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JOHN CARTEKS CARTELS TKRKIBLE TRIBE FATE That Judge John J Carter was one of the victims of the Baldwin Hotel fire is npw nw sorrow ¬ fully conceded For a time thnre thane was hope that be m ght ht by some chance have been absent from the hotel at the time of the fire but the hope has been abandoned What was a brave cour court ¬ teous tonus lovable man is now beyond doubt an unrecognizable thing down deep in the charred ruins of the once great house of rest and good cfaper caper cfaperFew capered Few men connected with the turf were more widely known or more popular than John J Carter He was accounted one of the ablest of racing judges baviug braving had many yours of service in the stands at East St Louis Roby Robby Nashville Latonin Atoning Windsor Detroit Fort Erie Montreal and San Francisco Hid gen ¬ eral feral ability and good qualities made him popular and respected wherever he served His unlO Dunlop ked for and terrible death is keenly re ¬ gretted greeted Judge Carter was a native of Tennes Tenets ¬ see and was 51 years of age A sister is his nearest relative