untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-11-26


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Flexible Morocco Covered Bound Boundfor Boudoir EXCHANGE TURF YEARLY for Hard Use with Linen LinenLettered Clinometer Lettered Index AT ROBY ROY RACING FROM JANUARY 1 TO ALL THE CHARTS DECEMBER 31 1898 CHANGE OF TIME On and after We dnesdaj dined Nov 16 Specla Specula trains leave P P W C B B Depot Canai Canal and aaams ocreeta Cretan at i OO and 1 3O p m stopping at Archer A ve 41st t t and Engiewood Englewood Regular train at pm Returning at 5x5 and after fcan can i ran csco Cisco races racesAlley racially Alley Li connects with electric cars at 63d Street and Madison Laktj Lat Bhore Bore Mlchgan Michigan southern Van Buren Burn Street Depot Regular train at 12O5pm Returning at 431 pm pmIllinois millineries THERE ARE BUTTHIRTY BUTTERY BUTTHIRTYYEARLIES at Illinois 92nc Street Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Rooy Roy Elbctric Electric Cars to COriBlNATIONS Originations ON ALL EVENTS EVENTSFare Events YEARLIES EARLIEST FOR SALE Fare for the Round Trip 25 Cents on all Roads IN TWO VOLUMES PIIICE S2OOO Leighs Sleighs Portable Stalls SUBSCRIBERS WILL BE SUPPLIED AS THEIR THEIRORDERS TERRIERS Cheap Safe Sensible Comfortable ORDERS ARE RECEIVED OWNERS FIRST COME FIRST SERVED TRAINERS Indexed and Bound in the same MHH MPH When you ship your horses as the Yearly Express Company ti stall your c j jwith with HalfYearly Alderfly style as with Leighs Sleighs Patent Portable Stall J Jadjustable Adjustable adjustable to any car thus securip scrip j jabsolute absolute absolute safety to your horses whi whim I Iin In in transit without additional cost t t the shippers as express compani companied companifurnish furnish them free of cost to yo RACING ALLTHE ALTHEA CHARTS FROM They dont don't deface the car when a j jjusted jutted justed jousted and can be set up in thir their JULY1TO DECEMBER 31 98 minutes for any number of horses 24 in double door baggage car Es i iSress distress companies can procure thor Sress Stress y applying to j PRICE CINCINNATI O Dally Racing Form Publishing Co 124126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO ILL ALL THE TURF NEWS PERFECTLY EDITED 5 MILES rROM ROM 5T LOU OH THE WABASH WABASHdARHEY Wabash dARHEY dare SCHBEIBEH5 MOPEL MOPE PAftfr Affirm PAftfrTHE THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD BLOODFOUL BLOOD rORATSHEETS broadsheets AND ENTRIES EXPERTLY INDEXED TELEGRAPHIC CORRECT CONCISE COMELY FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSLANDER MUSKETS TRAINING NEWS A SPECIALTY = = = = = r f Ith Itch Itlmriol Filmily TouchBtone Touchtone by Camel igbow highbrow J Verbbna Verbena by Velocipod Velocipede sire Giro Iron of Feu Feud de Joio Joie Mi MissBowe Miss Catton Canton by Golumpns Columns MiPa Mia TranbyB Standby dam by Orvtlle Orville 1 Pa Pantaloon Caatrelby Cadastre Buszard Buzzard OFF OUR OWN PRESSES BEFORE THE O o Lesordamatn Legordamatn Lessor Legerdemain ordamain Jordanian Caarwitch Chariot 4 4Docoy Idalia Vidalia by Peruvian DO Docoy Decoy i FilhodaPnt6by Hpheart Hyphenate DOMe Finesse by Peruvian Peruvianj Peruvian CHICAGO DAILIES Me Mest Nest Melbourne j Humphrey Humph Clinkiei Clink byCmni West st Australian 1 1Derby Cervantes mare Derby and St Legor Leger Lego Leer Me Mowerina Mower Touchstone by Camel MeCa Mecca I Emma by Whisker Ca Camel j Whalebone by Waxy 3 iBrown Brown wn Boas Beas Beads Selin Selling mare Da Daughter of Brntandorf Bartender by Blacklook Blackfoot DaCa Dacca MraCrickehnksby Wlbci Labia Ca Caindar Clarinda Canteen j WaxyCastania Waxy Pope by Waxy POOLING indar Linda Imported Castania Castaneda by Gohanna Ghana OVERNIGHT Ha Hambletonia Hamilton 5 StamfordbyPleniptentiarj StamfordbyPleniptentiarjHarmonica HaTn Han Harmonica byHmblotnUt Tn Tros Taros Imported ImportedAlice Imported Priam Pram by Emilius Milieus ICaaaandra aandra Sandra Ally by Partisan All Alice Grey Gray i Bons Boons Emigrant by Fionas Fiona AllTh Alt Gulnaroby Vulnerably YonnRGohanni QQ 13U Th Thiaple Tipple The Colonel j Whisker WaxyDelpini by Waxy 2 fCapapie crappie iaple apple Imported 4 4Bis Delpini Delphinium mare 3 Bis Bias Sister to Cactrua Cactus J Sultan by Salim Slim SalimDuchess BisDo Bison Duchess of Yorfc Orifice by Waxj Wax SUBSCRIPTION PRICES O U4 U4fe Do Dover Touchstone Lo TouchstoneVerbosa Touchstone fe I Bell I Brand Verbosa Verbose Bo Sophie jSkilhinda skirling I Sallie Brass ONE MONTH 5125 ONE YEAR 1100 SIX MONTHS 750 Sent as FirstClass Fistulas Mail Sealed Letter BARNEY SCHRCIBCR SCHREIBER SCHRCIBCRBRIPGcETON BRIPGcETON Bridgetown MO 124126 FIFTH AVENUECHICAGO

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898112601/drf1898112601_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1898112601_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800