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INGLltMl E KNTRIES NITRIDES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Ago Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 9302 Santa Flora 97653Qc rona Roma 9765 Rio Chico Chic 97533 Anchored 9765isam McKoever McKee 106 9765 Stan ina Gina 106 9769 Jerry Hunt 106 9781 Almoner 110 98022 Lime Water 112 Second Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 9786 Jack oLantern Lantern 177G B Morris 6 102 9704 Anabasis Anabaptism 4 105 97702 Loae Loa Star First series Tlilrd Laird Race 1 116 Miles All Ages Selling 9783 Doremus Dorms 2 67 8141 Adam Andrew 4 102 9544 Wheel of Fortune 6 102 9630 Cromwell 6104 9805 Our Johnny 4 107 Fourth Race 78 Mile MileThe Millet The Sunnyside Sunny Stakes Value 1200 2yearolds Allowances 9802 Ventoro Ventura 110 9781Lds Medanos Medians 113 978loanntlet 113 9629First Tenor 113 9802 Limo Water Water9823Ailyar 113 9823Ailyar 118 9715 OliDthns Eoliths 123 Burns Waterhouse Warehouse entry entryFifth interfaith Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling97032Novia 97032Novia 3 104 54452 MB jor jour Hooker 3 104 9824 Bili Billie verso 8 104 90633paul Griggs Rigs 4 107 44753 Prince Tyrant 3 107 9654 Kamsm Karmas 5 109 980 2Yankee Doodle 5 112 9720 Cabrillo Carillon 6 112 Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens Selling 9769 Abano Abandon 95 9781 Dont Don't Tell 95 9750 Racivan Radian 95 9749 My Dear 95 9683 Cheated 98 9769 Silver Bow 105 97693Faversham 108