untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-06-29


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THREE WINNERS AT HARLEM Yesterday This and other succ»sses proves that we are still the leading Handicapoers. Try us odo wees and b* convinced We have TWO AT HARLEM for TODAY at FAIR ODDS AND FRIDAY another LONG SHOT. .00 daily CO weekly. Mail orders telegraphed by 11 a. m. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, HOW TO BEAT THE KACES By playing selections of ..THE ANGLO-AMERICAN HANDICAP.. FIVE OUT OF SIX YESTEBDAY. See for yourselves Daily Hanpicap posted at racetrack Selections wired away : Newsgath-erer, 5 to 2; Nullah. S to 2; Meddler, 5 to 2. All sure. Send P. O. O. enre of Saratoga Hotel News Stend, Chicago. 111. CO per week Daily Handicap for sale at csual places and W. U. Telegraph office racetrack. Price 50 cts. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU ROOM 500, 263 DtiARBOM ST., CHICAGO, I Li,. .00 daily. .00 weekly. We senrt more WINNING LONG SHOTS than all the other turf advisois combined. Friday ONE 10 to 1 SHOT, and THREE other SPECIALS. 8MALL 1N- VESTMENTS get you jood returns. Call or write and get soim valufble advice t nd information. I Orders telegrdphed at 9:30 a.m. Handicappers Improved Chart. With book containing ins auctions HOW TO HAh1iC»P a kaCK Al.-o articles on public form, weight, dis ance, tim:-, class, track conditions, systems, betting. Invaluable to every racegoer. MUCH .00. Addrets CHAhT jeUl,ISHI*»« CO,. CH1COPKB, MASS. Goodwins 1ftTH I O I P! OFFICIAL Turf Guide YEAR MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER. A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE. A Form Table to Each Event which shows exact position of every hcrso which was either 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th at each Quarter pole, also positions at start. Important notes added when required. Events reported from all carta of the country and Canada. IseueU the 1st and 15th of every month, PRICE 60 CTS EACH For sale at all principal hotels, newsstands, racetracks and publishers office, GOODWIN BROS., 1.440BBOADWAY, NEW YOBB

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899062901/drf1899062901_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1899062901_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800