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RACING FORMS SELECTIONS. Daily. Racing Foem has no private information. It Beeks none. Its calculations over the horses as they are grouped daily at various racetracks are purely those of general performance and ability as shown by the recordB and the application and knowledge of its editors and the reports of its correspondents. These calculations are printed daily. Nothing is hidden. All that the staff of the paper knows is put into type. If the selections made nightly are sought by persons outside the daily delivery lines of the paper they will be sent by Western Union night rate messages collect at per track per week. Such service is not solicted, but if it is considered valuable, will be performed. NOTICE. Daily Racing Foem is a publication which Is built by its staff from day Its "form and the numbers of its charts are copyrighted, The chart numbers are so arranged that legal Identification is easy of proof. The selections and handicap figures attached to entries ara arranged on the Bame basis. The latter come from the work of four experts after the telegraphic receipt of charts and entries. All persons are warned not to use said chart or index numbers, selection! or handicap figures. Goodwins lgTH I O I 171 OFFICIAL Turf Guide YEAR. tiOBS COMPLETE THAN EVEB, A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE. A Form Table to Each Eyes! which shows exact position of every horee which was either 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th at each Quarter pole, also positions at start. Important notes added when required. Eveuta reported from all parts of the country and Canada. Issued the 1st and 15th of every month. PRICE 60 CTS EACH For sale at all principal hotelB, newsstandi, racetracks and publishers office. GOODWIN BROS., 1.440BBOADWAY, NEW YORK ALL THE TURF NEWS PERFECTLY EDITED... Daily Racing Form roum SHEETS AND entries expertly indexcd, TCLCGRHPHIC, CORRECT, CONCISE, COMELY TRAINING NEWS A SPECIALTY OFF OUR OWN PRESSES BEFORE THE CHICAGO DAILIES OVERNIGHT POOLING SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: ORE MONTH - .25 ONE YEAR - JH.CD SIX MONTHS - - 7.50 Sent as First-Glass Mandil-Setled Lfltt. ...124-126 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO... WOOPLANPS STUP 15 miles from st louis on the wabash Barney Schreibers mopel tarm THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD. FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET-SLANDER. " Ithuriol... ....... Touchstone by Carnal. 3 rLonsbc?7 ............ Verbena, by Velocipod 3 ja faireof Fonda Joie, Misa Bowo.. ...... ....... Cation, by Golumpua, g f ft 1 Tranbya dam by Orville, m Pantaloon... .... Caatrsl, by Burzard. 5 C o XiQserdsmaiSi C3mitsh.4 Idalla, by Peruvian. ti H i Decoy .. j HWansS oS ? Fineaso, by Peruvian. K r a Melbourne......... Humphrey ClinkebyCsass. "2 . fWsst AastrrMsn ? Cervantes1 mare. 3 I Dsrfcy asdSi, Leg2r .. Hcwerhi,,...... ,. j Touchstone, by Camel, 3 IS SI iEmma, by WhiBker. "j S Camel j Whalebone, by Waiy. 2 S "3 ? LBwrsra Rsis, ... , .... ....-i Salimniare. 0 B o Dangbiar oi. .. JBrutandorf , by Elaehlrcsk. k FMrs.CrickahnkB.byWlbss Csnieen .. .... TYasy Pops, by Yaz?. rcandl3ttandiiandpetgd, ....... 4 fCastania. by Johanna, -g a Einbl3toniR j EtamfGrd,hyPleniptsni!MS a J2 7 Hsrmonica.brHrableSEip , f n I Tros IrnvortBil .... .... i Priam, by Emilias. 5 s LCesnue, ... Ally, by Partisan. O u E Alice Grsr Eccc Emigrant by PJcaass ttj . YcunSohaaae El The Colonal j Whisker, by Wax?. J fCJap-a-plB Imported....... Delpini mate. h old i CBiiier to Casitu. V Saltan, by B?icj. O j j H Duchess cl Yor. h? ??a Si L ! C Dover... .... Rouehsttana. IBb11BjmU YprbOi. S t Sccbie j Bkiihinda. 1 SaUlo Srsn ImXcrtoS, BBNEYSCHREIOEii. ,BBJ P.GtETON . . M O.