 DISCIPLINE 109 4 200Time 7 7 7 7 7 Hazlett Haslet J Desha Des 20 200 20 200 Time 251 37J 50 1 024 1 154 1 28 Winner 28Winner Ch h 6 by MacDuff Mac Albertha Alberta AlberthaPost Alberta Post 8 minutes Start good Won in a long hard drive of two third and fourth also driv drive ¬ ing King Satsuma was the best and best ridden but extremely lucky to win The old horse found the track to bis bias liking and his race was a marked improvement over that of Saturday He was in with a different lot though and tho thou track was softer This accounts for the sudden improve ¬ ment meant Saisuma Satsuma took tho thou long route and swerved under the whip about tho thou eighth pole Here is whore Thorpe used good judgment He put Uis Luis whip aside and rode a powerful finish with his hands and heels Storm King perhaps should have won Ellis broke his stirrup leather in the stretch and was unablo unable to do the colt justice at the finish The Kings race was somewhat of an improvement over his last Osmon Olson ran a cracking race and finished strong Bra w Lad was right there all the way but tired when the pinch cam Eugenia Wickos Wicks vas badly inter ¬ fered feared with at the start Throw hor Thor race out W C T had speed but was short Sat3Uina shortSat3Uina place 4 to 5 Storm King place 3 to 2 show 2 to 3 Osmon Olson show 7 to 1 Corrected weight Bra w Lad 115 n FT A SIXTH SellingPurso Selling RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Selling 6 tt Purso Purrs 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Wt St M H 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 107 1 12 13 13 H H Shields Duke Wishard Wished 1 13101 1 7160 AIR BLAST 103 8 8 7 51 224 N Turner W H May Son 4 44 4 44 KUNJA KUNAI 44KUNJA i 100 34 54 54 4 3 Hazlott Shallot J Desha Des 100 100 60 75 757V71 7V71 OLD FOX i 103 5 6K 32 21 4 K Everett W J Donohue Downpour 4545 771 DEFENDER II 105 2 2 2 3 51 Hart J Burns 40 50 40 50 771 NUMA NEUMANN 103 6 7 8 72 62 H Williams C DeWitt Hewitt 15 15 15 15 7039 KEEN WINKLE 100 74 3 42 62 72 Walsh W Landsberg Lindbergh 100 100 100 100 7599 ROSA MASSO MASS 100 4 t 6 8 8 Lilly Welch Co 4 7 4 7 Time 25 52 1 16 16Winner Winner Ch c by Great Tom Endurance EndurancePost Endurance Post 4 minutes Start poor Won hand ridden second and third driving hard Stamina bf al tbT tb Darrinr Darin a trille trilled Shields got him away like a shot out of a gun The colt needed to get a whoi3 lot bb best of it to wia ia as ho was tiring badly at the end Air Blast WHS VHS perhaps the best 1 T Jiiutunate Initiate in getting nway way had a rough journey but finished like a lion This is i eooi ecologic t ei v ja under poor handling rail a good race and finished strong on the inside OiJ Ouija iSs Miss is oaJ Loa a aior air ior Igor Numa Neumann and Rosa Masao Macao were both sharply interfered with down the back stretch Tho Theo lattar attar act a hnJ nJ ride rideGvrMweipltii GvrMweipltii Vermeil jJe jet jaJer japer II 2 pounds poundsbtauii pounds btauii obtaining pltt Platt to o Air iJlast villas place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Kunja Kunai show 6 to 1