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ST. LOUIS FORM CHART. ST. UlH,M .ilni|i 28.-Fortieth day. St. Lotus Fair Association. Spring Meeting Weather clear; track good, bnt dull. Presiding Jndge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, William Brnen. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. The recall flag is used. -• Q/~l i FIRST RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. £n~d~ Horses AWt St hi H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C f2952 LIVADIA 4 102 7 3* P 1- 13 1* Jenkins J Giiffin and Co 4 44 34 34 12837 SANGAMON 5 107 5 64 64 73 2* 24 Conley Farrel!andHawkins4 4* 34 44 12747 VELOCE 4 107 9 8 8 X 43 31 McJoynt G W rurtis 6 7 4 5 12990 HUSH 8 104 4 4" 4»« 6« 33 41 FroBt W A Krwan 12 12 10 10 12751 LEONAG 4 9* 2 9 9 9 51 5 Southard C J Kubs 5 7 5 6 12924 TEW AND A 4 100 8 5« a** 5" 6h 6" F Giveu9 J N Miller and Co 15 15 15 15 12442 CHIQUITA II. 4 98 13 10 10 10 7 f Hoyt B M McCall 30 50 30 50 11087 FRISKAL 5 109 1 13 13 2* 8 8 Stevens R E Maddux 8 20 8 20 12365 FCSINO 4 100 10 11 11 11 9 9 Majberry FchrzdiandMeyer 50 100 50 100 12813 ALEXANDRITE 4 100 6 7 7 4" 10 10 A MorrisonF Hibbard and Co 12 12 10 12 12751 WAR BELL 4 102 3 21 21 32 11 11 Morse J Persinrer and Co 25 100 25 100 12990 SARATOGA 4 9S 11 12 12 12 12 12 Houck W A Porter 5 6 6 5 12747 FREMONT 5 104 14 13 13 IS 13 13 Johnson H J Scoggan 50 80 50. 80 12364 PLANTATION 5 104 12 14 14 14 14 14 Gilmore J Aliridge and Co 15 30 12 30 12173 MB. PIP 4 109 15 15 15 15 15 15 Easley A Hoffman 100 200 100 200 Time, 25i, 50t, 1 :18i, 1:44*. Winner— Ch. f, by Wawekus— Leonora Richards Post 2 minute?. Start good. Won easily; next two driving. The winner was much the best of a bad lot. Friskal and War Bell were the early pacemaker?, but are nothing but sprinters. Veo:e had a lot of hard luck. Lconag was also knocked about a good dial. Sangamon is about ready. He should be marked hereafter. Hush ran a fair race. Overweights— Veloce, 4 pounds; War Beil, 2; Mr. Pip. 4. Livadia, place, 6 to 5; show. 3 to 5. Sangamon, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5 Veloce, place. 2 to 1; Show, 6VQE3. t * 1 O SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt 8t H H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12224 SEN SEN 108 5 32 32 ? 12 F Stevens J N Miller and Co 80 200 50 100 SAN CECELIA 108 6 1*« l™ 1" 2* Frost M Murphy 10 12 8 10 12674 ROSE CA BON 108 8 6 6 42 31 McJoynt D C Mask 50 150 40 100 DMPMAUD WALLACE 115 3 54 54 72 4h Mclntyre Keith and Patton 3* 3* 34 34 12923 SEGURANCA 115 2 22 22 2i H Honck GCBemett 44 5 44 It 12989 MAY FORBES 108 4 7 7 8 6 A Morrison J H Combs 20 40 20 40 128402MARTHA STREET 108 10 8 8 6" 7 Conley MannionAConn115 6 3 3 128403FOUL PLAY 108 1 41 41 5» 8 E Jones BSchreiber 5 7 4 6 1292; ROSE FONSO 108 9 9 9 9 9 Caddy MDetheridgeandCo 100 200 100 200 12476 CORAL 108 7 10 10 10 10 Hink*y C Van 8tuddiford60 60 50 50 12710MAY TAVI3 115 Left at the po3t. T Burns Stubbs B os 24 5 2i 4* Time, 131,374,1:024 Winner— B. f. by Fordham -Message. Post 5 miuutee. Start poor. Won cleverly ; second easily. Sen Se 1 ran the best race. It was far above the .mrk San Cecelia had no excuses. She and Seguranca rau their heads off iu froLt. Maud Wallace wa9 pitched off on the turn. Martha Street was away poorly and had none too hard a itn, Scratched -123M May I Go, 108; U384;Silver Fizz, 115; 12810 Two Slipper. 108. Sen Sen, place, 40 to 1 : show, 15 to 1. San Ce;elia, place, 4 t 1 ; show. 2 to 1. Rose Caron, place. 40 to 1; show. 15 to 1. Maud Wallac?, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Martha Street, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. -I *-i/1 Ji THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allawances. ind Horses A Wt St 5 H X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 2991 NED WICK ES 3 105 2 1* 12 12 14 T Burns John Vance 8 10 6 8 Z955 BE TRUE 3 105 4 42 21 23 2« Fron T J McHale 3-2 8-5 6-5 8-5 12926 HARR1E FLOYD 5 115 3 31 31 B* 3« Conley C M Barrow 8 10 6 8 U2926jW. B GATES 3 105 1 2« 43 42 42 Houck G C Bennett 7-5 7-5 6-5 6-5 12999 HILL BILLY 5 115 5 5 5 5 5 McJoynt A Hoffman 20 30 20 SO Time, 12i, 211, 50, 1 :14i. Winner — B. c, by Kantaka or Perblaise — Genevieve. Post 3 miuutes. Start poor. Won ridden out; second easily. Ned Wickes broke with a runciiog start and just lasted long enough. Be True cosed with great determination and should have won. W.B.Gates was used up chasing Ned Wickes. Harrie Floyd was stopping at the finish. Ned Wickes, place, 2 to 1; show. 4 to 5. Be True, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Harrie Floyd, place, 3 to 2 ; show, 3 to 5. . B Gate?, place, 2 to 5; show, out. -| Q/kl K FOURTH RACE-6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. JL QU ±. O Handicap ■ I ic£ Horses A Wt St 4 jt U Btr Fin Jockeys Owners O H L. O 129883APPLE JACK 4 94 3 51 54 3* 3« 1" Houck L Vainer 15 15 6 8 129882FOUND 4 105 I 23 P 2* Ih 2* T Burns D Schneider 1 11-104-5 1 12816 KENSINGTON :i 104 4 44 44 42 4» 34 Frost M Murphy 3 18-524 14-5 1292AUNT MARY 5 88 2 14 14 Ih 23 43 Reb W Mulkey 15 20 15 20 12990CHENILLE 5 88 6 6« 6" 66 5* 52 Watson J W Hoey 20 20 15 15 128722TRUST ME 3 fs8 5 3" 3» 53 P 6"D. minick M Huffman 12 15 12 15 12751 ELLIS 4 88 77 7 7 7 7 HCochrane L Kennedy 60 100 60 100 12990 HER OWN 5 88 Left at the post. Rauch J N Enright 100 100 60 60 Time, 24. 494, 1:144, 1:214. Winner— Ch c, by Spendthrift— Apple Blossom Post 24 miuutes. Start fair. Won ridden out; second easily. Found and Aunt Mary seta tcorcbmg pace. It suited Apple Jack, who laid away, and well handled, moved up acd wen when the leaders were done. He outgamed Found at the end. Kensington oould never get up. The o.hers were outclass 3d. Scratched— 12991 Fireske, 114; 12647; Verify, 112. Apple Jack, plac9, 2 to 1; show, 7 to 10. Found, place, 1 to 3; show, out. Kensington, place, 4 to 5: show, out. -J 0 1 /» FIFTH RACB-1 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year-old*. Allowances. ind "Horses A Wt St hi % X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O I L~~C" 12993 JIMP 112 5 42 4« 1*" 12 l« Hoack B M Marsh 10 15 8 10 12955 STREAMER 112 4 5 3*« 42 22 2iand T Burns J W Schorr 4 Sonl 6-5 4-5 1 129563DUKE OF BADEN 112 3 21 and 5 S2 83 Kane J S OBrien 8 10 8 8 129553UHANCERY 112 2 3» 21 33 43 4and Southard J C Cahn 6 8 5 8 12331 OBSIDIAN 112 1 14 14 2" 5 5 Thorpe BarnBandWaterhse3 3 24 24 Time, 274, 534, 1:204, 1:444. Winner— Ch. c, by Donatello— Lady Rossington. Post 5 minutes. Start good. Won in a hard drive. Little action behind. Jimp won a lucky race by a sprint through the stratch. He just lastei long enough. Streamer was the best, but was shut off and pocketed several times. Obsidian was cut down and pulled up. Chancery stopped all over after three-quarters. Duke of Badea was pinched ou the backstretch. There was no pace and the race was a poor one. Jimp, place, 3 to 1; show, evens. Streamer, place, out. Duke of Baden, place, 2 to 1; show, 7 to 10. Ob-idi -n, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 2 -| ti/1 H blXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selliug. ~ lid Horses A Wt St H ■ %. BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12952 BARBEE 4 100 5 56 51 62 4* 14 J Ward T Sayres 44 8 34 7 129933ANNIE OLDF LD4 105 1 2« 21 12 |l 24 Houck L Marion 24 5 9-5 4 12990 CAN I SEE EM 5 102 4 Ih 41 31 22 32 Frost Mrs M E Frost 4 44 34 4 12957 RANSOM 7 111 10 9 7 7 6- 4* McJoynt O W Boardmau 15 25 15 25 12619 MYSTERY 4 110 3 44 61 8 7 5 Hinkey C VauStuddiford 5 5 44 44 11971 TON TO 5 111 6 8 8 54 5" p Southard J H McAvo and Co 9 12 8 12 12993 CALLA LILY 5 109 9 64 3»* 21 31 7 Page G I Laudon 15 20 15 20 12990 FLORA G. 4 101 2 7 9 9 8 8 A Marrisou J Gazzolo 6 10 6 10 12957 TRAVELER 5 114 8 10 10 10 9 9 O Martin J C Ferris Jr 30 40 30 40 12926 EDGARTLANDII4 100 7 31 V 44 10 10 Jenkins D A Honig 5 6 34 34 Time, 26, 514. 1:181, 1:44. Winner— B. g, by Barnas— Enima Kyle. Post 4 minutes. Start good. Won liddeo oat; next two driving. Barbee was lucky and well ridden. He was taken the shirt route, too. Aome Oldfleld had clear sailing and no excuses. Can I See Em improved under good handling. EiGartlsnd II. had some speed, but couldnt carry it. Neither cjuld Cxila Lily. Mystery was pinched out of the race on the stable turn. eicratchsd-129922Ben Fr Mt, 100; 12995Dutch Bard, 111; 129952Wilson. 112; 12749 Osric II.. 116; 12738 Xruxillo, 114 Overweights— Flora G.. 3 pounds. Bai bee, place, 24 to 1; show, eve-e. Annie Oldfield, plase, 3 to 2; show, 4 to 5. Can I Sea Em, place 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Mystery, place, 8 te 5; shew. 4 te i.