Washington Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-11-26


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WASHINGTON FORM CHART CHARTWASHINGTON CARWASH WASHINGTON D C November 35 Twelfth day Washington Jockey Club ClubFall Cuba Fall Meeting Weather clear track fair Presiding Judge Clarence McDowell Starter Mars Cassidy Racing starts at 215 D m 9808 F FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Belling Ind Indo HorsBB Hors A Wt St Vi K M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9731TINKLRR 3 93 1 li 12 mil Gisbourne Gibbousness W C Daly Dally 21 4 21 3 3J612 J612 FETICHE FETCHED 4 84 7 2 21 21 23 Weiss F Gebhard Gerhard 8 10 8 10 9521S589 9G62SARATOGA 3 89 8 33 33 33 32 Caldwell W A Porter 952 9521 S589 BRAS 3 92 4 8 7 7 41 Bolaud Bola 8 A White 10 30 10 30 3705 LITTLE UND 4 89 5 51 61 6 5 A Knapp H Varwig Earwig 10 15 10 15 15aUSOOVITT aUSOOVITT 3 100 6 61 51 51 61 Otis R McKeever McKee 40 40 40 40 9502 SOUTH AFRICA 5 108 11 41 41 41 7 Pitts Pits Adnm Aden Beck 21 4 2 4 9738 TALIS TAILS VIA N 4 92 2 7888 Phplan Appellant C Littlefield Littered Jr 15 30 15 30 974lDKATH 3 9512 12 11 9 9 COLeary O'Leary B N Hardesty Hardest 10 15 10 15 9778 JQUN JUAN OF BEAUTY 3 8910 11 10 10 10 Wonderly Wonder G T Miller 8 20 8 20 9613 ATHY THY 4 89 3 9 1 9 11 11 Enton Eton P J Donlan Dolan 8888 9219 MASTER JAMES 5 101 9 10 12 12 12 W farter farther C Kerb Kern 25 100 25 75 Time 13 24 37 50g 103 116 Winner Cb g by Rayon dOr doer Belle of Nelson NelsonPost Nelson Post 10 minutes Start fair Wn driving Tinkler Tinker is good He was lucky and ran a fine ractf bract Brass was badly interfered with soon after the start yet ran a good racs races and finished tnttig tenting South Africa and Little Land ran a half in a false break Saratoga was short of speed Scratched speedScratched speeds Gitty Gritty 100 Nigger Niger Baby 94 94Tinkler Tinkler Tinker place 6 to 5 Fetiche Fetched place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 CiOiOiO Cookie SECOND RACB58 Mile Pnrse Nurse 300 2yearolds Maidens Allowances Imr Mr Horses A Wt St Yi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C J756 MISS ORDER 100 7 21 21 21 In Clawson Lawson J A McLaughlm McLaughlin 6868 9739 SIR CHRISTOPHER 95 1 12 IS 12 21 Boland Borland C Ganz Gaza 30 100 30 100 9476 LADY EXIIE EXILE 95 4 4DRAUGHTSMAN 4a 1004a 4 41 33 McCuo McCoy FVAlexandre 6 6 34 31 DRAUGHTSMAN DRAUGHTS 95 3 3J706 31 32 33 4 Odom Sodom R L Stevens 30 30 20 20 J706 NEUBERGER NUMBER 95 12 12J756 10 87 55 Slack BT E Littlefield6 666 J756 ST SOPHIA 97 6 8 7 8 61 Dean Knnsico Nonstick Stable 8 10 8 10 9 63 DIVA 96 2 51 51 51 7 Micbaels Michael R T Wilson Jr 10 20 10 20 9788 SA VILLA 95 5 7998 Moody T F Barrett Barrette fe Co 10 20 10 20 8025 AVOCA AVOCADO 95 13 13J739 61 61 6n 9 OConnor O'Connor W Jennings 6666 J739 KILARMA KITHARA 96 9 99739J 9 lu 10 10 Hadley Haley B Coh Oh n Jr 10 20 10 20 9739J SEN SEAN SIN A 100 11 12 12 11 11 Maher W H K rrick rick 332 111 115 9756 SUalE SalE M 95 10 11 11 12 12 Kyan Kahn Simmons Co 50 100 50 100 9739 DR HEI HI KELL ELL 95 9517 17 14 14 13 13 MGann Mann F Chairs 30 60 30 60 9756 9756CnQUNA 609756CnQUNA CDQUINA COQUINA 95 8 13 13 14 14 A Knapp R Earle Earl 40 10 40 100 9438 FULMINATE 95 14 15 15 15 15 Gisbourno Gibbous T W Hayward 20 100 20 60 9739 PHI PHILLIDORE PHILLIP LLIDORE LIDO 95 9518 18 18 17 16 16 Weiss E A Craven 30 10030 75 9739 NONFOKD NONFOOD 95 9515 15 16 16 17 17 Pbelan Bean A F Watson 20 100 20 100 9428 LADY WEIGHT 95 16 17 18 18 18 Beaton Eaton R Bradley 100 100 100 100 Time 100Time 12 24g 50 1 03g Winner 03gWinner Ch f by Order Miss Saxon SaxonPost10 Post10 minutes Start fair Won driving Miss Order had plenty of speed and got a win ¬ ning Ming ride Boiands Binds was a weak finish on Sir Christopher Lady Exile closed otrong throng bat could not keep up with the leaders Draughtsman Draughts is a promising colt Neuberger Numbered finished stoutly Scratched stoutlyScratched stoutly High Born 95 Auririale Aurora 95 95Overweiifhts Overweiifhts Overweighs Miss Order 5 pounds St Sophia 2 Diva 1 Kilarma Kithara 1 Sensina Sestina 5 Miss Order place 3to 1 show evens Sir Christopher place 30 to 1 show 10 to 1 981O THIRD RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 3yearoIds and upward Allowances n1 Horses A Wt St Vt M StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 97383JUDGE WARDELL3 99 2 23 2H 21 H A Hewitt Adam B ck 4645 46459738TRlLrO 1211209759SW4LKENSHAW 9738TRlLrO 3102 4 IH 1 H 2 Parter Partner L O Appleby Apple 1 1 121120 9759SW4LKENSHAW 4 il7 7 41 5 41 3 French RbiDsuShridD6 12 6 12 3002 EASTERTIDE 4 94 1 32 3 31 42 Hutchins Hutchinson F Hogan 50 50 30 30 9755 TAKANASSEE TALLAHASSEE 4 102 5 51 4n 51 51 Mitchell Keosico Erosion Stable 4848 9613RED SPIDER 4 91 3 6 61 62 61 Kelly M F ritepbenson interpersonal 20 20 12 12 9329 REGULATOR 4 99 6 7777 McCrevey McKee J A McCormick 50 10050 50 9738 PROTUS PONTUS 4 105 8 8888 MrPoy Employ ELRW ER Smith 20 30 20 30 30Time Time 12 24 37 50g 103 117 Winner 117Winner Blk Balk g by Himynr Shimmy Rokee Broke RokeePost Post 10 minutes Start fair Won driving Trillo Trill should have won easily The boy pulled him up in the last furlong and was caught Hewitt rorle role a eood rood race and a strong finish He will make a good jockey Walkenshnw Wakens has been underrated Takanassee Tallahassee is very fit She got a bad ride and waots waits hard track Eastertide can win in a cheap field fieldScratched Fieldcrest Scratched Fair Rebel 94 Sagacity 91 Dr Withrow Withdraw 91 Booker 91 Red Gidd Giddy 89 Tap pan 100 100Overweights Overweights Overweighs Walkenshaw Waukesha 1 pound Red Spider 2 Regulator 2 Protus Pontus 2 Judge Wardell Waddell place evens Walkenshaw Waukesha show event O 1 T FOURTH RACE 0 13 Furlong Purse 300 2yearolds Selliog Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H Vt 5 Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9728ROYS ERER ERR 102 2 4 31 li U Clawson Lawson G Anderson 21 2 115115 58 FAT BUCK 101 5 11 li 21 2 Mahor Maher C Littlefieid Littered Jr 4646 il 6STRANuEST 102 3 61 41 4 31 OConnor O'Connor TB Alexander 4 5 4 41 107 1 21 21 5t 41 Hamilion Hamilton F M Woods 15 20 15 20 9742LEANDO 97 4 3 5 3 5 McCue McClure F V Alexandre Alexandra 652 6585 9758 ANITRA ANITA 93 6 5 61 61 62 Odom Sodom F Hogan 10 20 10 20 9758 REE REES MITCHELL 86 7 7777 Seaton Eaton BangtnGardnerlO 20 10 20 9777 PASS A 1C 92 10 10 9 8 8 A Knapp R Earle Earl 50 50 50 50 9756 LADY DORA 99 8 8899 Boland Borland CGanz Can 30 30 30 30 9758 THE GARD1SNER 102 9 9 10 10 10 Cowman J G Judson 20 30 20 30 Time 30Time 12 24 37 50 103 117 124 124Winner Winner B c by Badge Reel Dance DancePost Dance Post 4 minutes Start good Won driving Roysterer Roisterer is good and camq cam away with some ¬ thing in hand Fast Black closed strong Strangest was bidly idly interfered with aad ad should have won OConnor O'Connor claimed a foul but it was not allowed Specialist stopped badly Scratched badlyScratched backscratcher Champion 110 Ninety Cents 89 Royeterer Roisterer 89Royeterer place 4 to 5 Fast Black place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 FIFTH RACE 1 110 Miles Pnrse Nurse 300 3yearoids and upward Handicap End Horses A Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Jockeys97553KINNTKINNICK Owners O H L C 97553KINNTKINNICK 4 125 1 3 4i 23 11 It Maher 97552PHARENTUS 4 117 4 IH H 1 IB 2 2 Clawson Lawson O L Richards 2 1152 11 9738 M4RIN 5 108 5 5 5 5 43 3 MeCae Meade PSPRmdolpa 10 15 10 15 3 119 2 2U 2 3 3i 4io D Dn n JJilcCaffi rtv tv 7 7 3t 31 9126 ENDEAVOR 31 41 5 5 OConnor O'Connor 3 = msation nation Stable 30 50 30 50 Time 12 26 39 51 101 117 144 151 tJUibbTtitjibbetPost Winner 151Winner Br c by Candlemas Candelas tJUibbTtitjibbet Post 5 minutes Start ijood Jody WOQ IWO hanlily handily Kinnikinnick is in good condition uov uv aud Maud is a great weight carrier Hi raa raga an exeillent excellent race Charehtns Carets ran to his mark Handsel Handel was sore endScratchod and overweight d M rsian Russian closed fast at tho thou end Scratchod Scratched Blueaway Bleary 114 114Charentus Charentus Carets place 1 to 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898112601/drf1898112601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1898112601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800