untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-09-10


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KlNGBRMUOA,10TO1 TULLA FONSO, 5 TO 2 JOLLY ROGER,5T02 HOPSCOlCH,8T01 These were our selections sent yesterday. If tou donbt same call on Postal Telegraph Com-napy and they Have ORDERS to show all who wish to VERIFY the statements we make about OU-R selections. Nearly the WHOLE CARD at Hawthorne. Two 5 10 2 shots, an 8 to 1 shot and. onn at 10 to 1. We only sent FOUR and "EVERY ONE WON. This is a record no one ikncomDBte with. Terms 0.00 for six days. Sixty pSr cent. WIN NEBS GUARANTEED. Send for Booklet. Commistions accepted. The National Turf Investment Co., galte 605. 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU SUITE 500, 8G3 E IRBOBN ST., OHIOAG , II. L,. Get our SPECIAL SELECTIONS on Hawthorne, Graveeend and Fort Erio racps. We dont advortise impossible things. Onr clients are winners every week. On trial will convince tho most siisptical. Monday at HAWTHORNE we have a pood thing at long odds. Tortus .00 dnily, .00 wekly. MONDAY e TUESDAY v 0 have good things at Hawthorne both days at a long prco .00 PEfi I AT. .0O PER WFEK. American Horsemens Agency, RUt, l!t7 Tloarlnril tre-t. ..HaVE YOU LOST MONEY.. Playing unreliable racing information? Do you want to recuperate your I03819? I bo, write for our weekly electioaa. WE STAND FORTH AS THE PIONEERS in this line of business, and our departinaut is equipped with a staff of able handicappers ant corraJDOiid-ents. Selections wired daily at 10 a. m. Terms 00 per week. THE TRANS-CONTINENTAL HANDICAP, 263, 2Gi Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. AUGUST FOB I BOOKS AES BEADS . The paper and leather covarsd volumes ol Monthly Racing Form, containing all tho charts from Aug. 1 to Aug. 31, inclusive, are ready for delivery. In paper, ; in leather. .50. The bnotr is a law nnn and the sncply limitftd. SYSTEMS THAT HAVE WON THOUSANDS QQQ y ESH byVadlng ope? and othervaluable eM;jttland M information. We expect to reach all speculators, great BlIHmHHHHiHHIHHHHHV and mail, bave made price accordingl : ,CC0 worth of lteuKaS.8.eS: " r6Side frm fiAau CO , 9o5 CHEfllCAL BLOC. ST. LOUIS. MO.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899091001/drf1899091001_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899091001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800