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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART. SBEEPSHEAD BAT, I* I., June 28.— Ninth day. Coney Island Jockay Club. Bpring Meet F ing. Weather cloudy; track fast. Presiding Judge, R. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing scarts at 2:30 p.m. "I QH1 G FIRST RACE— 5 l-» Furlongs. On Main Track, j 50 added. 3-year-olds - I O KJ A. O and npward. Allowances lad Horses A Wt 8t M % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 129822ISIDOR 5 119 5 14 1** V Hi Doggett Marcos Daly 3 3 2 2 I 9417CAPT. SIG?BEE 3 103 3 ft* •* 42 23 OLary Ton ey Bros 7 10 7 7 . 2692GAZE 3 105 4 3** 31 3i Pi McCue M L Uayman 6-5 3-2 6-513-10 J iaetpg. EICHBERG 3 103 5 5 5 5 4h Wilson FleiscbmHunSon320 40 20 40 12819PRESTTR1CE 3 105 2 2i »■■ 21 5 Odom George E Smith 5 6 5 54 i Time, 11%. 23, 35. 47%, 1 :00?ts, 1 :07. j Winner — Ch. h. by Amphion — Isis- OH at first break to a straggling start. Won easily. No pre=sing action behind. Ieidor j got the best of the bad start He had a world of speej end made a new record for the coorse. j Captain sigs-bee ran a smashing good race fcr his first out this season. He is a good lookf r and should be hard to beat in future moderate company. Gaze was off badly and did not have her j usual speed. She did not have a hard race, either. Prestidigitatrica tired badly after a long j chase of the winner. , Scratched— 12s622Primate, 119; 12982 Blarnfystone. 112; 10S84Formero, 110; l2471;Satin Slipper. 105; Dora F.. 98: I266021neennamaia, 98. Isidor, place, 1 to 5; show, out. Captain Sigsbae, place, 2 tol; show. out. Gaze, place, 2 to_5. -| * /1 f SECOND RACK— 1 Mile. added. 3-year-olds and upwardT Maidens f j, Q 1 %J Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt 8t * % StrFin Joc*keys Owners O H L C" 12834 GRAY JACQUES 3 112 1 2« 22 21 34 14 OLeiry W Easton 6 25 6 12 6 12787 GREAT NECK 3 112 6 65 63 54 4= 2" Hupp Oneck Stable *3 4 3 M 124703ANDRONICUS 3 112 4 31 32 3i 2« 33 OConnor Bromley and Co 4 43 12824 CBAPPAQUA 3 112 5 5" 5= 42 5h 4" Clayton Oneck Stable *3 4 3 34 12*63 DAN CUPID 3 112 8 8 8 6« 6" 5™ Clawson -ID Smith 5 5 5 5 12470 DESPERiDO 3 112 7 7 7 7 7 61 Simms J E Madden 3 3 3 3 i 12722 EMIGRE 3 109 2 13 12 12 u 75 Turner M J Cavanagh 12 12 6 6 , GRAHAM BRUCE 4 114 M 4« 8 8 84 Spencer W Hrgin 15 15 12 15 , 12660 ELLERDALE 3 112 9 9 9 9 9 9 Doggett E W Heffner 10 20 10 20 12836 JAMES TOD 3 112 10 10 10 10 10 10 Morris W C Daly 50 200 50 200 , 9265 J. B DOERB JR. 3 112 11 11 11 11 11 11 Wilson J Band W H FDoen20 50 20 50 12436 BRAHMIN 3 112 12 12 12 12 12 12 Collins F D Beard 6 12 6 12 J ♦Coupled in betting. Time, 12!*, 23, 35, 48, 1 -Mi, 1 :13%, 1 :41. . Winner— Gr. c. by Jim Gray — Jacquelin. j Off at first break to a very bad start. Won driving to the last ounce; the next two were driving Lard too. It was a bad lot and a worse start. Gray Jacques was overdue. Great Neck w;ie beet and would have won easily with a boy that could have helped him a little. Desperado is a morning glory Brahmin was practically left. Andron icos and happaqua ran fair races. Scratched— 12660 James M., 112 Gray Jacques, place, 5 toll show, 24 to 1. Oneck Stable entry, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Andronicns, show, 2 to 5. Desperado, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. -| Q/-Qir"V~~THIRb RACE— FuturitCourse. 170 feet short of M "mTiaT~i 8700"added.— JL Q/ JdJ 2-year-olds. Allowances. ind Horses A Wt St hi % X. 8tr Fin Jockeys Owners O H L_j_ 128671SADDUCEE 117 1 1" 1»* li H Srencer Kensico Stable 6-5 6-5 11 12867GCLDEN 115 2 44 3« 34 2« Simms J E Madden 3 4 3 34 12356MONTANIC 11! 3 3" 2™ 21 3h Odom J J Eakins 3 34 3 34 £ 12304 STANDING 110 5 54 44 42 4« Clawson R Roche 8 12 8 12 LA VEGA 110 6 61 64 C 5» McCue Edward Kelly 20 50 20 50 MAC FLECKNOE 110 7 2» 51 52 6» N Turner McCleUoandSmith 12 12 12 12* 122882 PARMEN ION no 4 7 7 7 7 OLeary W H Laudeman 15 25 15 25 J Time, 12. 241-s, 36% 48%, 1 :01, 1 :12. Winner— Ch. c, by Bathampton— Sadie. Off at first break to a good start. Won easily; next three driving. Sadducee is a colt of class .-ind probably nearly as good as any in training here. Gulden and Montanic both ran good game races and should not ba overlooked. Montanic is the better of the two. Standing will do about his next time in moderate company. The others need to improve before they are worth consideration. Scratched— 12469 Mike Strauss, 110; 12835 Pettifogger, 110. Sadducee. place, 2 to 5; show, out. Gulden, place, evens; show, 2 to 5. Montanic, place, evens ; show, 2 to 5. 1 Q/kO 1 FOURTH BACK— 1 Mile. 3-year.oids. A.tJJ*J X The Tidal 8takes. ,500 added. Ind Horses A Wt St k S 5 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L B 129823FILON DOR 123 3 1" 1« It 11 1* McCue R T Wils n Jr 3 34 14-514-5 12439 LOTHARIO 129 1 34 4= 4" 31 21 Turner G E Smith 8-5 9-5 7-5 7-5 12725 HALF TIME 123 2 23 22 22 2* 3» Spencer P J Dwyer 24 13-511-511-5 12985*GLENGAR 126 5 44 34 314 42 42 Neville W Jennings 15 25 15 25 128652STRATHCONAN 126 4 5 5 5 5 5 Taral L Elmore 10 12 8 12 Time. 12%, 24. 36, 48%, 1 MH, 1 :14%, 1 :411s. Winner— Ch g, by Rsyon dOr— Fides. Off at first break to a fair start. Won very easily. The winner was far the best and came away vety eesily at the end. Lothario was doing bis best, but could not give the wim t-r weight or beat him at even weights. Half Time ran to bis best form. The otheis were outclassed. Corrected weights— Half Time, 123. Filon oOr, piece, evens. Lothario, place, 3 to 5. Half Time, place, 7 to 10. Tq7 |OQ FTFT H RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 50 addsd. 3-year-old and upward. KUtojT" Ind. Horses A Wt St St jj H % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L T" 12901 SATIRIST 3 95 1 24 2h 2*« 2« 1 • Wilson J E Seagram 24 3 7-5 7-5 12950 EHTACA 5 111 2 1" 14 Vi 13 21 Spencer E Brown 5 7 5 5 12832 1 MISS PATRON 3 95 4 4»" 4« 45 31 3- OTonnor T W L Van Meter 4 7 4 6 12987 HOLLAND 3 98 3 3** 34 34 46 420 McCue J E Madden 24 3 24 3 12353 TANIS 6 103 6 61 62 63 610 5™ Gisbourne H Patterson 100 200 100 2C0 12950 CAMOTOP 3 95 5 52 51* 5* 5i« 6 Romanelli Kersico Stable 100 300 100 300 126C6 MERLIN 4 109 87 7 7 7 7 Morns W C Daly 100 200 1C0 200 12946 B. Ml C LELLAND6 10b 7 Threw rider. Mitchell W Oliver 5 15 5 15 Time, 12*3, 25%. 31%. 50, 1 :02%. 1 :15, 1 :28, 1 :41%, 1 :54%. Winner — ch.c, by Juvenal — Laura Gould. Post 12 minutes. Start fair. Won easily. Satirist by far outclassed the fipld and ran away from the others when given his head in the stretch Est aca showed a lot of speed and was second best. MiBs Patron ran her race. Holland wore himself out at the post. The others are very bad ones. Byron McClelland was crowded into the fnce at the fiist turn, threw his boy, ran the , course with the field and then ran into the fence on the backstretch and was killed. The boy was , only shaken up. Satirist, place, 1 to 2; show. out. Estaca, place, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Miss Patron, show, evens. Holland, place, evens; show. 1 to 2. 1 t f » Q~~ SI XTH~RACE— 1 1-16 "MTlekTYOn Turf.j~flTuo6"siddod73-year-old8 and upward . , XfjyJitJ High Weight Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St k jj X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12900 INTRUSIVE 4 130 1 11 Vi U li P Taral Gideon and Daly 8-5 8-5 6-5 65 12950SDBLE DUMMY 5 US 4 4* 3» 2 21 2 « OLeary FFrisbieandCo 10 20 10 15 10884 iFORMERO 3 127 2 34 42 33 31 3« hullman WBSinkJr 2 4 2 16-5 l28*2iMOMENTCM 4 119 5 51 52 52 41 4* McCue Goughacres Stbl 5 8 5 8 12306 CHIVALROUS 3 111 3 2« 2 4** 53 r i N Turner J L Holland 15 20 15 20 12863 sPIKATK M. 3 120 6 6 6 6 6 6 Odom HWarnkeSr 6 6 24 24 Time. UK, 24. 37. 49, 1 :02, 1 :15, 1 :41%, 1 :47%. Winner — Ch. c, by Meddler — Frolic Grace II. Post 10 minutes. Start good. Won easily. Intrusive was far the best and the result was never r in ionbt. Double Dummy ran a cracking good race and finished gamely under the whip. Formero was Bbort. and this race should do him good. Pirate M. showed no speed at aDy stage. Scratched-12900Th. mes Cat. 136; 1294ti Bar; ella, 122. Intrusive, place. 1 to 2; thow, out. Doube Dummy, place. 5 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Formero, , show, 1 to 5. Pirate M., place, evens; show. 1 to 2.