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LEXINGTON ENTRIES Probabilities Weatherclear Leatherwear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcn Dc 9773 Tountess Countess Irma 5 97 670 9816 Nellorine Mellor 3 97 650 9816 Laundress II 3 97 645 9773 Direct 4 97 635 9793 Grey Gray John 3 97 665 9817 Philip Byrnes Byres 3 97 632 9763 Josie Leeds 3 97 660 9772 Lucy B 4 97 640 6409813ScottieD 9813ScottieD 3 97 630 9817 Dunbar Unbar 3 100 542 9772 Fanfaronade Fanfare 3 100 655 9813 Ned 4 100 625 9813 Padrone Pardoned 3 100 675 675Second Second Race 1Mile 1Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances97643R0flect 97643R0flect 85 650 97923 Pnesland Pinelands gg 655 9762 Etta Stevens 95 640 9774 Rafaello Rafael 98 675 6759772Holland 9772Holland 103 665 9762 Shinfane Shinbone 103 660 66097622Eastabrooks 97622Eastabrooks 103 670 670Third Third Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Heats Heats98163Possnm 98163Possnm 3 98 660 9522 Cains Cans 4 104 675 6759746Madrilene 9746Madrilene 4 104 700 70097952Kittio 97952Kittio B 5 104 695 695Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9813 Necklace 4 97 9796 Fair Deceiver 3 97 9773 Annie M 6 97 9813 Early Bird 3 97 97933 Spinnaker 3 97 9763 Frank Griffith 4 97 9772 Fannette Annette 4 97 98l7Primato 3 100 97722Aeitator 6 100 9747 Teucer Tucker 3 100 9796 The Chemist 4 100 9813 tikin ticking k 3 100 Fifth Race 7 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9793 Lena Meyers Meyer 3 106 9793 Ma Augeline Angelina 3 106 98l32Allie Belle 3 103 9645 Trimuda Trinidad 4 Ill 9746 Liew Lie Anna 4 111 9795 Star of Bethlehem 3 121 9817 Rollins Collins 4 126 675