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WASHINGTON ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weatherclear Leatherwear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 6 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses 9755 Tabouret Tambour 9479 His Majesty 9787 Taranto Arrant 4 98 635 97782 Fleeting Gold 3 87 672 6722892WarMaid 2892WarMaid 3 87 625 9780 Plantain 3 87 67S 3C92 67S3C92 Zanetto Annette 3 88 625 95S531izpah 62595S531izpah 4 92 670 9810 Protus Pontus 4 92 675 6759787HerOwn 9787HerOwn 4 92 655 98103 Walkenshaw Waukesha 4 110 650 9675 LAlouette Aflutter 3 94 G95 9776 Leucocyte Leucocytes 3 104 626 9329 Calculation 3 102 630 97592 Loiterer 31Q2 665 97762Campania 66597762Campania 5 SO 662 9290 Tyrian Tyrant 3 96 645 9810 Takanassee Tallahassee 4 101 685 9743 Squan Sequa 4 95 642 9787 Words worth 4 95 682 9692 Continental 6 95 680 9787 66ftAdam Premier 5 95 66ft Adam Beck entry entrySecond Etruscan Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances 5451 Bondman 110 635 9739 BenLodi Beloit 110 700 9739 Improvident 110 640 64097883beik 97883beik 110 685 9613 Rhodymenia Roadmen 110 645 9739 Forsooth 1Q 630 9739 Coon dOr doer 110 630 9739 Comtnoigne Companioned 110 625 9739 DrVaughan Draught 110 670 67097S82Judie 97S82Judie Magee 110 690 9025 Leila Smith 107 670 9788 Exit 107 665 9809 St Sophia 107 675 9788 Orenburg Greenberg 107 645 9809 Coquiua Coquina 107 650 9756 Kost Kist letzkri let 107 655 9788 Falella Flagella 107 660 9809 Kilarma Kithara 107 680 68097562Sparrow 97562Sparrow Wing 107 696 696Third Third Race 2 12 Miles MilesSteeplechase Steeplechase Steeplechase3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling97S92Decapod 97S92Decapod 8 157 675 9757 Buckeye 61 8 655 97893 Lastfellow Playfellow 4 146 670 9729 Rifler Trifler 4 140 660 9757 Mr Stoffel Stouffer 3 133 665 665Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances Allowances98102Trillo 98102Trillo 3 105 710 71097913Diminutive 97913Diminutive 2 92 705 9809 Fulminate 2 92 675 67597912Boney 97912Boney Boy 2 92 725 7259777Di 9777Di Parker 2 95 690 93 3 King Barleycorn 2 95 730 9811 Leando Leland 2 95 700 7009812Kinnikinnick 9812Kinnikinnick 4 110 735 7359024Sailor 9024Sailor 75Q977t5Peat King 3 105 75Q 977t5Peat 5 107 7 J J McCafferty entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Bace Brace 1 14 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap97903Warienton 97903Warienton 3 123 750 9738 The Winner 5 117 715 71596642Decanter 96642Decanter 3 109 710 9787 Knight of the Garter 4J07 725 9780 Abingdon Abandon 6 107 700 70097873Banquo 97873Banquo II 4 104 720 7209421Trianon 9421Trianon 4102 690 69097433ritray 97433ritray Step 4 102 700