Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-08-04

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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, IIX., August 3. Thirty-third day. Harlem Jockey Club. Bummer Meeting. Weather cloudy ; track slow and slippery. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. T QQ 5 A F1RSI" rXAtMS 4 l-X mirlougt. nrse S400. S75 to second; 5 to third. JL Q O JL J 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Ind Horsoe A Wt St H H X Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 135312TILDY ANN 105 2 1" 1 li J WinkfieldW H May and Son 2 3i 2 31 "12823 TILDEE 118 31 2i 23 2 Caywood HELeigb 10 20 10 20 13724 O LEE MA 101 51 32 33 30 Jnkins J J Donovan 4 4 3i 34 136222AILEEN WILSON 101 6 51 41 41 Boland JCWaddellandBro3 4 5 4 5 13581 MILDA 107 4" 62 5" 55 J MathewB S K Hugbe3 and Co 3 7 3 6 13581 MONA MURPHY 103 li 41 61 65 J Brown T E Barrett 6 10 6 10 13573 DIXOLETTA 109 81 82 81 1 7" Crowhurst A Voeeler 4 8 4 8 13581 FANNIE LELAND 103 7 76 71 81 BeauchampT T Evans 6 15 6 15 ANTONIETTA 115 91 10 91 9U Glover DeB Lopez and Co 15 40 15 40 13573 KITTIE G. 11110 95 10 10 E Morris James Owen 20 50 20 50 Time. 121, 2i, 37. 52, 581. Winner Br. f, by Likolf Lady Vixen. Post 6 m nutes. Starfcgood. Won driving and out to tlio last onnco; fecond the same. Tildy Ann ran a good, game race and was well handled. She whs brought to a drive at the head of the stretch ana stood it gamtly right to tha wire. Tildoa could not concede the weight, and besides, Caywood iode a very v.eik finish. He was more tirol than tha filly. Olekma ran a fair race. The goiog va against her. Milda showed no spsed and ran a very bad race. The field was badly strung ont all the way. Oversights Tilnee, 5 pounds. Tildy Ann, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Tildee, plac, 8 to 1; show, 4 to 1. Olekma, show, 3 to 5. -j QQ1 1 SECOND RACE 1 Mile and SO"Yards. Purse 00. 75 to second; 5 to 8 QO ,1 JL thiri. 3-yaar-olda and upward. Bulling. Ind Hordes A Wt St jj and StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13676 BON JOUR 4 111 1 1 5 31 3 111 J Mathewj ApplgteandDrhm6-5 6-5 1 6-5 13647 BRIGHT NIGHT 3 96 6 3 2 1" 11 26 Tully James B Gray 10 SO 10 30 13627 ELIDAD 4 10 51 73 4h 23 21 33 Jenkins James ArthurandCo4 8 4 8 137472ROSAVANNAH 3 95 7 51 62 6U 41 4 Boland H Heinsohu 4 7 4 7 13680 JOHN KESSLER 7 104 4" 2 1" 58 66 52 Nutt Bizer and Kessler 20 40 20 30 136492FONCLIF 5 114 2h 43 3" 4 52 63 Overton J E Cushmg 4 4 31 4 136802TAPPAN 5 109 8 8 710 750 720 725 Biping J H Smi h 4 6 4 5 13747 FIN TAN 3 91 31 6 8 8 8 8 Dovin John Newman 8 25 8 25 Time, 13, 26, 38i, 51i, 1:06, 1:19, 1:331, 1:46, 1:481. Winner B g, by King Galop Bon Soir. Post 5 minutes. Start poor. Won easily at the end after an early drive. The next two were doing their bast. Bon Jour was the best of this lot of bad horses and won as he pleased. This race was a ereat improvement over his last, still it was an inferior lot. Bright Night liked the going and seemed to be winning on the stretch turn but weakened when called upon at the end. The sn me comment applies to Elidad. The first thrso bad the race to themselves all the way. Fonclif labored all the way and when Overton saw be had no chance to win he eas?d the horae up. Tappan seamed to ba in a trance at the start and when he wheeled he almost feil. Scratched 13582 Rosa Masso, 89: 13723 Tincraft, 105; 13727 Aureole, 96; 13570 Croesus, 109: 13127 Briggs. 104; 13677 Yours Truly, 107; 137702Free Hand, 94; 13627Lucky Monday, 107; 13677 Clifton B., 105; 13582 Anuowan, 96; 13727 Martha Fox, 89; 13747 Defender II., 93; 13574 Necedah, 102; 6675 Calbourne, 91. Bon Jour, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Bright Night, place, 10 to 1; show, 5 to 1. Elidad, show, 3 to 2. Fonclif, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. -I QQ-j T THIRD RACE 3-4 Mil e. Purse S400. 5 to first; 5 to second" JL O O JL l 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt at U. Y2 M StrFin Jockeys Owners O M L C 13679OUK GERTIE 4 103 3k 13 12 14 13 Jenkins W M Rogers 2 2 7-5 7-5 137482MACKO 5 112 2 3a 2U 28 28 T Kuight J B Respass 3 31 3 31 13678CANOVA 4 108 5 2H 33 32 81 Nntt W K Cleveland 3 4 3 4 13728 FERVOR 5 108 1 520 550 4 43 J Mathews James Arthur 5 10 5 10 136793 BEN NEVILLE 4 112 41 4 i 520 512 Biping J H Smith 3 5 3 5 13680 MARY PRATHER 5 103 6 6 610 68 61 Boland J al Mathewson 50 150 50 150 13085 COCHISE 6 105 7 7 7 7 7 W J Grand D H Fellows 100 200 100 200 Time, 12, 241, 37, 491, l:02i, 1:161. Winner B. f, by Salvator Columbine. Off at the first break to a good start. Won under a strong pull; second eased at the end after an early drive; thitd eased also. Our Gertie was the best and made a show of her Geld. She is a fine filly and in grand form. At no stage in the journey was the result ever in doubt. Maceo rin a good race but not good enough to beat Our Gertie. Canova had no excuses. He had speed but could not carry it. Ho was picking up a lot of weight, too, from his last race. Fervor wants a longar route. Bennovilie showed no speed and labored in the going. Scratched 135S4Graziella, 107. Onr Gertie, plsce, 3 to 5; show, out. Maceo, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Canova, show, 3 to 5. "Q FOURTH RACE 1 l-8aiiles Purse 00. -5 to second; 5 to third" 1QQ1 OO JLO 3-year-oldB and upward. Allowances. lad Horses A Wt St Bt and H X Str Fin JockeyB Owners O H L C 133512CROCKET 4 98 11 11 15 111 15 13 16 Jenkins J C Cahn 6-5 3-2 6-5 3-2 136782 H. NUTTER 3 92 31 23 22 2H 26 2io 215 W. Jones A C Clark 5 51 5 5 135853CARNERO 5 105 2" 3t 31 4 4 4 3" BeaucbampJ M Murphy 5 5 31 31 1S749TENBY 4 107 4 4 4 32 35 36 4 Nutt S 8 Bnder 2 3 2 3 Time, 13, 261, 40. 53, 1 :05i, 1 :20, 1 :33, 1 :461, 1 :59i. Winner B. m, by Linden Crochet. Post 5 minutes. Start good. Won pulled to a walk ; second whipped out. The other two were driving. Crocket found the track made to order. She tow-roped her field and not for an instant did any of the others have a chance to beat her. This is au exceedingly good filly and she Is f spociblly good on a track like that of today, and is partial to light weight. Harry Nutter ran a good race, but the other two could not untrack themselves. Tenby was in distress before going a half mile. This race is liable to take the edge from bis speed. Carnero wore bar plates and rtn like a cart horse. Crocket, place, 1 to 2. Harry Nutter, place, evens. Carnero, place, evens. Tenby, place, 7 tolO. . -t O Q l A FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JLOO JL4Jh 2-year-olds. Selling, Ind Horses A Wt St U K and BtrFm Jockeys Owners O 11 L ti 15650 ME B1TO 105 2 2" 23 28 1H J Mathews ApplgteandDrhm 3-5 7-103-5 7-10 13746 ROCKLIGHT 108 3 1H 13 121 210 Jenkins M Murphy 8 15 8 15 13750 MAHARAJAH 108 1 41 41032 30 Everett H T Griffin 3 3 3 31 13675 NULLAH 105 41 3 33 420 415 Nowcom L D Frazee 3 4 3 4 BRAMPTON 105 5 5 5 5 5 Boland E Trotter 20 50 20 50 Time, 12, 241, 501, 1:04, 1:11. Winner B. f, by Wadsworth Modjeska. Post 18 minutes. Start pood. Won handily at the end after an oarly drive; second cleverly; third eased up. Merito displayed great gameuess. Mathews started driving her at the tbreo-eighths pot, and the filly responded like an aristocrat. At the had of the stretch it did not appear that Merito had a chance to beat Kocklight. At that point the latter seemed to be galloping under restraint but when Merito came within striking distance of him he stopped badly. The colt ran a much better race thon he did when last oat and when he was heavily backed on the strength of a fast work-out. Maharajah was short on speed and ran a bad race. Nullah was bandicappod by the going. Brampton ran away eeveral different times after being in the sturters hands. This was the cause of the delay. Scratchod 137503Unsightly, 105. Merito, place, out. Rocklight. place, 3 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Maharajah, place, 4 to 5; show, out. Nullah, place, evens ; show, 2 to 5. "1 Q "I PC SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Purse 09. 5 to secon7fj5l;othircL 1 QO i 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt bt jj jj X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H ii 13723 ALABASTER 4 109 1" 2" 23 15 12 Y Dean S C Wagner 3 3 21 21 13723 PLYMOUTH 4 112 21 33 32 21 2 Ralph H Robinson 50 50 20 20 13645 CLAKENl E T. 3 991 5" 6" 7 lij 31 R Narveez VaterandPattersonlS 40 15 40 13620 h OGER B. 6 112 61 7 61 51 4 BeauchampF C Mosnier 5 8 5 S 13048 PETER MC CUE 4 112 41 1" li 32 51 Gray Thomas Carey 3 4 3 4 13615 VANITE 3 90 81 81 81 6h 61 Grand C C Daly 20 30 20 30 13454 NETTLE 3 90 71 5i 55 71 72 W Scott J B Anderson 15 30 15 30 9514 KINGS HIGHWT,Y4 99 9" 91 92 91 81 Saaton Mrs R Bradley SO 30 30 SO 13079 CHEESE MITE 3 100 101 102 101 8" 91 Nutt. CH Williams 3 31 3 31 9661 HERMOSO 4 109 3" 4H 4101 102 Everett A C Clark 3 6 3 6 12031 SK1NK 4 112 12 113 111 121 1H1 Bozeman F Odom and Co 20 50 20 50 13405 PLUNKETT 3 92 13 12 13 11 12 Bisping Clawson andMacoy 12 30 12 30 13727 NOKOMO 3 95 11 " 13 12 13 13 Bassinger S Francis 15 40 15 40 13747 MAMMY 3 92 14 14 14 15 14 J Carter S H Allen and Co 30 60 30 60 12958 FARDEL 3 105 16 16 15 14 15 H Wilson Murphy and Gentry 15 25 15 25 8015 SCOHNFUL 5 112 15 15 17 16 16 E Morris J Melbuech 30 50 30 50 12429 BEN JAMINE 3 90 17 17 16 18 17 Broscbart HA Cotton 20 60 20 60 12638 MARION SANSM3 102 18 18 18 17 18 Boland D P Rogers and Co 20 25 20 25 13647 ROSA L. 3 104 19 19 19 19 19 Bropby W W Clark 12 20 12 20 Time, 121, 25, 371, 501, 1:04, 1:171. Winner Ch. g, by Springbok Emerald. Post 8 minutes. Start good, considering the size of the field. Won very easily; second cleverly; third and fourth were driving. Alabaster was fortunate in getting away and had the most speed. Dean hnd the race won when be hit the head of the stretch, but he toook no chances and always kept a safe distance in front. Plymouth liked the going and did well. Clarence T. made a pame fight through the stretch, :.o did Roger B., who seemed to slip and slide about considerably. Peter McCue again showed a Bbarp turn of speed and also his disposition to stop when pressed. The same comment applies to Hermoso. Natt took matters very leisurely on Cheesemite. Nettle thew her rider in one of tli9 breakaways and ran away. She was caught b8foro she went far and the boy remounted Scratched 7631 Lahn, 107; 8603 Lucille Bramble, 100; 13649 Indra, 115; 13879 Duty 100; 137232Teoole, 112; 13191 Inverary II., 109 Overweights Clarence T , 4 p unds; Rosa L4; Mammy, 2. Alabaster, place, evenB; show, 3 to 5. Plymouth, place, 10 to 1; show, 5 to 1. Clarence T., 15 to 1; show. 8 to 1. Peter McCne. place, 2 to 1 ; show. 4 to 5.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899080401/drf1899080401_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899080401_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800