untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-09-10


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CHICAGO JOCKEY CLUB . , HAWTHORNE RACETRACK SEPT. 4th TO SEPT. x6th, 1899. Five or More Races Daily Beginning at 2:15 P. M. ADHISSION 75 CENTS. MUSIC BY CICERO MILITARY BAND. SPECTATj race traiks to track in twenty-fite mdtutes. Illinois Central Trains leave depot at foot of Randolph street at :45 a.m., 12:30, 1:00, 1:20 and :50 p.m., stopping at Van Buren street, Park Row, Halsted street a a-1 at .lad ivenua, recariia it 4:34 p. a. ial i n asiiatelv after the rases. not stop at A.saland avenue. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Trains leave Union dqpot at 12:15, 1:05, 1:35 and 2:10 p.m., stopping at Sixteenth street, Blue Island avenue and Western avenaa returning immediately after the races. Special Twelfth street electric cars leave 8tate and Van Buren streets at 12:25, 12-35, 12:45, 12:55, 1:05 and 1:15 p.m., stopping only at Canal street, Halsted street -jhlaad avenue aad Dlan iveaus. direct to track la 40 miautes. The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated, Madison street cable, Ogden avenue, Twelfth street and Twenty -second street surface lines connect with electric cart on S"3rfct-iatb. ivaatia. to iai j n n j-cr j avi v zviiva niausds laria che afternoon on racing days. Express trains on Metropolitan Elevated leaving Pacific Ave. at 12:59, 1:11 and 1:23 p.m., stop at all stations on the loop and at Franklin street, Halsted street and Harshfleld avenue, reaching the racetrack in 23 minutes from Franklin street. UftntES FftQM ST LOUIS THE WABASH Barney Scbbesberis mopsl zandRandt THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD, FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET-SLANDSR. $ Ithnris,. .... I Tonohitoae, by Cemsii ? a fLtaanbon- ? Verbena, by Velocipad a 2 aire ol Feu d 3ola, tlllst Bov?6. ........ ......j Catton, by Golnmpus. SfR Tranbyn dam by Oirtil. a a S Pantaloon............... jOaatroLby Btusxard. g D o LI.:-erd5mtlir, Csarrritah. ? Idalla, by Perorfan. 2 -s i Decoy ......... Filho-da-Pata.by Hphixx J f FinesBa. by PsruTiau. K f 5 g Melbourne. ........ j Humphrey Clinker.byGKB. M i g fReaS AmiraiUu Cerrantea1 mare. Q m Derby and St, L38r .. Moxcrina,. .............. Tonchatono, by Carnal, H 2 X Emma, by Whisker. 3 a aj j Camel .. .. Whalebone, by Waxy, a "S iBsswa Ban..... ............ A BoUmmare. O " bS I Daughter ol. .... .. 8ratsniiorf , by Biasilosk. to WCS f Mrs.OrlokahnkB.byWibi - Cantesc ..... J Waxy Pope, by Waxy, W fCandivadandr draper isJ?,..... ,.i CaBtania. by Gfohanna, - m j Hambletonla .. .. ! Sfcamford.byPlonipiestlaij W 4 i Hannoaiea1byHmblstft w f 1 Troa Imported........ ; Priam, by Emiliui. . y 3 tCaacfeafira. c ...... ........ ? Ally, by Partisan. O J a I Alloa Grey . Bona Emigrant by Pioasei a m ! Snlnaro,by TonnjSohSREt S iJ f The Colonel .. i Whisker, by Wesy. S5 fCsp.R.pij Imported.... 2 J Delpini mare. 3 IS 1 Bister to Caatau ; Bnltsn, by SaUm. I j ; Dnobesa ol York, fey Wis? g M l Dover Toaohskma. LBU3caua. . i i.rboBa. g I Sophia, . .... Bkilhlnda. 4 1 fialtifi Brai, ImsotssS.. BARNEY SCI1 REIBER.J BIPQtETONMlL. The California Jockey Club.,,. Gives Turfmen Notice that its Meeting for the Season of 1899-1900 will begin at the Oakland Racetrack, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, Saturday, Sept. 23, 1899 And cantitius without intermission until further notice. Many valuable Stake Events will be offered, the terms of which will be announced shortly. Address All Communications To Tios. H. Williams, Jr., Prest. R. B. Milroy, Secy.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899091001/drf1899091001_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1899091001_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800