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THE AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1898 is on general sale. It is a record of the turf, billiards, pugilism, trotting, pacing and all the leading lines of snort up to January 1, 1899. All the matter within Ub pages have been compiled and edited by experts. It prints a list of all the turf and track records by Daily Racing Fobm s staff, billiard figures, past and present by John Thatcher, the fights of 1898, with comments by George Siler harness records to date and of the past by John Hervey, the statistician of The Horse Review and three handicap tables, with directions for their application and expert comment. The Manual, in paper covers, sells at SO cents and in soft morocco covers at 50 cents. JULY FORM BOOKS ARE READY. The paper and leather covered volumes ol Monthly Racing Form, containing all the charts from June 30 to July 31, inclusive, are ready for delivery. In paper, ; in leather, .50. The book is a large one and the supply limited. i HOT ONE FOR SATURDAY. SPECIAL BARGAIN DAY. .C0 FOR SATURDAY. We are in a position to give you a long shot next Saturday. COME AND GET IT... Terms 0 00 for six days sclectione. 60 per cent winners guaranteed. Send for Booklet FREE. The National Turf Investment Co., Suite 605, 16? Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.