Windsor Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-08-10


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WINDSOR ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 7185 Tokio Tokyo 3 108 635 63577062Clincher 77062Clincher 3 105 672 7495 Locksley Lockset 3 105 655 7662 BenQFallon Beefalo 3 105 652 7635 Violent 3 103 670 7186 Yellow Jacket 3 103 632 2727 Belleof Belle Franco 3 103 640 6397 Guinan Guinean 3 100 650 5374 Prince Hal 3 97 660 7634 Harrington 7 97 675 7485 Lord Farandole Farad 3 97 642 6572 Cliftondale Clifton 3 97 645 5763 Sweet Cream 3 95 662 7581 Brulare Bulbar 3 95 630 7627 Tamora Tamara 3 95 665 665Second Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Selling 7704 Overboard 110 645 7625 Mountain Rose 107 650 65074843Cavotte 74843Cavotte 107 655 6557585Record 7585Record 107 660 77042 J E Clines 107 665 7490 SirCagimir 100 675 675Third Third Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 7657 What Next 4 110 740 9973 Atelier 7 101 650 65076242RedMonk 76242RedMonk 4 101 720 72076572Cogmoosey 76572Cogmoosey 4 98 730 5300 Halton Alton 7 98 700 7005i57 5i57 Gotnor Gator 7 98 680 7657 Intriguer 4 98 650 6507721Alice 7721Alice Farley Fairly 3 92 750 7638 Teucor Tudor 3 91 690 690Fourth Fourth Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances The Belle Isle Stakes Value 1000 10007737Espionage 7737Espionage 120 750 7507658Triune 7658Triune 105 680 7490 Lizzie Tizzies Kelly 102 665 7722 Flying Belle lOi loci 675 7585 Contravene 102 685 68574273Malaise 74273Malaise 102 650 7720 Silver Fish 102 675 6757651Hanlight 7651Hanlight 102 700 7637 Glasnevin Glaswegian 102 690 7722 Merode Erode 102 660 660Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling 585 George Cooper 105 645 6457489Sissie 7489Sissie Chance 103 655 6601 Eggler Giggler 103 642 6427701Tessie 7701Tessie B 103 662 7483 Gleam Bramble 103 660 6962 Armorel Marmoreal 103 665 7657 Beguile 100 675 7636 Victorine Victorian 100 630 7483 Water Crest 100 640 7636 IdealBeau Ideal 100 635 7038 Na Pogue Rogue 100 632 7662 Dunbar Unbar 100 672 4984 Our Lizzie Tizzies 95 650 7635 Flying Bess Bests 95 652 65277013Florie 77013Florie 95 670 670Sixth Sixth Race Short Course Course4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesSteeplechase Allowances Steeplechase Steeplechase6893Brother 6893Brother Bob 7 155 645 75862 Rosebery Rosebay 4 138 630 6307586Tuscarora 7586Tuscarora 7 147 640 6115 Populist 5 145 620 7627 Our Bishop 4 132 7659 Lady Maud 7096 Little Bramble 6863 Lastfellow Playfellow 312 Lassie 6 130 N Dyment Doyen entry

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Local Identifier: drf1898081001_2_6
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