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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART CHARTBRIGHTON CHARTERING BRIGHTON BEACH N Y August 9 Thirtieth day Brighton Beach RacingAssociation RacingAssociationSummer Summer Meeting Weather clear track fast Presiding Judge R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 230 p m 7725 FIHS FISH FIRST RACE 1 Mile 500 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vz 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L L 76iM3LANbLMLE 101 7 7H 51 41 52 J2 OLeary O'Leary W L Oliver 3 4 A 6t 7564 CHARAGRACE CARAPACE 101 1 41 4i SH 31 21 Maher J Hynes Haynes Co 3434 75662 BANQUO BANQUET II 102 8 8 61 72 6 33 E Jones PJ Miles 5756 7640 TARANTO TORONTO 102 4 6 7 51 41 4u Bergen M Bergen 12 30 12 25 76213DEBRIDE 99 3 2 21 2ii 2 5 Songer Sponger T D Sullivan 21 4 21 31 75872VIGENTA 110 2 12 li 1 12 61 Doggett Doge Gormley Grimly Bros Brows 6 15 6 12 7564 HARDY C 89 6 5n 8 61 7 710 Moody N J Johnson 15 60 15 50 7621 GENERAL MACEO MACE 89 5 35 31 8 8 8 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 6645 6645Time Time 244 491 1 15i 1 41i 41iWinner Winner Chg 6 by Linden Elkhorn Lass Start good Won handily Lansdale Landler was probably the best but was lucky m the ride Charagrace Carapace closed strong at the end but owes the place to a fine finish Banquo Banquet got oil slowly and was shut off and had general bad luck He was coming fast when thrown on the fence m the stretch He was very good today Taranto Arrant ran the best race of his life Debride Deride is unreliable and was killed off chasing Vigenta Vietnam He is coming around nicely and will bear watching especially in mud Hardy C ran surprisingly well for him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Squire Abingdon84 Princess Indial87 Indial87Overweights Overweights Overweighs Lansdale Landler 2 pounds Vigenta Vietnam 2 2Lansdaie Lansdaie Landside place even Charagrace Carapace place even show 1 to 2 Banquo Banquet II show 4 to 5 O r SECOND RACE 58 Mile 600 added 2yearoldi Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt B Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 2 1 1 11 Maher J S Wadsworth Adsorb 3434 31 41 33 2i Songer Sponger C Littlefield Littered Jr 852 8585 11 22 21 31 Doggett Doge T F Barrett Barrette Co 6 6 4 4 7669 MARK MILES 92 6 61 34 42 42 Daly Dally J C Fitzsimmous 10 12 10 10 107644TENNITH 7644TENNITH 92 7 7 7 52 51 Michaels Michael W H Karrick Kari 15 30 15 25 7641 OLIVER MC 92 5 51 52 61 82 McCue McClure P Clark 20 30 20 25 7502 THE GARDENER 92 8 8 61 7 7 OConnor O'Connor L O Appleby Apple 8 10 8 8 7588 BEN VIKING 11210 10 9 8 8 OLeary O'Leary T P Hayes 6 10 6 8 87541CAMPUS 7541CAMPUS 112 3 4 8 9 9 E Jones M F Dwyer 15 30 15 20 7665 DOMINEER 92 9 9 10 10 10 Moody J Kahn 50 50 30 40 7544 AL REEVES 92 11 11 11 11 11 Hothersall Others W C Daly Dally 15 100 15 50 50Time Time 12 24 36 49 1 01t 01tWTinner WTinner Winner B f by Strathmore Stratford La Juive Jive JuiveStart Jives Start straggling Won driving Tut Tutu Tut Tutu beat the gate ran a smart race and showed game ness Effervescent with better luck and ride would have won She was the best St Glair Lair was a good horse run to a standstill He can do better Likes a route and any kind of going Mark Miles had small chance with his jockey He was galloping throughout and running all over the tiauk tau Tcunith Count the same only iu a less dogieo doggie He is all right and improving right along Oliver Me ran well The Gardener is in bad form Ben Viking must be off He lacked speed throughout Campus was out of place at the weights weightsScratched weights Scratched Easter Card 112 Hop Scotch 92 Gray Jacques 99 Ninety Cents 109 Jean Ingelow Angelo 102 Tut Tutu Tut Tutu place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Effervescent place 3 to 5 St Clair show 1 to 2 rr rr rr THIRD RACE 58 Mile 600 added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 72722HOWLAND 111 4 31 32 21 111 Littlefield Littered F D Beard 3 3 21 2i 2473 FIREARM 108 7 62 41 33 211 Simms Sims August Belmont 45 9104 5 45 452ii 7568 DECIDE 113 1 1755BENDORAN 2ii 211 li 33 Hamilton W Lakeland 6868 755BENDORAN 111 10 7 7 51 41 Doggett Doge Marcus Daly Dally 10 10 6 8 7477 ATHY THY 111 3 1 1 41 5io Sousjer Souse P J Donlan Dolan 20 40 20 30 1751 STACHELBERG SATCHEL 116 5 4 63 61 6 Coylie Collie J E McCarthy 20 100 20 80 7477 BILL ALI 113 6 51 51 7 72 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 30 10 20 20BRASS BRASS 111 11 11 9 9 8 McDermottS McDermott A White 60 100 60 75 1819 PRIME MINISTER 116 2 10 8 8 9 Maher G M Miller 6 10 6 10 10TORREON TORREON TORRENT 111 9 9 11 11 10 James T P Hayes 60 100 60 60 7477 RED SPIDER 113 8 8 10 10 11 ODonnell O'Donnell M F Stephenson 20 100 20 75 7587 NED JED 11312 12 11 12 12 Bergen MNungesser Smugness 100100100100 100100100100771S3MASTER 771S3MASTER JAMES 116 13 13 13 13 13 OLeary O'Leary C Kerb Kern 20 100 20 100 100Time12i Time12i 241 36 49 1 01 01Winner Winner Br c 3 by Hindoo Indoor Ricochet RicochetStart Ricochets Start straggling Won easily Howland Holland off well and lucky was the best simply because Firearm showed bad temper and sulked He came fast at the end and might have won if it had been a furlong further Decide beat the gate and ran right to his best form He is good Ben doran ttlosed tutored a big gap from a bad beginning Athy Cathy ran surprisingly well for him himScwsitoed insisted Scwsitoed Switched Commercial Traveler 111 Wauwogo 111 George Jr Ill Slasher Lasher 111 111Howlead Howlead Howled place 4 to 5 Decide show even 7728 FOU FU FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 800 added 3yearolds and upward Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St J4 Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7718JEFFERSON 86 6 41 12 12 11 IN Moody F D Beard 10 12 8 10 10J 7500 PEEP ODAY DAY 128 3 IH 2 2H 21 21 Lewis J H McCoi McCoy McCormick 3434 7619LEEDSVILLE 112 5 21 31 31 33 31 Maher D Gideon 2 28585 7619 MURILLO MURIEL 8 61 41 42 410 Michaels Michael J G Follansbee Flans 40 80 40 75 76672MARITO 98 2 6 51 51 52 55 E Jones P J Miles 8 10 8 10 76102TINGE 97 7 31 41 61 7 65 Songer Sponger J Atkins Watkins 20 50 20 40 7619BEN RONALD 110 1 51 7 7 62 7i Simms Sims M F Dwyer 21 3 21 21 2175673LADY 75673LADY MARIAN 94 4 7 8 8 8 8 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 15 10 12 12Time Time 254 491 1 02 1 15i 1 41 41Winner Winner B 5 by Buchanan Pauline Lee LeeStart Lester Start fair Won driving Jefferson had surprising speed today and all the luck With a feather up he is however at his best Peep oDay today got a weak finish but was otherwise well placed and ran a R rand race Leedsville Leeds easily the best broke flatfooted and was shut off on the first turn and knocked back from second place to last He is in great form Murillo Merrill will be hard to beat in mud Marito Marion Tingeand Tongan Lady Marian were outclassed today Ben Ronald was shut off and knocked out of the race on tho thou stretch turn turnScratched turncoat Scratched Continental 107 107Overweights Overweights Overweighs Marito Marion 2 pounds Tinge 3 3Jefferson Jefferson place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Peep oDay today place 7 to 5 show 1 to 2 i FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 800 added 2yearolds The Electric Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7344 LA PENITENTE PENITENT 98 4 12 1 13 15 Maher C Littlefield Littered Jr 3 3 3 3 3762U2 762U2 KINGDON KINGDOM 129 3 23 23 25 2 Simms Sims M F Dwyer 1 6545 65 7617 2 LEANDO LELAND 100 5 41 45 45 33 Songor Sonora F B Alexander 5755 GARY 107 6 3 3 31 4K OLeary O'Leary G H Kernaghan Termagant 6655 74133 JEAN INGELOW ANGELO 98 2 6 62 51 51 Bergen James Munro Munoz 12 25 12 20 2074782SUBJECT 74782SUBJECT 9i 7 53 51 62 63 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 25 10 20 1 7565 WINE PRESS 100 1 7777 E Jones J S Wad worth 6 12 6 10 Time 124 241 36 48 1 014 1 14 14Winner Winner Br f by Watercress Sabrina SabrinaStart Sabrina Start good Won easily La Penitente Penitent was a good thing and after a lot of inferior running got there She was easily best at the weights Kingdon Kingdom could not concede the difference in big weights but ran splendidly Leando Leland shows a liking for a distance and finished game and strong General Mart Gary can do better He is a fine looker The others were apparently outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Little Reggie 87 87La La Penitente Penitent place even show 1 to 2 Kingdon Kingdom place 2 to 5 Leando Leland show even rr P7 V SIXTH K ACE 11 3 Miles 500 added 4yearolds and upward Handicap i i fji Fuji Over 6 hurdles Ind Indo Horses Wt St 2 4 6 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7392RIEINSTROM 141 1 It 15 11 13 13 Cochran FRTHitchcock21 21 8585 7592MARSHALL 158 6 21 22 23 2 25 Almark Hallmark J F Quigley 2323 23237593BROWN 7593BROWN RED 135 3 40 32 320 320 320 Anderson M Kearney 6866 6866767U2ELCID 767U2ELCID 138 5 31 4io 41 44 43 Barry A G Blakely Blackly 6868 7645 BERGEN 135 4 6 6 520 510 520 Johnson T Mooney 30 60 30 50 5072752KINVARRA 72752KINVARRA 144 2 50 51 6 6 6 Chandler F C OReilly Gorily 2 3 2 21 21Time Time 2 49 49Winner Winner Ch c 4 by Spokane Planchette Lancet PlanchetteStart Start good Won easily Rheinstrom Rhinestone was the best and gained a big advantage at every hurdle He had fine handling Marshall ran a dead game race and over the longest route Brown Red ran well for him Elcid Lucid lacked speed due to several recent races through the field Bergen ran well Kinvarra Invariant was slow and could not jump cleanly cleanlyRheinstrom Rheinstrom Rhinestone place 3 to 5 Marshall place 4 to 5