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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART. SHEEPSHEAD BAY, X. I., September 9. Thirteenth day. Coney Island Jockey Club. Autumn Meeting. Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, R. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. 1 ryg FIRSTRACE 5-8 Mile. Futurity Course. C0 added. 2-year-olds. lad HorseB A Wt St and K X Btr Fin Jockeys Owners O hi L 5 14424 DANGEROUS MAID 109 3 1 U 1" I Spencer JRandFPKeene 8 8 7 7 144242POST HASTE 104 2 511 52 2" 2 Clawson O L Richards 6 15 6 15 143VJ3FEDERALIST 106 8 8 9 7 3a Maher L 8 Barridge 6 8 6 8 143012FLUKE 99 4 41 4h 5 4 OConnor Hayman and Frank2 2 7-5 7-5 14456 KNIGHTBANNRETIOS 11 9 7 8 51 WeddrstrdH T Griffin 8 8 7 7 14357 THE BOBBY 103 6 3 3 3" 6 OLeary W C Eustis 10 15 10 15 U421810LINDA 98 9 7 8 6 72 Wilson J D Smith 12 15 12 15 14357 DECIMAL 99 1 2 2i 4 8 Slack W C Daly 20 20 20 20 14370 JAMAICA 94 5 61 6 9 9 Setley Perry Belmont 30 100 30 100 14424 BEVERAGE 99 14 12 12 10 10 C WilliamsJ Gaway 30 100 30 100 VITUR1A 94 13 11 11 11 11 Dangman P Lorillard 30 100 30 100 13587 FIRST PAST 102 10 10 10 12 12 Dupee W T W odard Jr 15 20 15 20 125602 LANZA 107 12 13 13 13 13 Ccggswell MdletcandJgblth30 100 SO 100 14357 LADREATEA 107 7 14 14 14 14 D ggett K C Doggett 10 12 10 12 Time. 1:01. Winner Ch. f, by St. Leonards Handmaid. Pot 5 minutes. Start fair. Won driving. Dangerous Maid barely lasted long enough. Post Hste finished fast and with a stronger ride might have won. Federalist clospd strongly. So did Fluke And Knightbanneret. There was a lot of crowding at the stretch band. The Bobby is good. Otinda was penned in on the rail and poorly handled by Wilson. Decimal swervrd across the track at the start and interfered with some of the first division. Fluke got the worst of the crowding and at the weights was probably best. It was not a good start or a true run race First Past and Laure ateR had no chance Scratched 14406 Kipling, 112; 13853 Diffidence, 99 ; 141032 Jen. 99. Overweights Federalist, 2 pounds. Dangerous Maid, plce, 21 to 1; show, evens. Post HaBte, place, 6 to 1 ; show, 21 to 1. Fed-eraliat. show evens. FlnWe, place, 1 to 2; p-how. 1 to 4. SECOND nAUK7-8 fllile. Sl.OOOadded. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Jrjy Horses AWtBt M H StrFin JockeyB Owners- O H L O 143602TOLDCA 3 102 1 31 3H 31 31 1H Clawson Sydney Paget 2 16-52 16-5 1426V L-DY MADGE 3 91 6 4 4 41 41 2h OConnor J J Hyland 10 10 7 7 UWLADY LINDSAY 3 97 5 2a 2a 2 21 3h Odom J A McLaughlin 5 8 5 8 144092ANDERS 4 118 2 11 11 11 1 42 Maher FV Alexandre 2 2 2 21 144252PEEP ODAY 6 125 4 6 6 51 6 53 Spencer JAMcCormick 5 5 3 3 14369 LALODETrE 4 103 3 51 5 6 5 6 OLeary R T Wilson Jr 7 12 5 10 Time, 12, 24. 37, 49, 1:02, 1:15, 1:27. Winner Ch. f, by Nomad Sweet. Post 5 minutes. Start poor. Won cleverly. Tolnca was best and drew away easily when given her head. Senders bad too much weight up and quit in the last furlong. Lady Madge ran an extra. good r-ca. Lady Lindsay is goad aud ran her race. Peep oDay was anchored with his high weight among this bunch of sprinters Scratched-144253 Admiration. 112; 142972Bt. Callatine, 107. Overweights Lady Madge, 4 pound?. Tt luca. place, evens; show, 2 to 5. Lady Madge, place, 2 to 1; show, 7 to 10. Lady Lindsay, show. 6 to 5. Wanders, place. 7 to 10: show, 1 o 4. Pnp oDty. place, evens; show, 2 to 5. 111 THIRD RA.C1S ruturi y Course. 170 feet short of 3-4 mile. JLtrrJbOw Great Eastern Handicap. Value 85.000. 2-year-olds. r,a Horses A Wt 8t K Vt and StrFin JockeyB Owners O H L C 14390MESMERIST 130 1 1 la H Hi OConnor BrmleyandCo 8-5 8-5 6-5 7-5 143882 RED PA"!" H 110 7 6 41 31 2a OLeary JJByland 15 15 15 15 U4563GULDEN 12? 2 2 2a 4 3 Odom J E Mafdpn 7 10 7 10 14390 MRIBERT 125 3 3 3a 21 42 Maher P Lorillard l 4 3 31 14408ERW1N 110 8 9 9 51 51 Clawson H T Griffin 20 60 20 60 144 61JLFIN CONIG 115 13 12 12 7 64 VanKuren C L Railey 30 30 30 30 04371 LIEUT. GIBSON 127 9 7 8 8 7 Taral C H Smith 8 15 8 15 14329 TODDY 112 5 41 61 9 8 Sp-mcer J R and F P Keene 15 15 8 8 14390 TEN CANDLES 113 6 8 7 61 9 Clark W Laneland 100 200 100 200 143883RA.DFORD 110 12 10 10 10 10 Dupee J E Madden XI 10 7 10 148713SARMATIAN 118 10 11 U 11 11 Hencessy L Klmore 15 15 10 15 14456 OL ROOSEVELT 117 4 51 52 12 12 Simms WMidgely 12 20 12 20 14371 DtVID GARRICK 126 15 13 13 13 13 P Clay P Lorillard f4 4 31 31 14371 PLUOKY 115 11 14 14 14 14 Dogett Regina Stable 30 30 25 25 13827dTANDING - 114 14 15 15 15 15 Shaw R Roche 30 30 15 25 Added starters. ftConpled in betting. Time, 1:10 Winner Ch c, by Albert Hoodoo, Post 5 minute Start good. Won easily. Mesmerist was bast and ran in his usual commanding style. Weight does not bother him. Redpath ran a g od ruce and is very promising. Gulden ran honestly and gamely. Maribart weakened in tHe last furlong -nd probably does not fancy high weight when there is anything to race strongly with him. Erwin ran a good rice. Lieutenant Gibsm wag outpaced. Colonel Roosevlt was outrnn all the way. Scratchud 12438 High Order, 130; 14461 Gonfalon, 120: 13822De Lacy, 118; 14388 Mac-Flecknoo. 109; 14164 King Bramble, 107; 14428 Lady Uncos, 104. Memrist, place, I to 2; ado, oat. Redpath, place 6tol; show, 2 to 1. Gulden, show, evens. Manbert, place, 7 to 5: show, 1 to 2. A A O 1 FOURTH. RACE 3 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. L4fctJbO X The Autumn Cup. S3.5C0 added. nd Horses A Wt St V4 m 11 li Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L O 131022B. HOLLADAY6 126 10 9 9 9 3 In 18 Spencer Eastin and Larabie5 5 31 31 144293THEB HLR6 116 4 7 7 31 51 35 2W Clswfon Sjdnsy Paget 5 7 5 7 14S9lPiEVIOUS 4 120 8 8 8 6 61 4 36 OConnor Bromley and Co 4 7 3 7 137992 L.ATSON 4 105 7 22 22 la in 21 4 Littlefield C Lutlefluld Jr 15 20 15 20 14425 BOX 5 118 2 5a 5 51 7 7 5a Taral W Showalter 15 20 15 20 14 91 MU-KADINE 4 108 3 3 3a 41 4i 51 6a Odom W H Clark 10 10 4 4 144i92T-iOUA3 CAT 5 113 6 4 4a 7 8 8 71 OLeary W C Easus 5 8 4 8 143912BANGLE 4 123 1 11 1 21 2a 61 81 Maher ES Gardner Jr 4 5 31 5 1432 LAVEROCK 4 110 5 10 10 8 9 9 9 Powers W Hndrie 20 25 20 25 14408 K. THE GRTRS 100 61 6i 10 10 10 10 Slack P S P Randolph 15 20 15 20 Tim-,26 51 1:17, 1:45,2:10,2:49, 3:02,3:29. Winnar B h, by Hanover Mlio L. Post 4 miautfis. Start good. Wo j easily. Ben Holladay ran like himself and will probably be almost invincible In distance event fcm now on. The Bachelor ran well ami is good but was ontclas ed. Bangle was too much us-ed but had no chance with the winner. Previous ran well. Kuightofthe Garter was outclassed and is best in mud. Thomas Cat was outpaced all the way. Scratched -14391 Imp. 126: 14429Princo McClu-g, 117. Ban Holladay, place, 7 to 5 ;rh .w, 2 to 5. The Bachelor, dace, 2Ho 1; show, evens. Previous, show, evens. Muskadine, place, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. 4 QQ FIFTH RACE Full Course. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. T,4 4tr4JbQa Hand-cap. Steeplechase. nd. Hordes. A Wt St 4 8 12 16 StrFin Jockey Owner O H L C 1426S2WD PIGEON 6 165 1 35 3S 2h 23 2 11 Kinnegan J W Colt 8-58-511-1011-10 14373 ARTICLE 5 152 3 12 12 J6 i 13 2H Barry FD Beard 3 8 3 6 14373 VAN SHIP 6 137 2 62 63 5 43 3 310 Sprague Ivan Fox 30 100 30 100 14392 DARE ALL 5 140 7 7 7 6 6 55 43 Mclnerny H Graham 30 30 30 30 U3922TRILLION 8 165 5 41 41 41 51 6 51 Hayes W C Hayes 3 3 11-511-5 14307 CALLIOPE 5 135 8 23 23 35 3a 41 62 Mooney C Morney 20 25 12 15 11744 JACK DANDY 4 139 4 8 8 8 8 7 7 Rector H W Smith 30 1C0 30 100 144103MERLIN 4 135 6 54 51 7 7 Refos?d Connolly W C Daly 30 80 30 80 11380 THE PURSER 3 136 9 9 9 Lost rider. Hoean W A Chanler 12 15 12 153 Time, 5:23. Winner Br. , by Woodlands Fannie Moore. Post 3 minutes. Stttrt gord. Won easily. Word Pigeon was much the best and won as he pleased. Article ran well throughout, but tired at the ond. Trillion did not run bis race. Van Ship jumps well and shows improvement. fcratchf d 5313 Naviculine, 135 OvereightE Calliope. 1 ponnd. Wood Pigeon, plnce, 1 to 3; show, out. Article, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Van Ship, show, 6 to 1 Trillion, piace, evens; show. 1 to 3 "1 A A QQ SIXTH RACE I 1-16 Miles. On Turf. ,000 added. 3-yoar-olds and L TTtirOO nr-war". Sellirg. .nd Horse W ft ii 4trPin Jockeys Owners o H L L 144R52 MAXIMO GOMEZ 4 112 9 7 5 51141 Hi OLeary M Clancy 3i 6 3 5 1489 DaN BICE 4 108 1 3" 32 32 3112a Maher H" man and Frank 21 2 9-5 9-5 12457 JEFFER ON 6 100 7 211 2U 1 H 3a Brin F D Bard 10 10 6 6 14374 HANDCUFF 3 94 2 10 10 7 5 41 Wilson Osceola Stable 12 12 12 12 14191 DEYO 4 100 11 11 7 6a 7 5 W rstrndBnckley and Brown 30 30 30 30 14411 BELLE OF TROY 3 96 3 la 11 23 2a 61 Evns JEMD nald 10 15 10 15 14455 CATHEDRAL 3 99 4 8 8 8 61 7 Dudpo J J McCaff-rty 30 40 39 40 14411 PK1.H B. 3 99 10 6 1 4" 8 8 Moody H rnsandBrssmn50 60 E0 60 14374 MYTH 5 108 5 5 9 9 9 9 Uawson FJKittWman 2 21 2 21 142762FORGET NOT 4 105 6 9 11 10 10 10 Od m WW Dardan 15 25 15 25 14345 ISLAND PRINCE 4 108 8 41 61 11 11 11 Richard J C McLaughlin 160 150 1C0 150 Time. 12. 24, 36, 49, 1:02, 1:15 1:42and 1:49. Winner Cb. c, br Victory Qu "al. Post 5 minutes. St.rt good. Won driving. Maximo Gomez finiFhd strongly and received fooI handling. Dan Rice hsd too much weight for this company. Jefferson wa? b-.dly ridden. With a competent rider he might have won. Deyo ran a good race. Belle of Troy quit. Myth ran a very bad raco. Sera chro 14428 Wolhnrst, 105: 137613Qreat Neck. 99; 14411 Klondyke, 96. Maximo Gmnez, plare, 7 to 5; show. 3 tn 5. Dan Rice, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. Jefferron, show, etens. Myh. place, eve n; show, 1 to 2.