Hawthorne Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-09-10

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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., September 9. Forty-third day. Chicago Jockey Club. Summer Meeting. Weather clear; track focd. Presiding Jndge, Capt J. H. Rees. Starter. Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2;15 p. m. . Af FIRST RACK- 3-4 Mile. Pnrse00. 5 to second; 5 to third. 4ttfl:t7Vy 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ind Horse? A Wt St and Yt K Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14432 BOP SCOTCH 3 103 21 1 11 1H Silvers R Tucker 8 15 8 8 13990 BUFKIN 4 107 3 2- 4 i Bt 2 T Burns 8 Paget 6 7 6 6 13574 WOODRANGER 4 107 1 5h 8 4 3a Mitchell M Jordan 30 30 20 20 lins5! TIN PAS 6 107 7 3ii 2 22 4" Nutt John Brenock 2 3 1 and SKqBEYJOHN 4 107 12 9-12 10 5- H Wilson JEClugston 20 25 20 25 14400 H HAN KEN 3 10115 11 7J rtU 6 J Carter W F Scbulte 30 30 30 30 H L Jones and Co 8 10 8 10 14338 DOLOHE 5 107 13 13 Hi 9n 7 RanEch 14431 PAT t LfcBURNE3 105 6b lOi 3 71 8U Bnllman V . Hughes and Co 4 6 4 6 Ul ASTOR 4 108t 8sk 72 6h 82 92 Peterman AandJLocbhrt 15 40 15 40 ll 86 NORMA TAYLORS 101 5 6U Si 3i 102 Bolnnd 8K Hughes and Co 8 12 8 12 14435 SAMIVEL 4 107 101 15 132 121 11H J Mathews Forsytho Bros 12 20 12 20 18W0 BONNIE ilONE 4 107 94 12U141 132 12i J Brown FJ Stores 40 60 40 60 13482 EMMA SMITH 3 101 Hi 4 9- 112 13i Ransom H J Scoggen 60 100 60 1C0 14224 CHIFFON 4 10314 143 15 141 1415 McJoynt L Marion 8 15 8 15 4i 4287 w-ur CAMPEBDOWN 4 107 4 8U102 15 15 BeauchampS Williama 15 50 15 50 T.m m 49J 1:02 1:i5i. Winner Br. g, by Hanover Glen Belle. . Post 6 minutes Start good. Won hand riddrtn and with considerable in reserve. The nxt five were under keen pressure. Hop Scotch got a flyinsr strt and had speedto loan. Consider-inbiriastr"o his price was far out of line Buskin liked the .track and did we . He met with interfereDce on the far turn but Dot enough to make any difference in the result Wood-range -ill "ell He was jammed into the rail and obliged to puUup passing the half mile around. Unca had no exensss, he simply weakened when the pinch came. Schsnken ran a bet-ter race than the winner. She was tbe last to leave the post and made up mcch ground. Dolore also did well Norma Taylor quit bsdly at the end. Scratched-14292 Wan, 101; 14294 Pitfall, 107; 14292 Elidad. 110. Overweights Pat Cleburne, 2 pounds; Chiffon, li.-jAstor, 14. Hop Scotch, place, 3 to 1; show.7to 5. Ruskin, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Woodranger, . show. 3 to 1. UncaB. place. 6 to 5 ; sbow, 3 to 5. 1 a f 1 SECOND RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. dttJ JL All Ages. Handicap. . Ini HorseB A Wt St U H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 144353TULLA FONSO 3 104 li Hi 2i 21 m U T Burns olm Huffman 13-53 8-5 8-5 144492MONTGOMERY 6 104 2i 21 lj li 2 Vititoa W P Megrane 3 4 3 3 144193TARHILL 2 90 4" 3 50 Si 3 3 Dugan E W Purser 8 5 5 144332IDA LEDFORD 2 89 5i 4H 3 4ii 4i 4 Dominick Brannon and Moore J 6 3 6 14405 HAB. THOBURN 5 102 6 5" 4 51 56 56 Bissinger Eamshaw Bros 6 13 6 13 14292 MALAISE 3 95 31 6 6 6 6 6 Mitchell CHWiUiams IS 15 8 8 14433 BED GIDD 4 90 Left at the post. beaton Mrs R Bradley 60 150 60 100 14431 JUGGLER II. 3 90 Left at the post. Ranscb ACClarK 20 200 20 200 14419 FLOR1ZAR 2 89 Leftat ga post j .of.g? J Sooffgan 10 15 10 Winnpr B. f. by Foneo Tulla Blackburn. . . Post 55 minutes; Start bad. Won in a hard drive of two. The nest three were driving as bard. Toll" Fonsow principallythronahgoodiockeysbipon the part of Burns. He saved the fills cleverly all through the long dslay at the post and eventually get a runniug start. Then when be Band aTthe end be clearloutfinished Vititoe. Montgomery was the best even after the long delay and had ho not been intsrfered with he would have won off by himself.. As wL thrown, and this defeated the old horse. Dom-inick it Vititoe had to pull him up to avoid being wa. uSIble to db anything effective with Ida Ledford. He was so exhausted after the delay that be was lucky not to lall off. Scratched- 14449 J. H. C, 105. Tul?aWF Montgomery.place.etoS; show, 1 to 2. Tarbill, show, evens. 4 A ,1 Ui THIRD HACS-3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to eecond; 5 to third. 4S-4t 3-ypar-olds and upward. Selling. lnd Horses A Wt St j Yt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C iiiRR K M h ifiHWAV 4 108 7i 82 8i 4i 12 Conley Mrs R Bradley 12 15 12 15 TENOLE 5 113 2i 3- 3U 36 2i Vandusen James Curl 3 3 24 2i iSsIfAMADA 4 115 3i 1U1 22 3 Bnllmn P Bynn 2 21 8-5 2 . 11871 MIPS LYNAH 6 J081 9 V 2 1b 4h McJrynt W Cbancey 1 12 7 10 14431 HEROK R 3 105 101 lia Id 71 5 BpauchampT Co-tello 12 12 10 10 14246 RANDAZZO 4 110 1" 6B 6"K 61 6" R Jones Burch and Jones 20 40 20 40 12488 KVA WILSON 3 101 4 52 51 51 7n Vititoe Frat.k Wilson 10 12 6 8 14310 WARREN POINT6 107 81 1C" 7 81 8U Flick Ira Glascock 15 20 15 20 142822WORDSWORTP 5 107 111 121 92 112 92 Dnean P M Civill 20 40 20 40 14353 MISS KTNTON 3 102 13 71 411101 10H L R. bs Settle and Co 15 20 15 20 14402 ELNR HOLMES4 107 6n 4h 111 9"1U Boland L J Haas 30 100 30 1C0 144503BROTHER FRED5 107 12b 13 121 121 122 R bertson J-bn Call 25 30 2d 30 11344 CECIL 6 107 51 9H13 13 13 J Brown J H Smith 30 30 30 30 Time. 12,24,49, 1:C2, 1:15. Winter B. g, by Meddler Little Ldy II. Post 8 minutes. Start go-J Won easily at the end after an early drive; the next sven wero under keen pressure and all in a heap. Kings Highway came to life with a start and ran a fine race. He may bo a sulker. Tenrlewas well riaden and appeared to be winning a tbe fighth pest, but conld not stand off Kings Bighway rush. Misb Lynih and Afmada bitb showed fino spf ed. Tbo incidentally rtced esch oiher to wecriness. Af tmada pnllert up lame. Heroic?, any in the rear division and interfered with often, ran a good recs and finished strongly Eva Wilon t-howed speed. ,, -n 8crplchri 14491 Harry Thnburn, 111; 14155 Loyalatta, 109; 1449 Marzella. 109; m 14296 Rollins, 1 107: ISOS La Princess, 107. , . Overwe ghts Heroics. 2 ponnds; Kings Highway. 1; Miss B Lynab. 11; Mies T. btanton, 1. Kings Highway, place, 6 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Tenole, place, evens: show, I to 2. Afamada, show, 1 to 3. 1 A A O Q FOURTH RACE bort Course. Purse 00. 5 to second 5 5 to third. I 4x:i:t7 0 4-j ear-olds and upward. Handicap. Steeplechase-. Ind Horses A Wt St 1 4 7 11 StrFin Jockeys OwnerB O H L C 14403 THREE FKS 8 152 5 5 43 5 23 221 11 G Wilson E W Porser 8 6 41 5 14451 GYPCEIVER 4 145 2 23 311 3U 1 IU 221 Huest n Tfomis Oarey 3 4 3 4 144512MARI-LE 8 129 U 1" 11 415 43 3H T Meagher J Mengher 4 4 3 3 144513NECEDAH 7 1?0 4" 31 5 2" 3 3 46 E. gerson D A Jones 12 12 8 10 1445DLOL. BTLT4 150 3a 42 23 12j 48 5 5 F Doane EdCorrigan 6-5 8-5 6-5 8-5 Time, 3:121. Winner B. g, by S? okane Trifle. , Off at rho firtt brpalr to a good start. Won driving and out to tbe last ounce. Ibr-e fcorks was rouehly riddpn by G Wils- n througbont Tbe horse was good and came with a rusu on the flat When he pass d Gypcpiver th rair collid d. This mae the latter swerve and he oropned directly in behind Throe Forks Fe was so closo unon Three Foks that he jimped on th latter ar d just at the ire be Ml Marble rau a good race and so did Ncdah. Colocel Bjtrtlett did not show as muh fpeod as he did in hh last race and ran far bflow the notch. Previous to takirg tho tenth jnmp Colonel BariMt sumbled He, however, was beaten at that tim. Throt Forks, pis ce, 2 to 1 ; fhow, 7 to 10. Gypceivor, plsce, ovens ; show, 1 to 2. Marble, show, 2 to 5. Coknel B-rtlett, placp. 3 to 5; bhow. out. 1 a a r A FIFTH RACE 1 Mile anil 70 Tards. Purse 00. 5 to seeond; 5 to JL 4t 4t:g: third. 3-yoar-olaB tnd upward. Allowances. fnd Horacs A Wt 8t jj Y, A StrFin Jockeys OwnerR O H L C 143853JOLLY ROGER 3 98 1 32 41 3 21 li T "urns J A Vettr 2 3 21 3 142332JtHN B KER 5 103 41 221 221 22 IU 22 L Rose J D McMillan 3 5 3 5 13812 HARD KNOT 3 93 7 5 f 5i 41 3h Bansch E Lanigan 12 12 10 12 1442031 nERRY LEAF 5 103 5 611 621 66 3 4H Vititoe Tomlinson and Co 4 4 2t 3 14403 MA Y 5 103 2 4 3b 41 61 5 Nntt MnnkinsandCo 5 5 3 3 144212KUNJA 3 92 8b H Ib 1b 5r 66 Dugan J Desha 20 20 20 20 14435 HUBEL 3 90 6 7 7 7 7 7 Mi-chall L J Haas 50 60 50 60 Time. 24i, 0. 1:02, 1:151, 1:41, 1:441. WTinner B. c, by Order Hapi-y Sallj II. Post 5 minutes. S ait good Won cleverly; the next three were under pressure. Jolly Rrgor was b-st ridden and ran a fine rce. 8eominsly this olt usver sulks under a competent rider. John B ker showed a It. of speed and bung on gmnely nndr procure at tho end. Poorly ridden Hrd Knot din well. Porliaps the track as not to Cherry Leafs liking. At any rate he rot an esy ride and did not run bis best race Macy looked cood and warmed up like a wild hor but ran ifappomtnsly. Kur jp enn win wh n placed right. Scratched 143r6 Sea Lion. 95; l44352Qold Fox. G7. Overweights Jolly Rogf-r. 1 pound. , . Jolly Roger pl-C", 6 to a: show. 1 to 2. John Baker, place, 2 to 1; show, 4 1 to 5. ? it Hard .3 v Knot, show.2tol. Cberiy Leaf, place, 6 to 5; fhow. 1 to 2. Macy, place. 7 to 5; shoiv. 3 toj. 1 A A O Pv SIXTH RACE 1 iVIile. Pnr69 00. 75 to second; 5 to third. 3-year-olde " i4jbtt0 and upward. Selling. r-d Horses A Wt 8t Y, V. Str Fin Jockoye Owners O H I. O 14471 KING BERMUDA4 101 71 7131 12 11 11 Vitiioe J R Hand 10 10 10 10 144533JAI KANAPE8 4 107 5" 52 5 2321 21 T Burns J V Schorr and Son2i 3 21 144502TAPPAN 5 104 2h 6" 61 4 31 32 Mitchell JH Smith 3 3 3 3 14352 EINSTEIN 4 114 1 41 4 51 52 42 Bamnger Earnchiw Bros 12 15 12 10 14453 MARY KKSELLA4 104 6 32 21 31 41 53 Bnllman W P Maerane 8 8 5 5 14150 LILLIAN REED 3 97 9" 92 7" 7b 61 61 Boland Charles OConnor 15 20 15 20 14434 TONY HONING 5 102 81 8U 96 81 8J 7H Dn?an PMCmll 20 50 20 50 11S910 CUIRASSIER 3 92 31 2 8W 92 91 81 T Knight KfeneandRjan 12 15 12 12 143343-tfMON D. 4 108 10 10 10 10 10 92 J Mitbews Dmsley and Co 24 6 2 0 14208 AR. MC KNIGHT 3 97 4a 1 1" 61 710 Robertson John Call 40 100 40 100 Time, 25, fCl, 1:03, 1:16, 1:42. Winner Br. g, by Barmnds Queen Isabelln. . . Post 6 minutes. Start good. Won hand ridden; second and third ware driving. Kin? Hat-muda arr so from tbe dead md ran a surprising race He showed no speed at all in his race Friday but today he was full of it. Jackanapes ren abont his usual race. He is a bad horse, at hie best. Tnppan fhonld hsvo won as the race was run. Mitchell seemed to gat into every pockot availfble and rode a bad rac9 Einstein i? ready and will win soon. Ovin? to K.ing Bermudas in and ont running the jucgeB have suspended the stable of J. R. Hand pendln? an investigation. Scratched 13904 Forensic, 92 Porre cied vreigbts Kinstfin, 104. King B-imnda, place, 4tol; show, 2 to 1. Jackanapes, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to i rp, Aappap. sbow, 1 to 2. .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899091001/drf1899091001_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1899091001_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800