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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO August 9 Seventyfifth Seventy day St Louis Fair Association Summer Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chmn Hymn Racing starts at 2 30 p m l7 rr O I FIRST RACE 1 Mile Purse JOO JO 3yearoids Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7539 TKEBOR TEMBLOR 104 7 34 41 33 2Ns 2 Stevens O G Parke Parker 5 i 21 3 7560 FLORA G 102 9 63 22 2 3 22 Lines J Qazzolo Kazoo 10 10 5 7 76153TEWANDA 104 11 12 10 9 6 32 Givens E A Meyers Meyer Co 8 12 5 Itt 7830 ABE REGATE CREATE 107 4 11 9 7 9 Harrington J Welch 15 30 15 20 75603EMP JOSEPHINE 102 12 9 8 61 5 51 Kane J S OBrien O'Brien 4846 76322 R B SACK 104 8 2J 31 41 4 61 M Dunn S Ferris 6 10 6 8 756Q2MOCH 107 2 1 13 13 14 72 Hutter Shutter B Schreiber 8 12 8 10 7560 VIOLIN 104 6 7 7 7 8 810 JlcDonaldM P Mattingly Matting 5857 7277 MIS MISS FLORIDE FLORID 102 5 5 61 51 7 9 Guilders 15 75 15 60 7560 GYPCEIVER 107 1 8 11 10 10 10 Hpthersall Pothers MintrWstrfildlO 25 10 25 7632 SCHOOL GIRL 10216 42 5 11 11 11 Southard Southward BrwningBdmn Browning 25 SO 25 30 7632 TOM LILLY 104 13 14 13 13 12 12 W Dean A Cahn Can 8 30 8 30 7632 SIR DICK 107 15 16 15 14 13 13 Lendrum Lender J D Hose 15 30 15 2S 7314 ALMANTE PALMATE 104 10 10 12 12 14 14 C Clay A R Abbott 12 20 12 20 7632 HOWITZER 104 14 15 16 15 15 15 Hendricks Kendrick G G Moshier Mushier Co20 30 20 30 7176 LAURA MAY 102 3 13 14 16 16 16 Gilmore J Fleming 10 25 10 20 Time 20Time 25 504 1 03l 1 17 1 42i 42iWinner Winner Br g by Barnos Barnes Bettio Bettor W WPost Post Post 4 minutes Start good Won cleverly second handily Trebor Trevor was much the best Tewanda Teamed closed strong and will win a cheap race soon Moch Mooch had speed Howitzer tired badly Trebor Trevor badlyTrebor badly place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 Flora G place 21 to 1 show even Tewanda Teamed show 2 to 1 rrrrQfcl SECOND RACE 1 11C Miles Purse SSOO SOHO 4yearolds ami amid upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M V4 Si StrFiii Jockeys Owners O H L C 7388 KATIE LNGFLLW LONGFELLOW 95 6 5i 21 13 15 12 C Clay Rhodes Payno Payne 20 25 10 20 7633 COUNTESS IRMA 9 4 78 4 38 21 21 Southard Southward W Donohue Downpour 2 21 95 115 7633 FRESCO 97 1 2 11 23 81033 Hothersall Others Ramsey Ren Rene 3635 7221 TUTUILLA TITILLATE 9510 10 8 7 43 43 Gormley Grimly Rogan Brogan Walters 3 4 3 St 7629 JOG OSOT SOOT 97 7 3 62 62 53 51 Booker C B Campbell 10 15 10 12 7244 RUSSELLA RUSSELL 93 5 8 9 8 7 6K Kelly W Mohr Mother 6 15 6 II 7475 LITTLE BILLEE BILLETED 97 9 9 5 5 6i 7 Cady Caddy SimmsDthridge20 40 20 30 7388 JIM CON WAY 9511 11 11 11 9 82 Rector E Bertonniere Brownie 25 75 25 60 7534 COCHINA COCHIN 100 12 12 12 12 10 91 Flick M E Dowd Dowdy 15 30 15 25 5735 GIOJA GIGO 10H 2 61 10 10 11 102 Guitiers Guiltier M J Mclnerny Celery 15 50 15 40 7629 HAZARD 101 3 li 32 4 8 113 JMcDonaldH McDonald L Jones Co 5 20 5 15 7594 PLANTATION 99 13 13 13 13 12 12io Stevens D Smith Co 8 25 8 25 6993 bUMO bUM 102 14 14 14 14 13 13 Gilmore A Cahn Can 10 20 10 20 6993 LASSIE LOU 93 8 41 7 9 14 14 Lines Goodwin Godwin Co 20 30 12 20 7630 GOLD TOP 100 Left at the post W Dean A C Bernays Betrays 10 20 10 15 15Time Time 251 50 1 16 1 42 1 49t 49tWinner Winner B m 5 by Longfellow Kate Malone MalonePost Malone Post 5 minutes Start fair Won cleverly second easily Katie Longfellow was the best although Countess Irma closed strong Tutnilla Attila was badly ridden Little Billee Bile finished with his saddle girth broken brokenOverweights Overweights Overweighs Gioja Goad 31 pounds Sumo 2 Gold Top 2 2Katie Katie Longfellow place 6 to I show 2 to 1 Countess Irma place 4 to 5 Fresco show rr rj o o THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse J300 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz Vz75622EVELYN StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 75622EVELYN BIRD 103 3 2 21 11 li li Cady Caddy M Deatheridge Featheredged 2 3 953 7612 ORAIBEE LORAINE 99 6 4 47595OUR 43 32 32 21 Lines D A Hoiiig 5 10 4 8 7595OUR NELLIE 105 8 6 673173ULM 61 51 42 31 Hothorsall Shorthorns T J McHale Chalet 2 3 2 21 73173ULM 104 1 5 51 41 61 41 Rutter Ruttier B Schreiber 3736 7382 WILLIE HOWARD 101 4 1 173172EUGENIA 11 21 22 51 Bloss Loss JW Schorr Scorer Son 8 15 8 1 73172EUGENIA S 99 7 8 871S2TOBE 8776 Southard Southward P Snow 4645 71S2TOBE PAINE 104 5 7 7887 Harrington J W Medlin Meddling 25 50 25 40 7673 SIR BLAZE 102 2 3 31 63 51 8 Gilmore F C Leigh 6856 7562 OLLIE MOLLIE ti 99 9 9 9JOHN 9 9 9 Kane J S OBrien O'Brien 25 40 25 SO JOHN CONZETT COMET 102 10 10 10 10 10 Vancamp Vance F M Arthur 20 100 20 75 75the 7612 RAINMAKER 99 Left at tl tlMISS lamias the post C Clay Wilson fc Daniels Daniel 12 30 12 20 20MISS 20the MISS MAYTIE MATTIE 99 Loft at tt the post Rebo Reebok J M Tucker 50 200 50 150 150Time Time 25 501 1 02i 1 09 09Winner EvelynPost Evelyn Winner Ch f by Rowland Evelyn Post 9 minutes Start poor It was a driving finish Our Nellie was probably the best She was off very badly and closed ground steadily Evelyn Byrd had all the luck of the race Ulna showed no speed speedScratched speeds Scratched Uncle Bill 104 Arline Airline C 103 Lurdaii Laura 102 102Evelyn Evelyn Byrd place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 Oraibee Lorraine place 3 to 1 show even Our Nellie show 1 to 2 773T4 FOURTH RACE 2 Miles Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Allowances lnd land Horses s Wt St H 1 Yi 3A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 7674ED FARRELL 87 4 3 31 31 32 12 12 Kelly W L Simmons 451 45 45 4576723SUNBURST 76723SUNBURST 106 2 51 51 51 51 31 2 Bloss Loss J E Gushing 2 5 2 31 3176293RIFLE 76293RIFLE 102 6 6 6 21 2 50 3 Gilmore M V Henderson Enders 10 10 8 8 75612 JACK BRAD LEY103 5 21 21 4K 41 41 41 HarshbrgrFosterBrumfield20 75 20 60 6077G93BUCKVIDERE 77G93BUCKVIDERE 102 1 12 13 li n 21 51 Lines A Cahn Can 6 12 6 10 7672 C S BUSH 102 3 42 45 61 6 6 6 W Dean R E Maddox 8 30 8 20 20Time Time 27 53 1 21 1 47 214 210 307 332 332Winner Winner B c 3 by Order 111 Wind WindPost Windows Post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second ridden out Ed Farrell was tho thou best and well ridden Buckvidere Duckier quit under a double pull in front Rifle hung on surprisingly well So did poleScratched polecat Jack Bradley who looked to have a chance at the eighth pole Scratched Marquise 102 102Ed Ed Farrell place 1 to 3 Sunburst place 3 to 5 show 1 to 3 Rifle show 3 to 5 7 7H FIFTH KACii ASCII x 11G Miles Purso300 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo iiorses biopsies Wt St V4 H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C7629CHARINA 7629CHARINA 101 10 71 71 51 33 12 JMcDonaldT McDonald Murphy Hi 4 3 Si 7563 MAMIE MAMMIES G 95 9 8 61 61 42 2 Kelly Caesar Young 4 5 4 41 7615 FINGAL FINAL 95 2 31 INK 12 u 3J Southard Southward L E Meister Mister 10 15 8 13 76332MADDALO 1376332MADDALO 102 4 51 8 7 7 42 Lendrnm Lender Marion Morgan 4 846 5767 343473363SERF CELTIC BARD 97 6 61 53 22 2N 52 C Clay Rowo Row Clarkson Carson 3434 73363SERF 100 8 41 4 42 51 61 Vancamp Vance Short Bros Brows 40 50 25 30 7633 MINERVA 95 5 11 21 31 62 71 Craycraft Cray G G Moshier Mushier Co 75 10075 100 7633 UNCLE ABB ABBY 100 3 9 9 9 8 83 Lines E C Brown 6856 7536 SIRENIA IRENA 101 11 10 10 10 9 9 Hill H J 1 MrOnno McCune Mono McClure 15 in mn 10015 is i 75 7630 PINKKY PINKY POTTER 101 1 11 11 11 10 10 Bloss Loss J E Gushing 15 50 15 40 7677 JUDGE STEADMAN101 7 21 31 8 11 11 Gilmoro Gilmore R E Maddox 4 8 46 7563 MORALIST 10212 12 12 12 12 12 C Williams J A Abernathy 25 60 25 50 Time 50Time 24i 50 1 16 1 41i 1 48i Winner 48iWinner B f 4 by Charaxus Caraculs Calash CalashPost Calash Post 13 minutes Start good Won in a mild drive second also driving Charina Carina was per fectly featly ridden and was the best Mamie Mammies G was carried wide at the first turn and rah to her ¬ notch Fingal Final had the speed of the party and hung on well Judge Steadman Seaman ran well ScratchedOtto Scratched wellScratchedOtto H 98 Anger 95 Helen H Gardner 95 Overweights Overweighs Serf 3 pounds Sirenia Irena 2 Pinkey Pinkeye Potter 4 Charina Carina place 6 to 5 show 7 to 10 Mamie Mammies G place 8 to 5 show 4 to 5 Fincal Finical shr hr o 1 7 7 R H SIXTH KACE ACE 78 Mile Pursa Purrs 300 3yearoLda and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M H Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 3 I I II onaldTE Donald Nolan 6 12 5 10 vbll ball iJJliN BFN FN iKUbl Kublai FROST 1W 102 3 51 fi3 63 61 i 61 21 Kelly R Kirkwood Ironwood 7 in K m 76142AQUINAS 107 8 61 51 2 H 3 Rutter Ruttier BSclreTber Schreiber 85 8511106 5 7633 CECIL 105 2 31 21 42 4 4 C Clay J T Weaver Pn fi 1 in ° 7674 BOUNDING 106 9 9 9 8 8 51 Bloss Loss J E CushhL Crush 5 i 1 7672 LOUD NEVILLE 103 5 8 7 7 9 62 Lines C C Maffltt Aflutter 15 15 8 f 7474 FRANK WAGNER 100 4 4 31 31 3 72 Southard Southward A G Stout IP an 12 o 7677 DOMSIE DOS 103 1 2 41 51 7 82 Gilmore WM Clark fi in fi ft 7630 ED GAETLAND GARLAND II 1006 11 H 12 22 9 Rector D A Honte Hone S 15 15501540 15501540Winner lo Jo Jow Jowl Thrw Threw 26 50 103111611291 NokomisPost Nokomis w Winner R B c 3 i by n Order Nokomis Post 7 minutes Start fair Won ridden out second and third driving It wilj wail scramble through the stretch Rebel Jack was a came from far back under a strong ride AquiL Quail SCeiScratcheed Semidetached ° Ut bUt QUit tO nothiag nothing Ed Dawfai05e rtland Roland II had a lot of speed Overweights Overweighs poundsCorrected outscore Bounding 3 pounds Corrected weight Ed Gartland Garland II 100 Rebel 100Rebel Jack place 4 to 1 show 3 to 2 Ba